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Friday, May 26, 2017

Do Your Fives

21 May 2017

Bench press 300x5, 310x4, 315x3, 330x2, 340x1, 350x1, 350x1

Pulldowns 10-8-6-5

Barbell extensions 3s x 5-6

Standing BTN press 135x5, 145x5, 155x4, 165x3, 135x4

Barbell curl 5s x 5-6

Preacher curl 4s x 5-6

Overhead cable extensions 4s x 10-15

I need to cut back on the tricep work a bit, as I feel it's starting to hinder my recovery. Also I have a very painful case of tennis elbow in my left arm which isn't going away. What I'm thinking about is three tricep workouts in two weeks (instead of four) and lighter weights. Maybe one heavy and two light sessions.

Also it looks like I'll have some time to train consistently now, so I'll try to cycle the weights a bit. Still doing 5-4-3-2-1, but varying the percentages instead of going 100% on every set. Might be worth it.

22 May 2017

Deadlift 395x5, 415x4, 430x3, 440x2, 460x1, 475x1

I think I figured out what I'll do on the deadlift. Keep the rep set weights the same and try to increase the last single by 5 pounds per workout. E.g. next time I'll do the exact same weights but 480x1 at the end. Once that stalls, go back to the five-rep set and add 5 pounds and work my way up the sets. When I've increased all rep sets by 5 pounds, hopefully the single will go up too.

Or not.

Stiff-legged deadlift 2s x 5

Bent-over row 3s x 5

Squat 3s x 5

24 May 2017

SlingShot bench press 315x5, 325x5, 340x4, 350x3, 365x2, 375x1, 375x1, 365x1

Went a little lighter on the five-rep sets and the singles. Since I don't really care about my SlingShot one-rep max (the point of using it is to get some reps done with a heavier weight than usual, not to impress other gymgoers), I'll focus more on reps and just do a few easy singles at the end.

Smith machine bentover row 2s x 10, 2s x 6

Barbell extensions 3s x 8

Trap combo on Smith machine (5 reps upright row + 5 reps behind-the-back row) x 3 sets

Incline bench press 5-5-4-3-2

Hammer curls 3s x 6

Preacher curl machine 3 x drop sets

26 May 2017

Squat 345x5, 375x5, 395x5, 405x5, 415x5, 405x5, 425x5, 405x5, 315x5

Had a late night and got up at 5 AM to squat. Did not expect to set any personal records, Did not set any personal records. So in a way I met my own expectations.

Friday, May 19, 2017


15 May 2017

Pull 395x5, 415x4, 425x3, 440x2, 460x1, 470x1

Stiff-legged deadlift 2s x 5-6

Bent-over row 3s x 5 - upped the weight on these a bit

High bar squat 3s x 5, light

17 May 2017

SlingShot bench press 335x5, 345x4, 355x3, 365x2, 385x1, 315x4

Rep sets are pretty much back to where they used to be, but the single at the end felt really heavy.

Smith machine bent-over rows 1s x 10, 4s x 6-8

Barbell extensions 3s x 6-8

Incline bench press 5-4-3-2-1

Seated cable rows 3s x 10

Reverse barbell curl 4s x 6-8

Preacher DB curl 4s x 5-6

Overhead cable extensions 4s x 10-12

18 May 2017

Squat 345x5, 365x5, 385x5, 405x5, 415x5, 425x4, 405x4, 315 x 2s x 5

Squats were a pleasant surprise. I had hoped to work up to maybe 410x5 and back down, but the weight felt light. One big change was to bring my stance in much closer than usual. Typically I squat with my feet pretty wide out, it has worked well in the past but since my hip/back injury I've had a lot of trouble finding the right groove.

Close stance leg press with feet low on plate 3s x 20

Hack squat 3s x 10, very light

Monday, May 15, 2017

Suck Week

Intro training week after 3 weeks off:

8 May 2017

Bench press 295x5, 305x4, 310x3, 320x2, 330x1, 350x2

I haven't lost much strength, but the lifts felt off, as is usually the case. E.g. 310x3 felt like a max effort, but with 320 I felt like I could do 5-6 reps instead of 2.

Pulldowns 10-8-6-5-5 - no strength lost on these at all. Cable pulls definitely take care of the back muscles.

Standing BTN press 135x5, 145x5, 155x5. 165x4

Barbell curl 5s x 5

Barbell extension 3s x 5

DB preacher curl 4s x 6

Overhead cable extensions 15-10-8-8-8

9 May 2017

Pull 385x5, 405x4, 415x3. 435x2, 455x1

Stiff-legged pull 2s x 5

Bent-over row 3s x 5

Light squats 3s x 5

Leg press w. feet high on plate 1s x 20, 1s x 15

Back extension x12, x10

11 May 2017

SlingShot bench press 325x5, 335x4, 345x3, 355x2, 375x1, 315x3

Seated cable row 4s x 10

Incline bench press 5-4-3-2

Barbell extension 3s x 5

DB fly 2s x 12

DB curl 5s x 6-8

Overhead cable extension 4s x 8-10

Preacher curl machine 4s x AMAP

12 May 2017

Squat 365x5, 385x5, 395x5, 405x5, 385x5, 315 x 2s x 5, 275x5

Not great, but not as terrible as expected.

Smith machine front squat 3s x 5

Leg press x 20, x 15, x 12

14 May 2017

Bench press 295x5, 305x4, 315x3, 325x2, 335x1, 335x1, 335x1

Pulldowns 10-8-6-5-5

Barbell extensions 5x5

Barbell curl 5x5

Standing BTN press 135x5, 145x5, 155x4, 165x3, 175x2

DB preacher curl 4s x 5

Overhead cable extensions 4s x 10-12