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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

At the End of 2011

2011 was an eventful year on all levels, from personal to professional to lifting. I did not make huge progress in poundages lifted but I did gain a bit of ground while dropping about 8-10 lbs. compared to my average weight in 2010.

Training was turbulent and I suffered several painful lower back injuries which held me back on the squat and stopped all deadlift progress. It took me a month or so to rebuild my squat from sets of five with just the bar to "heavy" sets with two plates per side, and during this period I did no deadlifting. I managed to build back to consistently pulling in the low 400s, which is shitty when compared to my goal for 2011 (to pull over 500) but still better than the painful triples with 135 that I was reduced to for a while.

The final numbers achieved in 2011 are as follows:


2010 Best: 475 lbs. at cca. 207 lbs. (bodyweight from memory)
2011 Best: 480 lbs. at cca. 198 lbs.
Increase: 5 lbs., but definitely stronger at a much lower BW. I am happy with the squat improvement.

Bench Press

2010 Best: 352 lbs. at cca. 207 lbs.
2011 Best: 360 lbs. at cca. 198 lbs.
Increase: 8 lbs. Could have been better, but I'll definitely take it.


2010 Best: 455 lbs. at cca. 208 lbs.
2011 Best: 445 lbs. at cca. 200 lbs.
Increase: -10 lbs., i.e. a decrease. I was probably good for a 460-470 pull before the really bad injury, as my deadlift for reps was never stronger. Poor performance - will have to double the DL efforts in 2012.

Overhead Press

2010 Best: 225 lbs. at cca. 210 lbs.
2011 Best: 235 lbs. at cca. 198 lbs.
Increase: 10 lbs. Did not push the OH press as hard as the bench press, but saw better improvement than on the bench. Pretty good.

Goals for 2012:

Squat 500 lbs. - I think this is realistic and I should hit it after a few cycles of heavy singles.
Bench press consistently in the upper 300s. 400 is still a long way off, but who knows...
Deadlift 500 lbs. - an ambitious goal, but I think I can hit it with some specialized pull work.
Overhead press 250 lbs. - focus more on overhead pressing and do less benching.

Bodyweight could comfortably move to 220, I think it'd do me good and I'll still be pretty lean. At 5'11" and 198 lbs. I don't look or feel heavy enough for really big lifts.

Happy Holidays and here is to good lifting and no injuries in 2012!

Bench Press Training - Heavy

21 December 2011

Trained today with a sizeable hangover and on only 5 hours of sleep. Bench pressing started slow, then picked up and I ended up pressing 10 lbs. below my personal best. I guess the chain bench pressing paid off. I was also trying to go as heavy as possible as I'm going away for the holidays and will not be near a gym. Overall a pleasant surprise.

Bench press:

Warmup x a few sets
290 lbs. x 4 reps, x 3 reps x 2 sets
305 lbs. x 1 (went up like it wasn't there)
325 lbs. x 1 (also felt only moderately heavy)
340 lbs. x 1 (good)
350 lbs. x 1 (looked ugly as shit but I nailed it)

Pullups 5x5

Seated cable rows 3 sets

Two-DB hammer curls 3 sets

Machine preacher curls 5-6 sets of 5-8 reps

Monday, December 19, 2011

Squat Training - New PR

19 December 2011

Went for the 480 and got it, but it felt so heavy that I didn't dare try 500. Oh well. Next year.


Warmup x a bunch of sets, from bar x 8 to 275 lbs. x 2
335 lbs. x 2
365 lbs. x 2
405 lbs. x 2 (belt+wraps)
455 lbs. x 1 (B+W)
480 lbs. x 1 (B+W) - 5 lb. all-time PR

This is also a "bodyweight PR" - I squatted 475 lbs. last year at a BWslightly under 210 lbs. Today's BW (morning) - 197.8 lbs.

440 lbs. x 1
Tried a few more light sets, but was so beat that I had to stop.

Leg press: 4 pps x 5, 5 pps x 5, 6 pps x 5, 6 pps + 25s x 4 reps

Incline ab board situps, weighted and unweighted - 4 sets total

Glute-ham raise x 2 sets

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Bench Press Training

17 December 2011

Bench Press:

Warmup x a few sets
280 lbs. x 5 reps x 3 sets (ground them out, but pretty stoked)
250 lbs. + big chains x 1
265 lbs. + big chains x 1

Pullups 3 sets x 5

Seated behind-the-neck press 135 lbs. x 5, 155 lbs. x 3, 175 lbs. x 2, 135 lbs. x 5

Seated rows x 3 sets

Two-DB hammer curls 3 sets

EZ bar preacher curls x 3 sets

Bottoms-up double KB presses 4 sets

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Light Squats + Heavy(ish) Deadlifts

15 December 2011

Wanted to hit some light squats and light pulls, felt tired like hell but the deadlifts felt good so I went a bit heavier.

Squat - worked up to 305 lbs. x 1 over 6-7 sets


340 lbs. x 2
360 lbs. x 2
370 lbs. x 2 - instead of stopping here did
420 lbs. x 1
435 lbs. x 1

Also did some standing crunches with a heavy band. Felt good.

Bench Press Training

13 December 2011

Bench press:

Warmup x a bunch of sets
280 lbs. x 5, x 4, x 3
245 lbs. + big chains x 2
265 lbs. + big chains x 1

Pullups 3 sets x 5

Seated rows x 4-5 sets

Standing overhead press - worked up to a tough 205 lbs. x 1. Lost some strength here.

Two-DB hammer curls x 3 sets

EZ bar preacher curls x 3 sets

Monday, December 12, 2011

Squat Training - Week 2 of 3-Week Cycle

12 December 2011

Final week of heavy squatting before I max out next week. I will take another (light) training session later in the week and test my 1RM either Monday or Tuesday. Will be aiming for 480, so planning to go 405x2 - 455 - 480, maybe give 500 a shot if the 480 feels okay.

Back squat:

Warmup x a bunch of sets
315 lbs. x 2
335 lbs. x 2
380 lbs. x 2
435 lbs. x 1
460 lbs. x 1
405 lbs. x 5 (no belt)

Paused squat 360 lbs. x 3

Shrugs (really wanted to do these but didn't know where to put 'em):

135 lbs. x 10
225 lbs. x 10
315 lbs. x 10
365 lbs. x 10 (straps)
415 lbs. x 8 (straps)
225 lbs. x 10

Hanging leg raises x 2 sets

Hack squats x 3 sets

Glute-ham raise (BW) x 2 sets

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Bench Press Training - More 3x5

10 December 2011

Continued to move the weight up on the 3x5 and am still hitting the reps. Today's session turned out to be more high-volume than planned. I managed to squeeze a lot of work into around 90 minutes.

Bench Press:

Warmup x a few sets
270 lbs. x 3 sets x 5
275 lbs. + big chains x fail (didn't even come close to pressing it - nasty surprise)
245 lbs. + big chains x 1 (barely)
265 lbs. + big chains x 1 (almost missed again)

Pullups/chinups 5x5

Bent-over rows x 5 medium-light sets

Seated HammerStrength rows x 4 sets, worked up to 3 plates per side x 8

Seated behind-the-neck press 135x3, 155x3, 175x2, 190x2, 200xfail, 135x5

Two-DB hammer curls 3 sets

Weighted dips x 3 sets (none very heavy)

EZ bar preacher curls x 3 sets

BW this morning - 197 lbs... dammit... can't seem to get it moving upward.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Squat Training - Week 1 of 3-Week Cycle, Day 2

8 December 2011

Back squat:

Warmup x several sets
305 lbs. x 1
335 lbs. x 2
370 lbs. x 2
425 lbs. x 1
450 lbs. x 1

Deadlift - light:

335 lbs. x 2
345 lbs. x 2
355 lbs. x 2

Deadlift starts (pull only to knees) 315 lbs. x 5 reps, x 2 reps

Hanging leg raise 2 sets

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bench Training

6 December 2011

Continued with the sets of five, felt nice and strong.

Bench press:

Warmup x a few sets
225 lbs. x 3
260 lbs. x 5 x 3 sets
260 lbs. + big chains x 1 (easy)
275 lbs. + big chains x 1 (pretty easy)

Pullups/chinups 5x5

Two-DB hammer curl x 3 sets

EZ bar preacher curl x 3 sets

Hanging leg raise (full ROM) x 2 sets x 8

Squat Training - Week 1 of 3-Week Cycle, Day 1

5 December 2011

Finally got round to doing some heavy squats, felt pretty good. I haven't given up on the 480 lbs. x 1 before the end of the year just yet.

Warmup x a bunch of sets from 5 to 2 reps
300 lbs. x 1
335 lbs. x 2
370 lbs. x 2
425 lbs. x 1
450 lbs. x 1 (good)
420 lbs. x 3
430 lbs. x 2
440 lbs. x 1
430 lbs. x 2
420 lbs. x 3

Paused squats 350 lbs. x 4 (3 reps with long pause, one barely paused, fifth one was impossible)

Hack squats x 2 sets

Incline ab board situps, no weight x 2 sets

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Mixed Push / Pull Session

3 December 2011

Hit some bench presses and deadlifts today, felt a lot better. Deadlifted heavy for the first time since my multiple back injuries, including the back tweak from Thursday, and was pleasantly surprised.

Bench press - light:

Warmup x a few sets
250 lbs. x 3 sets x 5
250 lbs. + big chains x 2 (big chains weigh 45, but add something like 30 lbs. apiece, total of 60 lbs.)
260 lbs. + big chains x 1 (nice and easy single)

Pullups 5x5

Bent-over rows 135x8, 185x6, 205x5, 235x5


Warmup x a few sets, some conventional, some sumo
335 lbs. x 2 sumo, x 1 conventional (all double overhand to train the grip)
355 lbs. x 1 sumo (double OH), x 1 conventional (mixed)
385 lbs. x 1 sumo
405 lbs. x 1 sumo
415 lbs. x 1 sumo
435 lbs. x 1 sumo (felt good, so I kept adding)
465 lbs. x fail x 2

465 lbs. would have been an all-time PR, which would've been a huge surprise. Considering the state my back is in, even 435 was a big surprise. Either my lower back is getting strong from all the squatting, or sumo pulls are worthless as an exercise.

Some arm work:

Hammer curls x 3 sets
Olympic bar skullcrushers x 3 sets
EZ bar preacher curls x 3 sets

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Coming Back - Light Session

1 December 2011

First session back from my trip. Jetlagged as hell - 12 time zones in 1 day tends to be stressful on the body. So I didn't exactly push myself today. Squats felt terrible (a good 80-90 lbs. heavier than they were), bench press was okay. Not bad all things considered, although I sprained my back (yet again) racking the bar on squats and now it hurts a bit. The whole setup felt wrong - my quads were the first thing to go, which almost never happens, it's always the hamstrings and hips that get tired first. Right knee feels weird too. I guess flying 45 hrs. coach in a week doesn't do much good for the back and knees either.

Squat: warmup, 300 lbs. x 1, 315 lbs. x 5, 365 lbs. x 3 (toughest triple I've ever done, sprained my back slightly here so I decided to quit)

Bench press: hit a few warmup sets, then 255 lbs. x 2 x 3 sets and a light single with 265 lbs. All felt nice and easy.

Pullups/chinups 4 sets x 5

That was it.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Bench Press Training

19 November 2011

Bench press, medium-heavy:

Bunch of doubles to 205 lbs.
225 lbs. x 1, 235 lbx. 1, 250 lbs. x 1, 255 lbs. x 1, 270 lbs. x 1, 280 lbs. x 1

Pullups 5x5

Incline bench DB flyes 1 set x 10

Dips 2 x 12

EZ bar preacher curls 3 sets x 5-8

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Light Deadlift + Heavy Overhead Press

17 November 2011

Warmed up with some light safety bar squats - two fives and two triples. By light I mean light, like 205 lbs. for the triples.

Deadlift - light fast pulls:

Warmup 3 sets x progressively heavier doubles

345 lbs. x 3 sets x 2 (1 conventional, 2 sumo)

Seated behind-the-neck press:

Warmup - fives, then triples
155 lbs. x 3
165 lbs. x 3
175 lbs. x 3
185 lbs. x 2
195 lbs. x 1

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Squat and Bench Press Training Day 2

16 November 2011

Back squat:

Warmup x a few sets
275 lbs. x 1
295 lbs. x 1
305 lbs. x 1
370 lbs. x 2
415 lbs. x 1
440 lbs. x 1
340 lbs. x 8 (wanted to max out on reps)

Squat shrugs 340 lbs. x 10 (bar high on traps, move it up and down through shoulder girdle action only)

Bench press:

Progressively heavier triples x 6 sets (still light, top weight was 215 lbs.)
235 lbs. x 3
245 lbs. x 3
255 lbs. x 3 (all paused)

Pullups 3x5 reps

Seated rows x 3 sets, medium weight, 8-10 reps, last set followed by row shrugs x 10

Dip shrugs x 2 sets

Hammer curls x 3 sets

Situps x 2 sets on incline ab board

Monday, November 14, 2011

Squat and Bench Press Training

14 November 2011

I'll be away on business over the next week and a half, so I decided to go into slight overtraining before I leave. Lower body only - I will be bringing my cables on the trip and working the hell out of the upper body. I'll also be spending more time on practising perfect, paused bench press form with light weights several times per week (if I find a gym on the road, even more so). This will hopefully help my right shoulder heal faster.


Warmup x a bunch of sets
285 lbs. x 1
295 lbs. x 1
370 lbs. x 2 (belt + wraps)
415 lbs. x 1 (b+w)
440 lbs. x 1 (b+w)
340 lbs. x 5 (supposed to pause these, but too tired)

Bench press: hit a bunch of triples focusing hard on perfect body positioning. It's pretty hard - even with light weights you have to contort your body and hold the pose in order to have the bar descend correctly. Finished off with 225 lbs. x 5 sets x 3.

Pullups 5x5

Seated HammerStrength rows 3 sets x 6-7, kinda heavy

Dips x 15, x 12

DB flyes on slightly inclined bench, 1 set x 11 (wanted to hit 20 reps but my rotator cuff was complaining) with a pair of 50s

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Bench Press and Pull Day

12 November 2011

Shoulder (rotator cuff) was giving me trouble, so I decided to do some light high-rep benching. This made me remember how much I suck at high-rep benching.

Bench press:

Warmup x a few sets
235 lbs. x 10 (this felt incredibly light, could have gotten 15)
255 lbs. x 5 (this, on the other hand, felt like 300 on the bar... and the 5th rep was almost failure)
275 lbs. x 2 (no comment...)
235 lbs. x 5


Warmup x a bunch of sets
355 lbs. x 1 sumo, 1 conventional
375 lbs. x 1 sumo
400 lbs. x 1 sumo - nice and easy pull, no back pain

Bent-over barbell row: 205 lbs. x 3 sets x 5, under 30s rest in between

Seated HammerStrength row 3 sets x 8 reps plus some scapular shrugs at end of each set

Pullups 5x5

Arm supersets:

Two DB hammer curl + tricep pushdown 3 sets
EZ bar preacher curl + bench dips 3 sets
Oly bar curl + Oly bar skullcrusher 3 sets

Squat Training - Week 3 of 4-Week Cycle

10 November 2011
Another shit day, nothing special to report.
Back squat:
Warmup x bunch of sets including some light singles
360 lbs. x 1
405 lbs. x 1
430 lbs. x 1
380 lbs. x 3
390 lbs. x 2
400 lbs. x 2
410 lbs. x 2
420 lbs. x 1
Squat shrugs (bar on back, shrug up & down using scapular muscles only) 315 lbs. x 12, 225 lbs. x 12
Leg press 4 plates x 5, 5 plates x 5, 6 plates x 5
Called it a day.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Press Training

8 November 2011

Shity session, tired and unfocused for some reason.

Overhead press from rack:

Warmup x a bunch of sets
195 lbs. x 2
205 lbs. x 2
215 lbs. x 1
230 lbs. x 2 x fail
205 lbs. x 1
155 lbs. x 2

Two-DB overhead press 65 lbs. x 5

Pullups on bar / rings 5x5

Close-grip bench press with chains - worked up to 255 lbs. + big chains x 1

Seated HammerStrength row 4-5 sets

Bodyweight dips 2 sets x 15

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Misc Leg Work and Conditioning

6 November 2011

Totally random training day, some leg exercises and some conditioning work tacked on.

Safety bar squats (right shoulder was in agony this morning - got to sort that out soon):

Bar x 5
155 lbs. x 5
205 lbs. x 5
245 lbs. x 3
265 lbs. x 3
295 lbs. x 3
315 lbs. x 2
295 lbs. x 1
245 lbs. x 5

Deadlift: sumo stance 335 lbs. x 2 sets x 2, conventional 1 set x 2

One-arm KB swings 5 sets x 20 (10 per arm)

Farmer's walk 5 sets x 40 meters

Repetition barbell power cleans, light 4 sets x 10

Finished off with some planks and even some cardio work.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Bench Press Training

5 November 2011

Bench press:

Warmup x bunch of sets
225 lbs. x 5
245 lbs. x 2
275 lbs. x 3
295 lbs. x 1
310 lbs. x 1
320 lbs. x 1 (didn't feel like I had more in me and wanted to avoid stressing the shoulder)

285 lbs. x 2, x 1 (too beat up to continue)

Close grip bench press 225 lbs. + light chains x 2 sets x 5

Overhead press - worked up to 205 lbs. x 1

Seated HammerStrength rows 2 plates + 25s + 10s x 4 sets x 8

Arm supersets:

Hammer curls + tricep pushdowns 3 sets
One-arm preacher machine curls + triceps dips off bench 3 sets
Straight-bar curls + skullcrushers 3 sets

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Extra Leg Day

3 November 2011

Still tired and a bit sore from the squatting on Tuesday. Wanted to press, but my right shoulder / scapular muscles are in a world of pain. I blame the combo of low-bar squatting and bottom-position bench presses. Looks like I'll have to give one up - bottom-position benches will be the ones to go for now. No use destroying my shoulders.

Due to the pain I used a safety squat bar to take stress off my shoulders and wrists. I will immediately say this is probably the hardest leg exercise I've ever done. A squat with a SSB is nothing like a normal squat: much more leg involvement, less stress on the back. A mere 3 plates (335 lbs., as the bar weighs 65 lbs, not 45) for singles was the best I could do.

Safety squat bar squats to a box above parallel:

155 lbs. x 5
205 lbs. x 3
245 lbs. x 3
265 lbs. x 3
295 lbs. x 2
315 lbs. x 2
335 lbs. x 5 singles

Sumo deadlift - technique practice:

330 lbs. x 3 sets x 2 for speed and technique

Incline ab board situps with weight behind head 3 sets

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Squat Training - Week 2 of New 4-Week Cycle

1 November 2011

Back squat:

Warmup x bunch of sets
225 lbs. x 5
265 lbs. x 4
350 lbs. x 1
395 lbs. x 1
430 lbs. x 1
370 lbs. x 5
380 lbs. x 3
390 lbs. x 3
400 lbs. x 2
410 lbs. x 1

Paused squat 320 lbs. x 5

Leg press 3 plates x 8, 4 plates x 5, 5 plates x 5, 6 plates x 5, 6 plates +25s x 5

Calf raise 3 sets

Monday, October 31, 2011

Overhead Press and Bench Assistance

31 October 2011

Overhead press from rack:

Warmup - fives, triples, doubles
195 lbs. x 1
205 lbs. x 1
215 lbs. x 1
230 lbs. x 1 (nice)
240 lbs. x fail (not just fail... got owned)

Back-off exercise (sort of): two-DB overhead press w. 75s x 4 reps

Pullups/chinups 6 sets x 5

Close-grip bench press with chains:

185 lbs. + chain x 3
225 lbs. + chain x 3
235 lbs. + chain x 2
245 lbs. + chain x 3
255 lbs. + chain x 2

Used a heavier chain than the other time I did this exercise. Got to ask somebody on the gym staff about the weight of the various chains.

Bottom-position bench press - worked up to 270 lbs. x 1 and that was about it.

Arm supersets with slow eccentrics:

Hammer curls 3 sets x 5-6
Tricep pushdowns 3 sets x 5-7
Preacher curls 3 sets x 5
Machine tricep dips 3 sets x 5-8
Olympic bar bicep curl 2 sets x 5
Olympic bar skullcrusher 2 sets x 6-8

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Bench Press Training - Week 5

29 October 2011

Bench press:

Warmup x bunch of sets
225 lbs. x 5
270 lbs. x 3
290 lbs. x 1
305 lbs. x 1
320 lbs. x 1 (this felt a good 50 lbs. heavier than it should have felt)
295 lbs. x 2 sets x 2 (second set was almost a failure, so I lowered the weight)
275 lbs. x 2 x 2 (easy)

Paused bench press - tried 245 lbs., got two reps and almost died.

Pullups/chinups 4 sets x 5, 1 set x 3 (had to hurry through these with little rest)

Arm superset workout w. 3-second eccentrics:

Tricep pushdowns 3 sets x 6-7
Hammer curls 3 sets x 5-6
Seated dip machine 3 sets x 5-8
Preacher curls 3 sets x 5-6

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Overhead Press Day

27 October 2011

Overhead press from rack:

Warmup - triples, doubles, singles
185 lbs. x 2
205 lbs. x 2
215 lbs. x 1
225 lbs. x 1
235 lbs. x fail x 2

Two-DB press 65 lbs. x 5, 70 lbs. x 5

Overhead press is not progressing, still can't match or beat my PR of 235 lbs. I've been focusing on the bench for a while now and was not expecting it to progress much. I just do a bunch of random singles whenever I think/feel about it. The good news is that 225 lbs. is easy now, I can get it any time. I just need to move that "light weight" threshold to 230, then onward and upward.

Pullups/chinups 8 sets x 5 - very weird scapular pain (right side) when doing pullups

Double KB clean and bottoms-up press 4-5 sets, light to heavy weight ('heavy' being 35 lbs.)

One-arm KB dead stop snatches (from floor to overhead) 4 sets, up to 53 lbs. for triples

Incline ab board situps, weighted, heavy, 3 sets

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Squat Training - Week 1, Day 1 of 4-Week Cycle

26 October 2011

I realized I have seven weeks of training left in 2011 before I leave for holiday. This is enough to run one four-week cycle and one three-week cycle for the squat and hopefully hit a max in the seventh week.

I have taken 480 lbs. as the goal to finish 2011 on a semi-high note. My PB (set last year) is 475 lbs. (215 kgs). I have had a few setbacks in the meantime, but training has been going well lately and I think I can still finish 2011 higher than 2010. I have already improved my bench press by 8 lbs. and my press by 10, so a 5-lb. gain on the squat would round it out nicely.

I have given up all hope for the deadlift (current PB 455 lbs.), what with recurring back injures and all. 500 will have to wait until 2012.

Back squat:

115 lbs. x 10
135 lbs. x 3
225 lbs. x 6
260 lbs. x 4
340 lbs. x 1
385 lbs. x 1
410 lbs. x 1
360 lbs. x 5
370 lbs. x 3
380 lbs. x 3
390 lbs. x 2
400 lbs. x 1

Instead of doing asisstance work, I practiced sumo deadlifts. These went well - worked up to a single with 395 lbs. and did not feel any undue back strain or pain. Great considering that last week I wrenched my back pulling 330. Maybe this is the way to go.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Misc Pressing Day

25 October 2011

Bottom position bench press:

135 lbs. x 8
185 lbs. x 3
245 lbs. x 3
265 lbs. x 3 x 5 sets

Mid-position bench press (above sticking point):

275 lbs. x 1, 315 lbs. x 1, 335 lbs. x 1, 355 lbs. x 1, 375 lbs. x fail

HammerStrength Seated Row:

2 plates x 8
2 plates + 25s x 8
3 plates + 5s x 5 x 3 sets

Pullups 3 sets x 5

Two-DB press 65s x 5, 70s x 4

Seated behind-the-neck overhead press:

135 lbs. x 5, 155 lbs. x 3, 175 lbs. x 2, 185 lbs. x 2, 195 lbs. x 1

Then did a quick bodybuilding-style arm workout, emphasizing the negative portion of the lift and super-setting bicep and tricep exercises whenever possible:

Two-DB hammer curls 3 sets x 5-7
Tricep rope pushdowns 3 sets x 5-8
EZ bar preacher curl 3 sets x 5-6
Seated tricep dip machine 3 sets x 5-8
Standing Olympic bar bicep curl 3 sets x 5
Olympic bar skullcrushers 3 sets x 5 (last set only 3)

The 3-second or longer eccentric really pumps the arms up nicely.

Incline ab board situps, unweighted, 2 sets

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Squat Training - Improv Day

23 October 2011

Did some back squats to make sure my back was okay. There was a bit of pain when I unracked the bar, but otherwise it went well. I was tempted to do some deadlifting and tried some light pulls, but didn't want to test my luck.

Warmup - bunch of sets with the bar, weights up to 225 lbs.
300 lbs. x 3
335 lbs. x 2
370 lbs. x 2
425 lbs. x 1
450 lbs. x 1

Leg press - worked in 5-rep sets up to 7 plates per side x 5

Some misc pullups, and that was it. Foam rolled the back, found a few really painful spots.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Bench Press Training - Week 4

22 October 2011

Bench press:

Warmup x a bunch of sets
225 lbs. x 3
265 lbs. x 3
285 lbs. x 1
300 lbs. x 1
315 lbs. x 1

290 lbs. x 4 sets x 2 (tough)

Paused BP 245 lbs. x 4

Close-grip BP with chains 225 lbs. + chains x 2 sets x 4

Added some light to medium overhead pressing:

Two-DB clean&presses 60 lbs. x 5, 65 lbs. x 5, 70 lbs. x 5

Tricep pushdowns 3 sets

Then I tried to squeeze in some light deadlifts - and disaster (almost) struck. I warmed up with some fast pulling and loaded the bar to 330 lbs., which I was planning to do 3x3 quick pulls with.

The first rep of the very first set came up explosively; the second one was just as fast, but I felt a sharp spasm of pain on the right side of my lower back. It probably has something to do with me swinging kettlebells with bad form like a complete dumbass a few days ago.

The pain has since subsided some, and I hope it's not going to be serious like the last time I jacked up my back. But yes, this is pretty disappointing. I need to see a sports doctor - my lower back has always been strong and injury-free, and tweaking it twice in the past few months is surely not a good sign. I was right on track for a big squat by the end of the year, possibly a PR. Now it's all up in the air.

Brief Upper Back Session

21 October 2011

Had only about 25 minutes to train, so:

HammerStrength seated row:

1 plate per side x 10
1 plate and 25 lbs. per side x 8
2 plates x 8
2 plates + 25s x 8
3 plates x 6
3 plates + 10 x 4-5 sets of 3-6 reps

Pullups 2 sets x 8, 1 set x 6

EZ bar bicep curls 4 sets

Squat Training - Week 3 of 3-Week Cycle

19 October 2011

Back squat:

Bunch of sets to warm up - from just the bar to 185 lbs.
225 lbs. x 6
300 lbs. x 4
370 lbs. x 2
425 lbs. x 1
450 lbs. x 1 (target weight)

I was supposed to max out after the target weight, but didn't feel particularly strong today so:

460 lbs. x 1
405 lbs. x 3 (no belt or wraps)

Paused squat 315 lbs. x 5 (took a lot of weight of and made the pauses count)

Moderate OH pressing - up to 205 lbs. x 1

KB swings 4 sets (went a bit too heavy on the last one, lost my footing and tweaked my back a bit)

Incline ab board weighted situps 4-5 sets

HammerStrength hack squat 3 sets (last one 2 plates x 5)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Miscellaneous Pressing

17 October 2011

I had to move the first pressing session of this week to Monday due to time constraints later in the week. This made it my fourth training day in a row, with the upper body still sore from the bench press session on Saturday. As a result today's numbers were low - a nice 80% session, but nothing special.

On a more positive note, I had to wait for the power rack to free up and started doing some close-grip bench presses with chains in the meantime (someone else had been using the chains and I just picked up after they finished). Ended up hitting a conservative max. I must say that I find this movement absolutely awesome and plan to incorporate it more into my misc pressing workouts in the future.

Overhead press from rack: warmup, 205 x 1, 215 x 1, 225 x 1, 235 x fail

Pullups 3 sets x 8

Close-grip BP with chains: don't know how much the chains weigh, but this is how it went:

135 lbs. + chains x 5-6
185 lbs. + chains x 3
205 lbs. + chains x 3
225 lbs. + chains x 3
245 lbs. + chains x 2
255 lbs. + chains x 1

Bottoms-up bench press: was already beat up by now, so I just hit a couple of singles:

Warmup x a few sets
255 lbs. x 1, 265 lbs. x 1, 275 lbs. x 1

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Squat Training - Week 2, Day 2 of 3-Week Cycle

16 October 2011

Back squat:

Bar x a bunch of sets (had a hard time finding the correct position)
115 lbs. x 10
135 lbs. x 3
185 lbs. x 3
225 lbs. x 6
290 lbs. x 4
360 lbs. x 1
415 lbs. x 1
440 lbs. x 1

Paused squat 340 lbs. x 5 (only a few reps were actually paused)

Deadlift 320 lbs. 3x3

Double-KB swings, 3 sets x 12

Trap bar farmer's walk 2 sets, overhead loaded carry x 1 set

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Bench Press Training - Week 3

15 October 2011

Experimented a bit with foot placement, etc. Found out that feet flat all the way is the best way for me to bench press and that I have no business doing arched-back bench presses; I can never get my feet right when I try to tuck them under and go on the balls of my toes, and I just end up unstable and wobbly, making even light weight difficult to press.

Bench press:

Warmup several sets
225 lbs. x 5
260 lbs. x 3
280 lbs. x 1
295 lbs. x 1
310 lbs. x 1 (all nice and crisp, as they should be at this weight)
285 lbs. x 4 sets x 2

Paused BP 235 lbs. x 5

Close-grip BP 235 lbs. x 5

Overhead press from rack: 135x5, 155x3, 175x3, 195x2, 205x1

Tricep pushdowns, heavy, 3 sets (gripping the bar with a close-grip-bench grip - a novel exercise that I think has a lot of potential)

Burn-out exercise (light weight, lots of reps):
Two-DB front and lateral raise combo 2 sets x 8-12
Pec deck machine 1 set x 12

Double-KB bottoms-up presses 3 progressively heavier sets

Bonus Back&Biceps Day

14 October 2011

Had a bit of extra time today, so I snuck in a brief back-and-biceps session to lessen the workload for tomorrow:

Bent-over row:

135 lbs. x 10
185 lbs. x 5
205 lbs. x 5
235 lbs. x 5
255 lbs. x 5
265 lbs. x 3
275 lbs. x 3

HammerStrength plate-loaded seated row - 4 progressively heavier sets

Pullups 1 set x 8, 1 set x 5 (upper back felt a bit iffy, so I stopped)

Burn-out back exercise (light weight, high reps):
HammerStrength high row 2 sets x 10-12 reps

EZ bar bicep curl - 4 sets

Burn-out bicep exercise (light weight, high reps):
Preacher curl machine 3 sets x 10-12 reps

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Squat Training - Day 1, Week 2 of 3-Day Cycle

12 October 2011

Back squat:

Bar x 2 sets
115 lbs. x 10
225 lbs. x 6
290 lbs. x 4
360 lbs. x 2
415 lbs. x 1
440 lbs. x 1
410 lbs. x 2
420 lbs. x 2
430 lbs. x 1

Paused squats 340 lbs. x 2 (felt a strange pain in my left shoulder blade and stopped here)

Double KB swings 2 x 12, 2 x 8 (35s and 44s)

Incline ab board situps, weighted 3 sets

KB side bends 1 set

KB farmer walk x 1 set

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Bench Press Partials Training

11 October 2011

Started out with some heavy overhead pressing, then switched to bottom-position bench presses. These hurt my left shoulder in a weird way, so I did some board presses instead.

Overhead press:

Warmup - sets of five, then triples, then singles  to 185 lbs.
200 lbs. x 1
210 lbs. x 1
215 lbs. x 1
225 lbs. x 1
235 lbs. x fail

Bottom-position presses - 2 inches off chest:

135 lbs. x 10
185 lbs. x 5
225 lbs. x 3

Board presses - to around 5 inches off chest: worked up to 315 lbs. x 1. Might do these more often.

Pullups 3 sets x 8

Bent-over rows 135x8, 185x5, 205x5, 225x5, 245x4

Tricep pushdowns 3 sets x 12

EZ bar curls 4 sets

Double-KB bottoms-up presses 3 sets

Double-KB muscle cleans (without bending legs) 3 sets

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Mixed Squat and Bench Press Training

6 October 2011

Combined two sessions as I'll be away for the weekend.


115 lbs. x 10
225 lbs. x 6
280 lbs. x 4
360 lbs. x 1
405 lbs. x 1
430 lbs. x 1

Paused squat 330 lbs. x 5 (not much of a pause)

Bench press:

225 lbs. x 3
255 lbs. x 3
275 lbs. x 1
290 lbs. x 1
305 lbs. x 1

Paused bench press 225 lbs. x 5

Close-grip bench press 235 lbs. x 5

Then did a bunch of kettlebell stuff as assistance:

Double KB swing outside knees 3 x 12 (light)
Double KB clean and bottoms-up press 3 sets, various reps (also light)
Double KB power cleans with no knee bending 3 sets

Incline ab board weighted situps, 3 sets

EZ bar and two-DB curls, 5 sets total

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Bench Press Training - Partials Day 2

4 October 2011

Bench press partials:

Position 1 (2 inches off chest):

135 lbs. x 10
185 lbs. x 8
225 lbs. x 3
250 lbs. x 3
265 lbs. x 4, x 3, x 3, x 2, x 2

When I hit at least 4 sets of 4 I'll up the weight.

Position 2 (7-8 inches off chest):

275 lbs. x 1
300 lbs. x 1
320 lbs. x 1 x 3 sets
330 lbs. x 1
335 lbs. x 1
345 lbs. x 1

HammerStrength seated horizontal rows 3 sets

Pullups 3 sets x 8

Overhead press partials - press from eye level (my sticking point):

185 lbs. x 2
190 lbs. x 1
195 lbs. x 1

Pretty stoked at this, eye-level is where my presses usually stall so getting 195 lbs. from this position is not bad at all.

EZ bar curls x a bunch of sets

Monday, October 3, 2011

Squat Training - Week 1, Day 1 of 3-Week Cycle

3 October 2011

Back squat:

115 lbs. x 10
225 lbs. x 5
280 lbs. x 4
350 lbs. x 2
405 lbs. x 1
430 lbs. x 1
400 lbs. x 3
410 lbs. x 2
420 lbs. x 1
410 lbs. x 2
400 lbs. x 2

Paused squat 330 lbs. x 5

The new cycle is geared toward lower reps and heavier weights and I'm finding it easier. Or perhaps I'm better conditioned for heavy squatting after that grueling 4-week cycle.

Hack squat (machine) 2 sets x 10

Incline ab board situps, heavy, 3 sets

KB side bends 2 sets

Calf raise, standing, 2 x 15

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Bench Press Training - Week 1, Day 2

1 October 2011

Bench press:

Warmup - sets with bar only, 135, 185 lbs.
225 lbs. x 5
250 lbs. x 3
270 lbs. x 1
285 lbs. x 1
300 lbs. x miss
300 lbs. x 1

The miss was a big surprise, tried to press with my feet tucked under and one of my feet slipped. The bar stalld about half-way up and came back. The second atempt felt much heavier than it should have. Could have something to do with the new partial pressing routine I'm using.

270 lbs. x 3 sets x 3, 1 set x 2

Paused bench press 225 lbs. x 5 (all with decent 2-second pause)

Close-grip bench press 225 lbs. x 2 sets x 4 (failed at 5 both times)

Pullups 3 sets x 8

Two-DB curls 3 sets x 5

The idea behind this new program is working up to an easy single, backing off 30 lbs. and hitting four triples, then down another 45 lbs. and one set of five with an extended pause at the chest. Next week add 5 lbs. to all lifts and do it again. On day two I will do bottom-up benches from two positions - Position 1 an inch or two above the chest, Position 2 two holes in the power rack above Position 1 (heavy lockouts).

Very weak showing today, possibly due to the body getting used to the power rack work which is absolutely lethal and might be throwing me off. If this persists, I'm going back to a normal routine where I cut reps as I go up in weight - worked fine so far.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Squat Training - Week 4, Day 2 of 4-Week Cycle

29 September 2011

Back squat:

Bar x 2 sets x 5
115 lbs. x 10
225 lbs. x 6
275 lbs. x 4
350 lbs. x 1
395 lbs. x 1
420 lbs. x 1

Paused squat 320 lbs. x 5 (this time I actually managed to pause 4 out of the 5)


285 lbs. 4x4
320 lbs. 2x2

Did some easy pulls, all with double overhand grip, just to keep the back conditioned.

Bent-over row 135 lbs. x 2 x 5 reps, 185 lbs. x 1 x 5 reps

HammerStrength seated row 2 sets x 8

Calf raise 2 x 15 reps

Incline ab board situps, weighted (heavy) 3 sets

Side bends w. kettlebells 2 sets

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Squat Training - Week 4, Day 1 of 4-Week Cycle

27 September 2011

Back squat:

Bar x 5 x 2 sets
115 lbs. x 10
225 lbs. x 6
275 lbs. x 4
350 lbs. x 1
395 lbs. x 1
420 lbs. x 1
370 lbs. x 4
380 lbs. x 2
390 lbs. x 2
400 lbs. x 2
410 lbs. x 1

I knew I could not finish the reps prescribed by the program, at least not to proper depth, so I did 4-2-2-2-1 instead of 5-4-3-2-1.

Paused squats 320 lbs. x 5 (not much of a pause unfortunately, this was more like a regular set w. 320).

Incline ab board situps 3 sets heavy

Side bends w. kettlebells 3 sets, progressively heavier

Leg extension 1 x 10

Leg curl 2 x 10

Calf raise 1 x 15

Monday, September 26, 2011

Bench Press - Partials Training

26 September 2011

Decided to incorporate some partial bench presses in my training program after reading several articles on on this type of training. I will do partials on one press day and full bench presses (mostly singles) on another. The two dead-stop positions worked in the partial BP will be:

2-3 inches off the chest (upper arms parallel to the floor), flat back and as little leg drive as possible: this will work that toughest of areas, the position in which the bar has left the chest but cannot rely on the thrust provided by the pectorals and upper back. It is a tremendously difficult position to press from and poundages are considerably reduced. I have discovered that I rely too much on momentum off the chest to blast through this sticking point - time to build some actual strength.

6-7 inches off the chest - this is where the triceps take over. Again, flat back and minimal leg drive. This position is slightly easier but forces one to work the transition from the blast off the chest to the successful lockout by the arms.

So today I did:

Position 1:

135 lbs. x 10
175 lbs. x 10
250 lbs. x 3
265 lbs. x 3 x 3 sets

Position 2:

275 lbs. x 1
285 lbs. x 1
300 lbs. x 1
315 lbs. x 1
320 lbs. x 1 x 4 sets

Close-grip 225 lbs. x 10, Pos. 2.

Each rep was done from full stop and full relaxation of the muscles.

This was tough and considerably less than I can press full-range. The thing I love about dead-stop bench presses is that there is no way to cheat - you either press the weight or you don't. Upper body was pumped much more thoroughly than ever before from bench pressing.

Tried to follow up with some incline bench rack presses from chin level, hit 205x3 and 225x1 and called it a day.

Pullups 3 sets x 8

HammerStrength machine rows 2 sets

Two-DB bicep curls 3 sets

Tricep pushdowns 2 sets

Incline ab board situps 1 set x 12

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Squat Training - Week 3, day 2 of 4-Week Cycle

24 September 2011
Back squat:

Bar x 2 sets x 5
115 lbs. x 10
225 lbs. x 6
275 lbs. x 4
340 lbs. x 1
385 lbs. x 1
410 lbs. x 1

Paused squats 310 lbs. x 5

Deadlifts - worked up to a light single with 365 lbs., then did a few sets of deficit deadlifts standing on a platform, the heaviest set being 295 lbs. x 2. This doesn't seem like much weight but for a guy with T-Rex arms like mine breaking the bar off the floor in a deficit deadlift is hard as hell on the lower back.

Hack squats 2 sets x 10

Weighted back raises 1 set x 10

Calf raise, standing, 1x20, 1x15

Friday, September 23, 2011

Cable Pulls and Handstand Pushups

23 September 2011

A quick workout consisting of cable pulls and HSPUs (the latter assisted, feet against wall).

Front chest pull RYR x 12 reps

Assisted HSPU x 5 reps

Overhead downward pull YRY x 10 reps

Asissted HSPU x 5

One-arm front pulldown double yellows x 10 reps

Assisted HSPUs x 5

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bench Press Training - Singles Session

22 September 2011

The goal today was to get in ten perfect singles with a moderate weight in order to groove technique and proper tension.

Bench press - quick warmup, then 285 lbs. x 10 sets x 1

Pullups 3 sets x 8

Bent-over rows - 135x8, 185x5, 235x5, 245x5

Overhead press - 135x3, 155x3, 165x2, 175x1, 185x1, 205x1

Two-DB bicep curls 3 sets

Two-DB combo - front and lateral raise 2 sets

Two-DB bench flyes 1 set x 10

Hanging leg raises 2 sets x 10

Two-DB hammer curl 1 set x 8

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Squat Training - Week 3, Day 1 of 4-Week Program

20 September 2011

Back squat:

bar x 5
115 lbs. x 10
225 lbs. x 6
275 lbs. x 4
340 lbs. x 1
385 lbs. x 1
410 lbs. x 1
360 lbs. x 5 (hard as hell, cut depth on two last reps as I was tired - something I don't like to do)
370 lbs. x 4 (same as above)
380 lbs. x 3 (this was doable - no cutting depth)
390 lbs. x 2 (good)
400 lbs. x 1 (tough, but good)

Paused squats 310 lbs. x 5 - was tired by now, so the pause did not amount to much.

This program is murderously hard; hitting a heavy single, backing off a bit and doing multiple reps, then working up to another heavy-ish single really takes it out of you. It was designed for a geared squatter. I'm still making it work, and in a couple of weeks I'll transition to the 3-week cycle, which is more about heavy singles and more merciful on the legs and back.

Hack squat 2 plates (total, not per side) x 3 sets x 10

Calf raise, standing, x 20, x 15

Leg curl 3 sets x 10

Incline ab board situp 3 sets x 12

Upper Body Maintenance - Overhead and Bench Press

19 September 2011

Taking a break from the usual routine after completing the second run-through of the Ed Coan bench press program. Today I did some heavy overhead presses for reps (I've mostly been doing singles lately) and some moderate-weight bench presses.

Overhead press from rack:

warmup - triples and doubles
185 lbs. x 2
205 lbs. x 5
205 lbs. x 5
205 lbs. x 3

Pullups 3 sets x 8 reps

Bench press 275 lbs. x 5, x 3, x 3 (this is actually pretty good - after a heavy OH press session the heaviest weight I can bench press is only about 285 - 300 lbs. for a single)

Seated machine rows 3 sets

Two-DB bicep curl 3 sets

Olympic bar skullcrushers 3 sets

Combination of front raise and lateral raise with light dumbbells 2 sets x 10

Pec Deck machine 1 set x 10

Chest Expander Training

16 September 2011

Front chest pull RYR x 10

Overhead downward pull YRY x 10

Back press GYG x 8, GRG x 5

One-arm front pulldown triple oranges x 10 per side

Front lateral raise double oranges x 10

Archer pull double reds x 10 per side

Bicep curl double reds x 10 per side

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Overhead Press Training September 13th

13 September 2011

Overhead press from rack:

Warmup - triples/doubles/singles
185 lbs. x 2
205 lbs. x 2
215 lbs. x 1
225 lbs. x 1
240 lbs. x fail

This went better than expected, my upper body still feeling the heavy benching session from Saturday. 240 lbs. is within reach, right now I feel like it's my upper back that's the weak link. I felt my lats flare and fail as the bar reached eye level. More direct work is in order.

Not this week though. I'll be away Friday through Sunday, and have decided to take the rest of the week off. Back to the grind on Monday: heavy overheads and heavy squats, moderate bench press and moderate deadlifts after that. I'll do some heavy cable training before I leave. Good for the upper back - in fact, the best upper back exercises ever.

I am toying with the idea of running another Ed Coan bench press cycle, aiming to hit a new max some time before my Christmas travels. To do that I'd have to start the cycle sometime at the end of September. It's probably too much to ask for, but I've already done two cycles back-to-back which I didn't expect to work, and am very pleased with the results. At the end of the second one I hit 360 instead of 375 (which seems light years away right now), but it's still a good improvement.

Anyway, yesterday I also did:

Pullups/chinups 5x5

Behind-the-neck press, standing 145lbs.x2x2, 165lbs.x2

Bench press 225 lbs. x 8, 245 lbs. x 5 (these felt awful heavy for some reason)

Seated HammerStrength row 2 sets

Standing two-DB curls 3 sets

Tricep pushdowns 1 set

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Squat Training and Rack Pulls - Week 2, Day 2 of 4-Week Cycle

11 September 2011

Back squat:

warmup - bar x 5 reps x 2 sets
115 lbs. x 10
225 lbs. x 6
265 lbs. x 4
330 lbs. x 1
375 lbs. x 1
400 lbs. x 1 (felt light and easy, popped right back up)

Paused squat 300 lbs. x 5

I then set the power rack pins so that the bar resting on them was just above knee level and did some shrugs up to 425 lbs. x 2, then proceeded to rack pulls up to 600 lbs. x 1. This was a pleasant surprise, as my real deadlift (from the floor) has gone to shit after my back injury.

Incline ab board situps 2 sets, weighted and unweighted
Back hyperextensions 2 sets, weighted (20-lb. kettlebell)
Leg extensions 2 sets
Leg curl 2 sets
Calf raise, standing, 2 sets
Adductor machine 1 set

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Bench Press Training - Ed Coan Routine Week 24 (And PRs)

10 September 2011

Bench press:

Warmup - triples and doubles to 225 lbs. x 3, then singles:

265 lbs. x 1
295 lbs. x 1
315 lbs. x 1
335 lbs. x 1
355 lbs. x 1 (all-time PR, plus PR at this bodyweight)
360 lbs. x 1 (another all-time and bodyweight PR)

Close-grip BP 275 lbs. x 1, 295 lbs. x 1 (barely - not a lot of strength left in the arms)

Incline BP 185 lbs. x 3, 205 lbs. x 1, 225 lbs. x 1

Pullups 5x5 (2 sets on rings, which I find easier on the forearms)

Bent-over rows 135x10, 185x5, 205x5, 235x5

Two-DB bicep curls 3 sets

Tricep pushdowns, light 3 sets

Bodyweight this morning 197.6 lbs.

Overhead Press Training

8 September 2011

I did not recover properly from the heavy bench press and squat sessions on Monday and Tuesday, so the pressing session today was lackluster. My triceps and shoulders were too tired to push big weights and the same goes for the hips and lower back, which play a huge role in a successful standing overhead press.

Overhead press from rack:

Warmup - from 115 to 175 lbs., triples, doubles and singles
185 lbs. x 1
195 lbs. x 1
205 lbs. x 1 (barely)
215 lbs. x fail

Pullups / chinups 5x5
Dips 3 sets x 10
Weighted hyperextensions 2 sets x 10

Standing double DB clean and press 60 lbs. x 3, 65 lbs.x 3, 70 lbs. x 3, 75 lbs. x 3

Incline bench DB curls 3 sets
Tricep pushdowns 2 sets

Incline ab board situps 2 sets x 12

Squat Training - Week 2, Day 1 of 4-Week Cycle

6 September 2011

Messed around with low-bar squats today. Felt pretty good and it certainly seems like the way to go to squat big weights, although it is kinda hard on the forearms and shoulders.

Back squat:

115 lbs. x 10

225 lbs. x 6

265 lbs. x 4

330 lbs. x 1

375 lbs. x 1

400 lbs. x 1

360 lbs. x 5 (almost blacked out here, this routine is rather demanding)

370 lbs. x 4 (this one was even worse)

380 lbs. x 2

390 lbs. x 1

Paused squats 300 lbs. x 5

Calf raise, seated 3 sets x 10

Leg curl 1 set x 10

Leg extension 1 set x 10

Monday, September 5, 2011

Bench Press Training - Ed Coan Routine Week 23

5 September 2011

Bench press warmup - several sets of fives and triples, 295 lbs. x 1, 320 lbs. x 1

Regular bench press 345 lbs. x 2 sets x 1 (supposed to do 2x2, but barely made it through the singles)

Close-grip bench press 300 lbs. x 1, 280 lbs. x 2

Incline bench press 185 lbs. x 3, 225 lbs. x 2, 245 lbs. x 1

Pullups/chinups 5x5

Bent-over rows 135x8, 185x6, 205x5, 225x5x2 sets

EZ bar bicep curl 4 sets

Tricep pushdowns 3 sets

Incline ab board situps 2x12, Hanging leg raises 1x10

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Squat Traning - Week 1, Day 2 of 4-Week Cycle

3 September 2011

Back squat:

bar x 5
115 lbs. x 10
225 lbs. x 6
265 lbs. x 4
320 lbs. x 1
365 lbs. x 1
390 lbs. x 1

Paused squats 290 lbs. x 5

Deadlift - worked up to 405 lbs. x 1 for a nice and easy pull - heaviest weight I've deadlifted since my back injury. I'm getting back slowly, but the journey is painful and tedious.

Hack squat machine 2 sets

Weighted incline ab board situps 2 sets, heavy

Weighted hyperextensions 2 sets

Cable Pulls

1 September 2011

Simple but tough workout - hit as many reps with the first listed resistance, then immediately follow up with asmany reps as possible at a slightly lower resistance. Terrific burn in the muscles.

Front chest pull red-yellow-red x 9 reps, RRR x 5 reps

Overhead downward pull YRY x 8 reps, RYR x 5 reps

Back press GYG x 7 reps, GOG x 6 reps

Front lateral raise double orange x 10 reps

Neck press-out double orange x 20 reps

Archer pull double reds x 10 reps

Bicep curl double reds x 10 reps

Reverse curl double orange x 12 reps

Squats - Week 1, Day 1 of 4-Week Cycle

31 August 2011

Back squat:

95 lbs. x 10
225 lbs. x 6
265 lbs. x 4
320 lbs. x 1
385 lbs. x missed depth (was supposed to use 365 but miscalculated, then the weight felt super-heavy and threw me off. In the end I just bitched out on depth.)
390 lbs. x 1
300 lbs. x 5
310 lbs. x 4
335 lbs. x 3
355 lbs. x 2
380 lbs. x 1

Paused squats 290 lbs. x 5

Leg extensions 2 sets x 10

Leg curl 1 set x 10

Incline ab board situps 2 sets x 12, 1 set x 4 (25 lbs.)

Overhead Press Training August 29

29 August 2011

Overhead press from rack:

Warmup - triples and doubles
185 lbs. x 3
205 lbs. x 2
215 lbs. x 1
225 lbs. x 1
240 lbs. x fail

Pullups/chinups 5x5

Behind-the-neck press 135x3, 145x3, 165x2, 175x2

Light bench press 225 lbs. x 2 sets x 10 (done with close-ish grip)

Incline ab board situps 1 set x 12

Preacher curl machine 2 sets

Tricep pushdown machine 2 sets

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Squat Training - Week 5, Day 2

28 August 2011

Back squat:

115 lbs. x 10
225 lbs. x 6
245 lbs. x 4
265 lbs. x 4
310 lbs. x 1
355 lbs. x 1
380 lbs. x 1

Paused squat 280 lbs. x 5

Deadlift - worked up to 385 lbs. x 1 Still taking it nice and easy.

Leg curl 1 x 10

Leg extension 2 x 10

Seated calf raise 3 x 10

Weighted incline ab board situps 2 sets

Farmer's walk with a pair of 76 lb. kettlebells - 3 sets (around 30 meters each set)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Bench Press Training - Ed Coan Routine Week 22

26 August 2011

Bench press:

Warmup doubles and singles up to 285 lbs. x 1, 315 lbs. x 1

Regular grip BP 335 lbs. x 2, x 1

Close-grip BP 290 lbs. x 2, x 1

Incline bench press 185 lbs. x 3, 205 lbs. x 3, 225 lbs. x 2, 235 lbs. x 1

Pullups 5x5

Bent-over rows 185x5, 235 lbs. x 5, 255 lbs. x 2 sets x 4

Incline bench DB curl 3 sets

Tricep pushdowns 3 sets

Reverse curl 2 sets

Incline ab board situps 1 x 12

Friday, August 26, 2011

Squat Training August 26

26 August 2011

Back squat:

bar x several reps
115 lbs. x 10
225 lbs. x 6
265 lbs. x 4
310 lbs. x 1
355 lbs. x 1
380 lbs. x 1
300 lbs. x 5 x 4 sets

Paused squats 280 lbs. x 5

Leg curls 1 x 10

Leg extensions 1 x 10

Incline ab board situps, with and without weight 3 sets x 12

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Overhead Press Training - PR Wednesday

24 August 2011

Overhead press from rack:

Warmed up doing triples and doubles from 95-185 lbs., then:

205 lbs. x 2
215 lbs. x 1
230 lbs. x 1 (PR!)
235 lbs. x 1 (PR!)
240 lbs. x fail

Pullups 5x5

One-arm DB rows 100 lbs. x 2 sets x 5 (did these in between my BTN press sets)

Standing behind-the-neck press: 135x3, 155x2, 165x2, 175x2

Bench press - hit a few light singles, topping out at 285 lbs.x 1

HammerStrength machine seated row 3 sets

Olympic bar bicep curl 4 sets

Some abdominal work on incline board

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Cable Pulls

23 August 2011

Cable pulls – heavy:

Front chest pull RYR 9 reps, RRR 3 reps

Overhead downward pull YRY 10 reps

Back press GRG 8 reps, GYG 4 reps

Straight-arm front pulldown OO 12 reps

Front lateral raise single yellow 12 reps

Rear neck press OO 12 reps

Archer pull RR 12 reps

Bicep curl RR 12 reps

Forearm curl OO 12 reps

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Squats and Deadlifts August 21

21 August 2011

Back squat:

95 lbs. x 10
225 lbs. x 6
245 lbs. x 4
300 lbs. x 1
345 lbs. x 1
370 lbs. x 1
290 lbs. x 4 sets x 5

Pause squat 270 lbs. x 5

Deadlift: worked up to 375 lbs. x 1, nice and easy

Leg curl 3 sets x 10

Leg extension 3 sets x 10

Seated calf raise 3 sets x 10

Incline ab board situps, 1x12 weighted, 3x12 unweighted

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bench Press Training - Ed Coan Routine Week 21

20 August 2011

Almost skipped this workout as I did not have a spotter, did a bunch of kinda-heavy singles and was getting ready to leave when my spotter showed up.

Bench press:

Warmup: a bunch of sets

Singles: 285 lbs. x 3 singles, 315 lbs. x 3 singles

Regular bench press 325 lbs. x 2 sets x 2 (was supposed to get triples, but the weight was too heavy)

Close-grip bench press 280 lbs. x 2 sets x 2 (same here)

Incline bench press 185 lbs. x 3, 205 lbs. x 3, 225 lbs. x 2, 235 lbs. x 1

Pullups/chinups 5x5

Seated cable row 2 sets

Incline bench DB curls 4 sets

Incline ab board situps 3 sets, some weighted, some unweighted

Overhead Press Training August 16

16 August 2011

Training has been erratic this past few weeks, I've managed to hit the gym 3 times per week but nothing out of the ordinary to report (as can be seen). Bench press routine is progressing well, although I feel like I'm hitting a wall there too. Squat is getting back on track slowly and I'm avoiding heavy deadlifts.

Overhead press from rack:

Warmup 3 sets
165 lbs. x 3
185 lbs. x 3
195 lbs. x 2
205 lbs. x 2
215 lbs. x 2
235 lbs. x fail
175 lbs. x 2 sets x 1

Almost got the 235, not following a particular program for the OH press right now. I'll just keep hitting progressively heavier singles until the 235-lb. barrier is shattered.

Bottoms-up bench press - worked up to 285 lbs. x 1, 295 lbs. x fail

Pullups/chinups 5x5

Seated cable rows 2 sets

Olympic bar curls 3 sets

Tricep pushdowns 2 sets

Incline ab board situps 3 sets

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Squat and Deadlift Training

14 August 2011

Back squat:

95 lbs. x 10
225 lbs. x 6
245 lbs. x 4
280 lbs. x 1
335 lbs. x 1
360 lbs. x 1
280 lbs. x 4 sets x 5

Pause squats 260 lbs. x 3, 225 lbs. x 2

Deadlift: worked up to 375 lbs. doing doubles, then singles.

Incline ab board situps 1 x 12

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Bench Press Training - Ed Coan Routine Week 20

13 August 2011

Regular bench press 310 lbs. x 3, x 2 (tough, missed one rep in the second set)

Close-grip bench press 270 lbs. x 2 sets x 3 reps (this felt pretty solid)

Incline bench press 185 lbs. x 3, 205 lbs. x 3, 225 lbs. x 2 x 2 sets

Bent-over rows 135x8, 185x5, 205x5, 225x5

Pullups 5x5

Skullcrushers, Olympic bar 4 sets

Bicep curls 1 set EZ bar, 2 sets Olympic bar

Incline ab board situps 3 x12

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Back To Cable Training!

10 August 2011

Did a quick cable session today just to blow the cobwebs off the cable set:

Front chest pull x 12 (8 reps RYR + 4 reps RRR as a drop-set)

Overhead downward pull x 12 (8 reps YRY + 4 YOY as above)

Back press x 12 (7 reps GRG + 5 reps double green cables)

Archer pull x 12, double reds

Bicep curl x 12, double reds

Front lateral raise x 12, 7 reps double oranges + 5 reps single yellow cable

Forearm curl x 12, double oranges

Lost quite a bit of pulling strength from the layoff, but am still doing okay. I will slowly reintroduce cable pulls into my weekly routine. Surprisingly weak in the tricep-dominant movements, especially archer pull in which I have lost a lot of strength.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Overhead Press Training - Max Effort

9 August 2011

My overhead press training has been irregular lately, so today I just went for some comfortable low-rep sets. Surprised myself and almost hit a personal best. I will keep attacking a PR over the next few sessions, maybe even add in an extra overhead pressing session somewhere in the week.

95 lbs. x 3
135 lbs. x 3
155 lbs. x 3
175 lbs. x 3
195 lbs. x 2
205 lbs. x 2
215 lbs. x 2 (last time I failed at this weight - could not even get it moving)
225 lbs. x 1 (smoked this one like it was 185)
240 lbs. x fail (too big of a jump - got it halfway up, but no lift)
230 lbs. x fail (I'm pretty sure I would have made it had I not messed around with the 240)

Bottoms-up bench press:

135 lbs. x 3
225 lbs. x 2
255 lbs. x 1
275 lbs. x 1
295 lbs. x 1
305 lbs. x fail

Pullups/chinups 5x5

Bent-over rows 135 lbs. x 8, 225 lbs. x 5, 245 lbs. x 4

Olympic bar bicep curls 3 sets

Tricep pushdowns 2 sets

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Squats and Deadlifts Week 2

7 August 2011

Trained with a serious hangover, didn't go too badly except that my head felt like it was going to explode from squatting even with just the bar.

Back squat:

Bar x 2 sets x 5-8
95 lbs. x 10
225 lbs. x 4
245 lbs. x 4
280 lbs. x 1
325 lbs. x 1
350 lbs. x 1

Paused squat 250 lbs. x 3, 235 lbs. x 2 (had to dial it down a bit in order to get the pause)

Deadlift: worked up to 385 lbs. x 1 doing singles. This is the heaviest I have deadlifted post-injury. Added a set of deficit DLs with 115 lbs., 10 reps.

Leg extension 3 x 10

Leg curl 3 x 10

Incline ab board situp 3 x 12

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Bench Press Training - Ed Coan Routine, Week 19

6 August 2011

Had a pretty good workout today.

Regular bench press 300 lbs. x 5, x 4 (great)

Close-grip bench press 260 lbs. x sets 2 x 5 reps (tough, but doable)

Incline bench press 195 lbs. x 5, 205 lbs. x 5

Pullups 5x5

Bent-over rows 135 lbs. x 5, 185 lbs. x 5, 205 lbs. x 5, 225 lbs. x 5

Thick-bar curls (a new and terrific exercise for me):

Bar x 8 (this alone is challenging)
Bar + 10 lbs. x 5 (10 lbs. total, not per side!)
Bar + 20 lbs. x 5
Bar + 25 lbs. x 5

Tricep pushdowns 3 sets x 10

Concentration curls 2 sets x 10, light

Incline ab board situps 3 sets x 12

Bodyweight as of today - 194.8 lbs. Got to do something to stop losing weight, I'm aiming for 205-210 but I just keep going down.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Squat Training - Week 3

4 August 2011

Back squat:

95 lbs. x 10
225 lbs. x 6
245 lbs. x 4
280 lbs. x 1
325 lbs. x 1
350 lbs. x 1
270 lbs. x 5 x 4 sets

Paused squats 250 lbs. x 5 (almost got pinned by no. 5, should do these in a power rack in the future)

Leg extension 3 x 10

Leg curl 3 x 10

Calf raise, seated 3 x 10

Incline board situps 3 x 12

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Press Session

2 August 2011

Tired and out of shape, back hurt like hell. Had a shitty workout which I am hoping to forget.

Overhead press from rack:

Warmup 2 sets

175 lbs. x 3

195 lbs. x 3

215 lbs.x fail

165 lbs. x 2 sets x 2

175 lbs. x 1 set x 2

I seem to be getting weaker with every overhead press workout, will try de-loading a bit. Last week it felt like I was back on track - apparently not. Lots of back pain on this movement.

Seated overhead press behind neck: 115 lbs. x 3, 135 lbs. x 2, 155 lbs. x 2, 175 lbs. x fail. Weak in this lift too.

Pullups/chinups 5x5

Bent-over row 135 lbs. x 5, 185 lbs. x 5 , 205 lbs. x 5 - got a mysterious burning feeling in my right trap so I quit here. I've had that problem before, I think I have really bad posture while typing on a computer and my trap muscle gets tweaked.

Bottom-position bench press in power rack:

135 lbs. x 3

225 lbs. x 2

255 lbs. x 1

275 lbs. x 1

300 lbs. x fail

After hitting 280 lbs. x 2 last week I was hoping for 300, but this movement is extremely hard and I should have been more conservative with the poundage.

Incline bench DB curls 4 sets

Dips 2 sets x 10

Incline ab board situps 3 x 12

Squat and Bench Training Combined

27 July 2011

Massive session today.

Back squat:

95 lbs. x 10
225 lbs. x 6
245 lbs. x 4
270 lbs. x 1
315 lbs. x 1
340 lbs. x 1
265 lbs. x 4 sets x 5

Paused squat 240 lbs. x 5

Pullups/chinups 5x5

Regular bench press 285 lbs. x 5, x 4 (almost got 2x5, but no spotter available so I didn't push it)

Close-grip BP 250 lbs. x 3, x 5

Incline bench press 195 lbs. x 2 x 5

Seated row machine 3 x 10

Leg curl 3 x 10

Leg extension 3 x 10

Tricep pushdown 3 x 10

Situps 3 x 12

Overhead Press / Bottom Position Bench Training

Last week was sort of hectic, I managed to squeeze in only two training sessions as I was away during the weekend. It sort of went like this:

25 July 2011

Overhead press from rack:

Warmup 3 sets
165 lbs. x 5
185 lbs. x 5
205 lbs. x 5 (press seems to be back on track)

Pullups/chinups 6 sets x 5

Bottom position bench:

135 lbs. x 3
225 lbs. x 3
255 lbs. x 2
265 lbs. x 2
280 lbs. x 2

Incline bench DB curl 4 sets

Incline ab board situps 3 x 12

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Squats and Deadlifts

24 July 2011

Back squat:

Bar x 2 sets x 5
95 lbs. x 10
225 lbs. x 6
245 lbs. x 4
260 lbs. x 1
305 lbs. x 1
330 lbs. x 1

Pause squats (2-second pause at bottom) 230 lbs. x 5


135 lbs. x 2
225 lbs. x 2
275lbs. x 2
325 lbs. x 2
345 lbs. x 1
365 lbs. x 1

Heaviest I've gone since the back injury, I'd say I'm back to around 75-80% of pre-injury strength in the DL.

Leg curls 3 x 10

Leg extensions 3 x 10

Calf raises 3 x 10

Incline ab board situps 3 x 12

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Bench Press Training - Ed Coan Routine Week 17

23 July 2011

Regular bench press 275 lbs. x 2 sets x 5

Close-grip bench press 240lbs. x 2 sets x 5

Incline bench press 185 lbs. x 5, 195 lbs. 5

Bent-over row 135x5, 185x5, 205x5, 235x5, 255x3

Pec fly machine 1 set x 10

EZ bar preacher curl 3 sets

Skullcrushers 3 sets

Incline ab board situps 3 sets x 12

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Squat Training - New Program

20 July 2011

Finally managed to hit some moderately heavy weights. Back is holding out okay, but there is still pain.

I started a new program, which should bring me back to cca. 450 lbs. for a decent single in 12 weeks. Far from impressive, but a couple of weeks ago I was contemplating quitting squats altogether.

Back squat:

95 lbs. x 10
225 lbs. x 6
245 lbs. x 4
260 lbs. x 1
305 lbs. x 1
330 lbs. x 1
250 lbs. x 8 reps x 4 sets

Pause squats (2-second pause, ridiculously hard) 230 lbs. x 5

Leg curls 3x10

Leg extensions 3x10

Calf raises 5x10

Incline bench DB curls 4 sets

Overhead Press Training

19 July 2011

Another sub-par overhead pressing session. My shoulders and triceps are getting killed by the bench press routine, so overhead pressing will be weak until I complete the 12-week cycle.

Overhead press from rack:

Warmup 3 sets
185 lbs. x 5 (even this felt heavy)
205 lbs. x 3
225 lbs. x fail x 3 (pathetic)

Behind-the-neck press 95x3, 115x2, 145x2

Pullups 5x5

Bench press (light) 205 lbs. x 2 sets x 10

Tricep pushdowns 3 sets x 10

Machine rows 3 sets

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Some Squats and Deadlifts

17 July 2011

Today I had a squat session followed by some deadlifting. My lower back injury is still bothering me, but I am already at around 60% of my pre-injury weights and hoping to improve further in the coming couple of weeks.

It's going to be a long way back to decent weights, but now I'm confident I can do it.

(All in lbs., of course):

Full squat bar x 2 x 5,95x5, 145x5, 175x5, 195x5, 220x3, 245x2, 265x1, 285x1

High box squat 285x5, 305x5, 335x3, 355x3, 375x2

Deadlift 135x2, 225x2, 275x2, 295x2, 315x2, 325x1 (post-injury PR)

Leg curl 3 sets x 10

Leg extension 3 sets x 10

Calf raise, seated 3 sets x 10

Incline board situps 2x12, crunches 2x25

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bench Press Training - Ed Coan Routine Week 16

16 July 2011

Regular bench press 260 lbs. x 1 set x 8, 1 set x 7

Close-grip bench press 230 lbs. 2 setss x 8

Incline bench 185 lbs. x 2 sets x 5, 200 lbs. x 1 set x 3, 1 set x 2

Pullups 5x5

Cable low row 3 sets

Tricep pushdowns 3 sets

EZ bar preacher curls 4 sets

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Overhead Press Training and Misc

12 July 2011
Full squat bar x 2 x 5, 95x5, 145x5, 175x5, 195x5, 215x3, 245x2, 255x1 (back complained a bit so I stopped)

Overhead press 145x2, 175x3, 195x3, 215x2 (shitty performance, but I was tired and the gym was overheated)

Seated behind-the-neck press 115x2, 135x2, 155x2, 165x2, 175x2

Seated incline bench DB curls 5 sets

Squats and Upper Back... and Finally Deadlifts

11 July 2011

Full squat bar x 2 x 5, 95x5, 145x5, 165x5, 195x5, 215x3, 245x2, 265x1, 275x1, 285x1

Pullups/chin-ups 5x5

Lat pulldown machine 3 sets x 5-8 reps (progressively heavier)

Seated cable row machine 3 sets x 6-8 reps (progressively heavier)

Deadlifts 135x2, 225x2, 245x2, 275x2, 295x2, 315x2 – very happy with this, back felt okay

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Bench Press Training - Ed Coan Routine Week 15

9 July 2011

Regular bench press 250 lbs. x 2 sets x 8

Close-grip bench press 220 lbs. x 2 sets x 8 (rest-paused second set)

Incline bench 175 lbs. x 8, 185 lbs. x 7, 205 lbs. x 1

Some incline bench DB curls - 2 sets x 8

Friday, July 8, 2011

More Squats

8 July 2011

Did some more squats today. The weight is coming back up, I managed to hit a pain-free single with 270 lbs. today as opposed to 195 lbs. last week, made some progress on the high box squats too. I am hopeful that I'll be back to normal strength levels in a week or two. The deadlift might take longer to recover, though - did a few doubles with 225 lbs. and they hurt.

Full squat bar x 2 sets x 5, 95x5, 145x5, 175x5, 195x5, 215x3, 235x2, 250x1, 270x1

High box squat 245x5, 285x5, 325x5, 355x2, 375x1

Deadlift 205x2, 225x2x2

(All weights in lbs., of course)

Pullups 5x5

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Overhead Press Training + Squats

7 July 2011

Overhead press from rack 95x3, 115x2, 155x5, 175x5, 205x5

Full squat bar x 2 x 5, 95x5, 115x5, 155x5, 175x5, 205x3, 235x1, 245x1, 255x1

Seated behind-the-neck military press 115x2, 135x2, 155x2, 165x2

Light bench press (regular grip) 205 x 2 sets x 10

Tricep pushdowns 3 sets x 10

Light abdominal work 3 sets

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Squats And Some Deadlifts

6 July 2011

Tried some deadlifts after the squats, super light weight and very careful of form. There was pain, but only in a certain range (at the very bottom of the deadlift). Might try pulling off blocks or pins in the power rack if I can do it pain free. Anything to get back into deadlift training. Lower back keeps feeling better, but still nowhere near ready for heavy weights.

Full squat bar x 2 sets x 5, 95x5, 115x5, 145x5, 175x5, 195x3, 215x3, 235x1, 250x1

High box squat 250x5, 285x5, 300x5, 335x3, 355x1

Deadlift 95x5, 145x3, 195x1 - new pain-free record

Standing band crunches x a bunch of sets

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Upper Back + Squats

5 July 2011

Full squat bar x 2 sets x 5, 95x5, 115x5, 145x5, 165x5, 195x3, 215x3, 235x1, 245x1

High box squat 235x5, 285x5 - back started feeling funny so I stopped there

Deadlifts 135 lbs. x 3 - finally can do these again. They hurt.

Pullups 5x5

Seated rows 3 sets

Pulldowns 3 sets

EZ bar preacher curls 3 sets

Monday, July 4, 2011

Bench Press Training - Ed Coan Routine Week 14

4 July 2011

Regular bench press 235 lbs. x 2 sets x 10

Close-grip bench press 210 lbs. x 2 sets x 10 (had to rest-pause the second set)

Incline bench press 155 lbs. x 10, 165 lbs. x 8

Bottoms-up incline press in power rack - worked up to 205 lbs. x 1

Full squats bar x 2 sets x 5, 95x5, 115x5, 145x5, 195x3, 215x3, 240x2

Back is noticeably less painful, but still nowhere near 100%.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Upper Back Training + Squats

1 July 2011

Limited myself to full squats only, the above-parallel ones are hurting my knees. Back is feeling much better again. Went a bit heavier, it was still pain-free.

Full squat barx5, 65x5, 95x5, 115x5, 145x5, 165x5, 175x5, 185x5, 195x3, 215x3, 235x2

Pullups 5x5

Neutral-grip pulldowns 3 sets

Seated DB shrugs 3 sets x 10

Rear delt raises 2 sets x 10

Incline bench DB curl 4 sets

EZ bar reverse curls 3 sets

Wrist curl 2 sets

Seated good mornings 3 sets x 10

Standing band crunches 1 set

Bodyweight 198.7 lbs. Added some weight despite all the squat volume.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Overhead Press Training + Squats

30 June 2011

Continued with the squat saga in addition to the scheduled overhead press workout. Back is feeling better.

Full squats barx5, 65x5, 95x5, 115x5, 145x5, 165x5, 175x5

Overhead press 175 lbs. x 5, 200 lbs. x 3, 220 lbs. x 2 (so now my press is higher than my squat)

High box squats 220x5, 265x5, 285x5, 295x5, 300x5

Seated good mornings 45x5, 65x2x5

Light bench press 200 lbs. x 2 sets x 10

Seated behind-the-neck press 115x2, 135x2, 145x2, 155x2, 165x2

Close-grip bench lockouts in power rack - a few sets

Light abdominal work 2 sets

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Leg Training - Rehab Squats

29 June 2011

Followed my decision to try squatting five days this week. So today was Day 3. I even managed to add some weight to the bar for real squats, but my hips are still mysteriously stiff, despite doing several minutes of hip stretching.

Full squat barx5, 65x5, 95x5, 115x5, 135x5, 145x5, 165x5

High box squat 195x5, 215x5, 245x5, 265x5, 285x5

Again, kept form perfect, avoided forward lean and quit at the slightest sign of pain. This might work.

Seated good mornings bar x 10, 55 lbs. x 2 sets x 10

Standing band crunches 3 sets

Leg extension 3 sets x 10

Seated calf raise 4 sets x 10

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lower Back Rehab + Some Upper Back Work

28 June 2011

Managed to hit a few sets of high box squats, which makes me very happy. Also squatted to depth some with an empty bar.

High box squats 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 275x5 - back started to hurt a bit here, so I stopped.

Pullups 5x5

Pulldowns 4 sets x 5, progressively heavier

EZ bar preacher curls 3 sets

Did a lot of standing band crunches, I think they help te lower back a bit.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Bench Press Training - Ed Coan Routine, Week 13 (New Cycle)

27 June 2011

Tried some light squats today but lower back is still in pain. My hips are also feeling weird and it took me five or six sets to break parallel - I would descend to about an inch above parallel and just stop there, unable to go lower. When I finally managed to squat below parallel I think I topped out at something like 155 lbs. for 3 reps and it was painful, so I just gave up.

Tried leg presses - another no-go.

So I decided to start my new Ed Coan bench routine a day earlier than planned:

Regular bench press 235 lbs. x 2 sets x 10 (last set was tough)

Close-grip bench press 210 lbs. x 2 sets x 10 (could not complete second set, had to rest-pause the reps)

Incline bench press 155 lbs. x 2 sets x 8 reps, 135 lbs. x 1 set x 6 reps

Incline bench is still lagging behind the program, but I'm not too worried.

Then I did some bottoms-up incline presses in the power rack - worked up to 185 lbs. x 3.

Finished with some ab work - incline ab board 1 set, standing band crunches x 3 sets

For lower back rehab, did seated good mornings - 2 sets x 10 with just the bar, stretches and foam rolling.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Overhead Press Training - Week 2, Cycle 8

24 June 2011

Overhead press from rack:

Warmup 2 sets
165 lbs. x 3
185 lbs. x 3
210 lbs. x 5

Lower back held out remarkably well and is starting to feel better. It will be a while until I squat or deadlift heavy again. Started the session with 2 sets x 10 of the seated good morning with just the bar for a nice spinal erector stretch.

Seated behind-the-neck press - worked up to 165 lbs. x 1. Still weak as a kitten here, but I will get better.

Light bench press 2 sets x 10 with 205 lbs. Used a wider grip on this one.

Close-grip bench press - worked up to 275 lbs. x 2

Finished the triceps with 3 sets of tricep pushdowns.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Lower Back Rehab + Upper Back + Biceps

23 June 2011

Some light lower back work, seated upper back and biceps exercises. Injured area is slightly better, I keep doing stretches and abdominal exercises when at home. Hoping to get back to very light squats and deadlifts next week, then maybe heavier stuff the week after that.

The pain is now bearable and I hope no permanent damage has been done.

Morning: pushup planks, planks and crunches, lower back stretching

Afternoon (gym): Seated good mornings: bar only x 3 sets x 10, 65 lbs. x 1 set x 10

Pullups 5 sets x 5

Leg extensions 3 sets x 10

Machine pulldowns 5 progressively heavier sets

Leg curl 3 sets x 10

Chest-supported seated row 3 sets x 10

Seated shrugs 3 sets x 10 w. 80 lb. dumbbells (this was not a good idea, as picking the DBs up was sort of painful)

Incline bench seated DB curl 4 sets

Concnetration curl 4 sets

Evening: light abdominal work, back stretches

Video of Bench Press Highlights

Enjoy the music!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bench Press Training - Ed Coan Routine Week 12

21 June 2011

The routine called for some maxing out, so that's what I did. The goal was 345 lbs. for a single. I warmed up to 275 lbs. x 1, then went:

300 lbs. x 1 (easy)
315 lbs. x 1 (still fairly easy)
335 lbs. x 1 (not too tough)
345 lbs. x 1 (good rep)

I should have tried 355x1, which would have been a PR by 2 lbs., but I'd taken too many attempts and was pretty tired at this point.

The rest of the routine did not go too well, I was too beat up by now to max out on close grip and incline bench:

Close grip went up to 275 lbs. x 1, 295 lbs. x fail

Incline bench press 225 lbs. x 1

Bottom-up bench press worked up to 295 lbs. x 1

Close-grip partial bench press 225 lbs. x 5

Pullups/chinups 5x5

Dips BW x 2 sets x 10

EZ bar preacher curl 5 sets

Machine tricep dips 4 sets x 10

Lower back still hurts like hell.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Squat Training - Week 2, Cycle 8

20 June 2011

So my back problem escalated today to the point where I can barely walk. Managed to get the squats done but my back almost collapsed as I was racking the bar, so I could have been in a world of trouble. No squats or deadlifts this week - will see about next week. Hope the pain goes away on its own.

Back squat:

Warmup 4 sets
315 lbs. x 3
365 lbs. x 3
405 lbs. x 5

Deep squat - worked up to 305 lbs. x 1. Pain was really bad at this point so I cut the session short.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Overhead Press Training - Week 1, Cycle 8

17 June 2011

Lower back hurt like hell today and last night was a long night. Still had an okay workout.

OH Press from rack:

Warmup 2 sets
150 lbs. x 5
170 lbs. x 5
200 lbs. x 6

Back-off set 150 lbs. x 5

Behind-the-neck press light x 5 reps

Pullups 2 sets x 5

Light bench press 200 lbs. x 2 sets x 10

Incline bench DB curls 4 sets

Tricep pushdowns 4 sets

Forearm curls 3 sets x 10

Wrist curls 3 sets upper, 3 sets lower

Bodyweight as of this morning 199.0 lbs.

If my lower back feels better by Monday I will try to hit some conservative PRs on the squat and BP, possibly OHP.

Deadlift Training - Week 1, Cycle 8

16 June 2011

Toguh workout today, was low on energy and the weight felt super heavy. To add to the shittiness I think I pulled something in my hip or lower back and it hurts like hell.


Warmup 2 sets
295 lbs. x 5 (double OH)
340 lbs. x 5 (2 DOH)
380 lbs. x 8 reps (toughest DL workout so far)

Weighted hyperextensions (44 lbs.) 3 sets x 10

Hamstring raise (new machine - no stack, use bodyweight only) 3 sets x 3 (hard)

Shrugs 3 sets x 8-10 reps, light weight

Leg curl 3 sets x 10

Calf raise 3 sets x 10

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Bench Press Training - Ed Coan Routine, Week 11

14 June 2011

Note - I strained something in my left quad yesterday doing that stupid leg extension machine. There is a sharp pain just above my outer knee (in the quad, not the knee). Hips and hamstrings are brutally sore from squatting and leg pressing - I wasn't even using that much weight. Oh well. Hope the pain goes away before deadlift day.

Regular bench press 320 lbs. x 2 sets x 1

Stalled on the program here; was supposed to hit 2x2 with this weight, but it was just too heavy.

Close-grip bench press 285 lbs. x 2, x 1 (almost hit 2x2)

Incline bench press 225 lbs. x 2, 235 lbs. x 1, x 2

I'll still try for maxes on all three movements next Tuesday, see how that goes, then cycle to lighter weight + more reps.

Pullups 5x5

Low pulley rows 3 sets x 8

Bottoms-up bench worked up to 275 lbs. x 1, 320 lbs. x fail

EZ bar preacher curls 3 sets

Tricep pushdowns 3 sets

Monday, June 13, 2011

Squat Training - Week 1, Cycle 8

13 June 2011

Back squat:

Warmup 3 sets
295 lbs. x 5
345 lbs. x 5
385 lbs. x 8 reps

Deep Olympic squats:

195 lbs. x 5
225 lbs. x 5
255 lbs. x 5

Leg press - worked up to 7 plates per side x 3

Leg extensions 3 sets x 10

Standing band crunches 3 sets

Friday, June 10, 2011

Overhead Press Training - Week 3, Cycle 7

10 June 2011

Overhead press:

Warmup 2 sets
170 lbs. x 5
195 lbs. x 3
215 lbs. x 3

After this I tried to push-press the weight a couple of times, but failed.

Back-off set 165 lbs. x 3

Behind-the-neck press 135 lbs. x 5

Pullups 5x5

Bench press 200 lbs. x 2 sets x 10

Arm superset 1 - Incline bench DB curls + Tricep pushdowns x 3 sets

Arm superset 2 - EZ bar curls + Bench dips x 3 sets

That was it for today.

Bodyweight this morning - 198.4 lbs.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Deadlift Training - Week 3, Cycle 7

9 June 2011


Warmup 3 sets
330 lbs. x 5
370 lbs. x 3
415 lbs. x 2

Leg press: worked up to 6 plates per side x 6 reps. Legs and lower back still sore from the squat training on Tuesday.

Machine shrugs 3 sets

Leg curl 3 sets x 10

Standing band crunch 3 sets

One-arm KB swings (light) 5 sets x 10 reps per arm

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Squat Training - Week 3, Cycle 7

7 June 2011

Back squat:

Warmup 4 sets
335 lbs. x 5
380 lbs. x 3
425 lbs. x 4 reps

Deep Olympic squat:

215 lbs. x 5
245 lbs. x 3
275 lbs. x 2

Some light stiff-legged deadlifts - worked up to 235 lbs. x 5

Leg extensions 3 sets x 10

Standing band crunches 3 sets

Monday, June 6, 2011

Bench Press Training - Ed Coan Routine, Week 10

6 June 2011

Regular bench press 310 lbs. x 2 sets x 2

Not bad, this was the max I used to calculate the routine in the beginning. Warmed up over 3-4 low-rep sets, then nailed the 2x2.

Close-grip bench press 275 lbs. x 2 sets x 2 (tough, but doable)

Incline bench press 235 lbs. x 2 sets x 2

Pullups 5x5

T-bar rows 2 sets x 10

Bent-over rows 135 lbs. x 5, 185 x 5, 235 x 5, 255 x 5

Bottom-up bench presses - worked up to 295 lbs. x 1, failed 315 lbs. Really tired from the previous pressing.

Machine preacher curls 4 sets

Pushdowns 4 sets

Standing rubber band crunches 3 sets

Friday, June 3, 2011

Overhead Press Training - Week 2, Cycle 7

3 June 2011

Overhead press from rack:

Warmup 2 sets
160 lbs. x 3
180 lbs. x 3
205 lbs. x 5

Back-off set 160 lbs. x 5

Behind-the-neck press x 5 w. light weight

Pullups (no chinups) 5x5

Light bench press 195 lbs. x 2 sets x 10

Incline bench DB curls 3 sets

Tricep pushdowns 3 sets

Standing rubber band crunches several sets

Finished off with some light KB work:

One-arm KB snatch 4 sets x 10 per arm

One-arm KB swing 6 sets x 10 per arm

Bodyweight this morning - 199.4 lbs.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Deadlift Training - Week 2, Cycle 7

2 June 2011


Warmup 2 sets
305 lbs. x 3
350 lbs. x 3
395 lbs. x 7 reps

Stiff-legged deadlift - worked up to 315 lbs. x 2

Machine shrugs 3 sets x 10

Leg curls 3 sets x 10

Standing heavy rubber band crunches - several sets. Band choked around a pullup bar. A good exercise, should do more of it.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bench Press Training - Ed Coan Routine Week 9

31 May 2011

Regular bench press 300 lbs. x 2 sets x 3

Close-grip bench press 265 lbs. x 2 sets x 3

Incline press 225 lbs. x 3 sets x 2

Pullups/chinups 5x5

T-Bar rows 3 sets x 10

Bottoms-up bench press hit 300 lbs. x 1, failed 325 lbs.

Olympic bar skullcrushers 4 sets

Preacher DB curls 3 sets

Monday, May 30, 2011

Squat Training - Week 2, Cycle 7

30 May 2011

Long night plus busy morning = mediocre session. Again, did the squats and got out of the gym.

Back squat:

Warmup 3 sets
315 lbs. x 3
365 lbs. x 3
405 lbs. x 5

Deep Olympic squats:

200 lbs. x 3
230 lbs. x 3
260 lbs. x 4

Some light abdominal work, and that was it.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Overhead Press Training - Week 1, Cycle 7

27 May 2011

Overhead press from rack:

Warmup 1 set
150 lbs. x 5
170 lbs. x 5
195 lbs. x 7

Back-off set 150 lbs. x 5

Behind-the-neck press 120 lbs. x 5

Light bench press 195 lbs. x 2 sets x 10

Pullups/chinups 5x5

Incline bench DB curls 4 sets

Tricep pushdowns 4 sets

Some light abdominal work

Bodyweight today - 199.0 lbs.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Deadlift Training - Week 1, Cycle 7

26 May 2011


285 lbs. x 5 (all double OH)
330 lbs. x 5 (2 DOH)
370 lbs. x 10 reps (hard)

The gym that I go to got a safety squat bar, so I tried it out. It seems a lot heavier than a regular bar.

Safety bar box squats above parallel - worked up to  bar + 190 lbs. for a triple. The bar forces you to stay upright and sit back into the squat more, and I would have trouble hitting depth with it.

Machine shrugs 3 sets x 10

Stiff-legged DLs - worked up to 335 lbs. x 1 (PR, I think)

Mid-shin deadlifts - worked up to 365 lbs. x 1 (never done these before). Could have gone higher, but by this time my hands already felt like raw meat.

Leg curls 3 sets x 10

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bench Press - Ed Coan Routine Week 8

24 May 2011

Regular bench press 290 lbs. x 3, x 2 (took a very wide grip on the second set and failed)

Close-grip bench press 255 lbs. x 2 sets x 3 (this was not too tough)

Incline bench press 205 lbs. x 3, 225 lbs. x 1, 210 lbs. x 4 (routine called for 235x2x3, but no way)

Pullups/chinups 5x5

Bent-over row 205 lbs. x 5, 225 lbs. x 5, 245 lbs. x 4

Bottom-position bench presses - worked up to a single with 315 lbs., which is a PR in this movement

Olympic bar skullcrushers 3 sets

DB presacher curls 3 sets

Monday, May 23, 2011

Squat Training - Week 1, Cycle 7

23 May 2011

Did only squats today, walked around all day in intense heat so didn't feel like doing more.

Back squat:

Warmup 3 sets
290 lbs. x 5
335 lbs. x 5
380 lbs. x 6

Deep Olympic Squat:

190 lbs. x 5
210 lbs. x 5
230 lbs. x 5

Friday, May 20, 2011

Kettlebell Day - Deload Week

20 May 2011

Mixed kettlebell day instead of deadlifting:

One-arm KB snatch:

18 lbs. x 1 set x 10 per arm
24 lbs. x 1 set x 10 per arm
35 lbs. x 4 sets x 10 per arm
44 lbs. x 2 sets x 10 per arm

One-arm KB swing:

44 lbs. x 4 sets x 10 per arm
35 lbs. x 2 sets x 10 per arm

Two-hand KB jerks 35 lbs. x 3 sets x 10

BW this morning - 199.4 lbs.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Overhead Press Training - Light Week

19 May 2011

Overhead press:

145 lbs. x 5
165 lbs. x 3 sets x 5

Behind-the-neck press 2 sets x 5

Light bench press 195 lbs. x 2 sets x 10

Power rack bottom-position bench press - worked up to 295 lbs. x 1

Incline bench DB curl 4 sets

Tricep pushdowns 4 sets

Various stuff for the shoulders - lateral raises, front raises, bent-over raises x 2 sets each

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Squat Training - Deload Week

17 May 2011

Super-deep Olympic squat: worked up to a light single with 315 lbs. over a bunch of sets

Leg extension 3 sets x 10

Leg curl 3 sets x 10

That was it.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Bench Press Training - Ed Coan Routine, Week 7

16 May 2011

Lower back is still sore, will keep it light this week apart from the bench pressing.

Bench press:

Warmup 3 sets

Regular bench press 275 lbs. x 4, x 5 - should have done 2x5, but not too bad

Close-grip bench press 245 lbs. x 4, x 5 - same here

Incline bench press 225 lbs. x 1, 205 lbs. x 3, x 4, 185 lbs. x 5, 195 lbs. x 4

Pullups/chinups 5x5

Machine low row 3 sets

DB hammer curls 4 sets

Olympic bar skullcrushers 4 sets

Preacher DB curls 2 sets

Friday, May 13, 2011

Deadlift Training - Week 3, Cycle 6

13 May 2011

Weak day today, barely managed to crawl out of bed and get to the gym. My lower back and posterior chain in general are really sore, not sure why.

Next week will be a light week, apart from the bench press day.


Warmup 2 sets
320 lbs. x 5
365 lbs. x 3
405 lbs. x 3

Weighted back raises 3 sets x 10

Leg curl 3 sets x 10

15 minutes cardio on the elliptical machine.

Overhead Press Training - Week 3, Cycle 6

12 May 2011

Overhead press:

Warmup 3 sets
165 lbs. x 5
190 lbs. x 3
210 lbs. x 3

Light bench press 195 lbs. x 2 sets x 10

Pullups/chinups 5x5, weighted (25 lbs.) 3x3

Incline bench DB curls 4 sets

Tricep pushdowns 3 sets

Weighted dips x a few sets (light)

Weighted situps on inclined ab board 4 sets

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Overhead Press Training - Week 3, Cycle 6

12 May 2011

Overhead press from rack:

Warmup 3 sets
165 lbs. x 5
190 lbs. x 3
210 lbs. x 3

Behind-the-neck press 1 set x 5

Pullups/chinups 5x5, weighted 3x3 (25 lbs.)

Weighted dips (25 lbs.) 3 sets

Light bench press 195 lbs. x 2 sets x 10

Incline bench DB curl 4 sets

Tricep pushdown 3 sets

Weighted situps on incline ab board 4 sets

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Squat Training - Week 3, Cycle 6

10 May 2011


Warmup 3-4 sets
335 lbs. x 5
370 lbs. x 3
415 lbs. x 4 (this was easier than 395x5 last week)

Half-squats - worked up to 565 lbs. x 1

Super-deep Olympic squats 210 x 5, 235 x 3, 265 x 3

Leg press 3 sets

Leg extension 3 sets x 10

Hanging leg raise 2 sets x 10

Monday, May 9, 2011

Bench Press Training - Ed Coan Routine Week 6

9 May 2011

Bench press:

Warmup 3 sets

Regular bench press 265 lbs. x 2 sets x 5 (felt easier than last week's 255)

Close-grip bench press 235 lbs. x 2 sets x 5 (no problem)

Incline bench press 200 lbs. x 10 reps (broken down into several sets), 205 lbs. x 2

Pullups/chinups 5x5, weighted (25 lbs.) 3x3

Pendlay rows 135 lbs. x 5, 185 x 5, 205 x 5, 235 x 3

Low pulley row 3 sets x 8

DB hammer curls 4 sets x 5

Olympic bar skullcrushers 4 sets x 5

Preacher curl machine 2 sets

Remedial exercises - rear delt raises, L-presses x a few sets

Weighted situps on incline ab board 4 sets

Friday, May 6, 2011

Deadlift Training - Week 2, Cycle 6

6 May 2011

Warmup 2 sets
300 lbs. x 3 (all double OH)
340 lbs. x 3 (2 double OH)
385 lbs. x 8 reps

Rack pulls - worked up to 600 lbs. x 1

HammerStrength machine shrugs 3 sets

Olympic squats 3 sets, light

Hanging leg raises 2 sets x 10

Bodyweight as of this morning - 199 lbs. on the dot.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Overhead Press Training - Week 2, Cycle 6

5 May 2011

Overhead press:

Warmup 3 sets
160 lbs. x 3
180 lbs. x 3
200 lbs. x 5

Back-off set 150 lbs. x 4

Behind-the-neck press 100 lbs. x 5

Push-press from chest to eye level 265 lbs. x 2, 275 lbs. x 1 (partials)

Light bench press 190 lbs. x 2 sets x 10

Incline bench DB curls 4 sets

Tricep pushdowns 3 sets

Some remedial exercises - rear delt raises, light wrist curls, L-presses for shoulders

Weighted situps on incline ab board 4 sets

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Squat Training - Week 2, Cycle 6

3 May 2011

Back squat:

Warmup 2 sets
305 lbs. x 3
350 lbs. x 3
395 lbs. x 5

Squat lockouts - worked up to 535 lbs. x 1

Super-deep Olympic squat:

195 lbs. x 3
225 lbs. x 3
250 lbs. x 4

Leg press - worked up to 7 plates x 3

Hack squat 3 sets with light weight

Hanging leg raise 2 sets x 10

Monday, May 2, 2011

Bench Press Training - Ed Coan Routine Week 5

2 May 2011

Bench press:

Regular grip 255 lbs. x 2 sets x 5 (somehow this felt heavy)

Close-grip 225 lbs. x 2 sets x 5

Incline bench press 185 lbs. x 5, 190 lbs. x 5 (still off by 20 lbs. or more), 135 lbs. x 5

DB flyes 1 set x 12, light

Pullups/chinups 5x5, weighted 3x3 (+10, +25, +35 lbs.)

Pendlay rows 165 lbs. x 5, 215 lbs. x 5, 235 lbs. x 3, 255 lbs. x 3

DB hammer curls 3 sets

Olympic bar skullcrushers 4 sets

Incline ab board weighted situps 4 sets

Friday, April 29, 2011

Deadlift Training - Week 1, Cycle 6

29 April 2011


Warmup 2 sets
280 lbs. x 5 (all double OH)
320 lbs. x 5 (2 double OH)
365 lbs. x 10

Rack pulls from above knee - worked up to 555 lbs. x 1.

Machine shrugs 4 sets

Leg curl 2 sets x 10

Back raises (hyperextensions) 2 sets x 10

Hanging leg raise 2 sets x 8

Bodyweight this morning - 196.7 lbs. I'm not even trying to lose weight anymore!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Overhead Press Training - Week 1, Cycle 6

28 April 2011

Overhead press from rack:

Warmup 1 set
150 lbs. x 5
170 lbs. x 5
190 lbs. x 8

Practiced some half-presses from chest to eye level, maxed out at 265 lbs. x 2, then 265 lbs. x 1

Did some push press practice, 3 x 3 with very light weight. I still suck at pushing with my legs.

Regular bench press 190 lbs. x 2 sets x 10 (piss easy this time)

Pullups/chinups 5x5

Incline bench DB curls 4 sets

Tricep pushdowns 3 sets

Incline ab board situps with weight behind head 4 sets

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Squat Training - Week 1, Cycle 6

26 April 2011

Back squat:

Warmup 2 sets
285 lbs. x 5
330 lbs. x 5
370 lbs. x 6 reps

Partial squat lockouts - worked up to 525 lbs. x 1

Super-deep Olympic squat: 185 lbs. x 5, 210 lbs. x 5, 235 lbs. x 6

Leg press machine 3 sets

Hack squat machine (tried this for the first time) 2 sets x 8 with a pair of 45 lb. plates. This one is hard!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Bench Press Training - Ed Coan Routine Week 4

25 April 2011

Bench press:

Warmup 3 sets

Regular bench press: 240 lbs. x 2 sets x 8 (didn't feel that hard)

Close-grip bench press: 215 lbs. x 2 sets x 8

Incline press: 185 lbs. x 7 reps, 200 lbs. x 3 reps (still lagging massivelly on this one)

Pullups/chinups 5x5

Pendlay rows (tried these for the first time today) 185 x 5, 205 x 5, 235 x 5, 255 x 3

DB flyes 1 set x 12

DB hammer curls 4 sets

Olympic bar skullcrushers 4 sets

Preacher DB curl 2 sets

Tricep pushdowns 2 sets

Weighted situps on incline ab board 4 sets

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Deadlift Training - Week 3, Cycle 5

23 April 2011

Had a huge meal before going to the gym today, so cut the session short.


Warmup 2 sets
315 lbs x 5 (first 3 double overhand)
355 lbs x 3
395 lbs x 5

Stiff-legged DLs:

135 lbs x 5
225 lbs x 5
300 lbs x 6

Leg curls 1 set x 10

Bodyweight as of Friday April 22nd - 198.8 lbs. Lowest I've been at in years.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Overhead Press Training - Week 3, Cycle 5

21 April 2011

Overhead press from stands:

Warmup 2 sets
160 lbs. x 5
180 lbs. x 3
205 lbs. x 3

Back-off set 150 lbs. x 5

Behind-the-neck press 2 sets x 8

Light bench press 190 lbs. 2 sets x 10

Pullups/chinups 5x5

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Squat Training - Week 3, Cycle 5

19 April 2011

Back squat:

Warmup 3 sets
320 lbs. x 5
365 lbs. x 3
405 lbs. x 5

Super-deep Olympic squat:

205 lbs. x 5
235 lbs. x 3
260 lbs. x 3

Squat partials - worked up to 500 lbs. x 1

Leg press - worked up to 7 plates x 4 reps

Leg extension 3 sets x 10

Hanging leg raise 2 sets x 10

Monday, April 18, 2011

Bench Press Training - Week 3 of Ed Coan Routine

18 April 2011

Regular bench press: 230 lbs. x 2 sets x 8 reps (this felt really easy)

Close-grip bench press: 205 lbs. x 2 sets x 8 reps (triceps cramping up again)

Incline bench press: 185 lbs. x 6, 155 lbs. x 10, extra set 165 lbs. x 5

Still lagging massively on the incline press (supposed to do 190x2x8), but it's getting better. I will keep working at it to bring it up to standard.

Pullups / chinups 5x5

Machine low row 2 sets x 6-8

DB hammer curls 4 sets

Olympic bar skullcrushers 4 sets x 5

DB preacher curl x a few sets