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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Training - Skwat

11 December 2012

Back squat:

135x5 - 225x3 - 255x3 - 280x5 - 315x5 - 385x5 - 435x5 (all high-bar, close-stance)

Then 465x5, 485x5, 485x4 all regular stance with belt

Leg press: 10 reps with 5 - 6 - 7 plates +10 lbs.

Glute-ham raise 3 sets x 8

Weighted incline board situps 5 sets

Tried some front squats in the Smith machine (very light). They felt pretty good and I was able to maintain a straight posture and squat completely ATG, but my knees feel a bit off today.

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