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Monday, December 10, 2012

Training - Incline Press

9 December 2012

Incline bench press 225 lbs. x 4 sets x 6

Seated low pulley rows 3 sets x 10

Did these as follows: grab cable handles - perform a scapular shrug - hold the shrugged position - row. Used less than half my usual weight and totally smoked my mid-back.

Standing BTN overhead press 125 lbs. x 12, 120 lbs. x 12, x 10

Chest-supported seated rows - same here, went light for 3 x 10-12, going for the squeeze in the mid-back area

DB skullcrushers 3 x 10 (60 lbs.)

Barbell curls 4 x AMAP with strict form and light weight

Incline bench seated DB curls 3 x AMAP, as above

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