Second cycle down, nice increases across the board. Now it's just the overhead press I'm lagging behind on. All other lifts are on par with my pre-pandemic numbers.
Squat: 470 lbs. x 3, 490 lbs. x 2, 505 lbs. x 1, 515 lbs. x 1
Bench press: 310 lbs. x 10, 315 lbs. x 8, 330 lbs. x 6, 355 lbs. x 2, 375 lbs. x 1, 385 lbs. x 1
Close-grip bench press: 310 lbs. x 5, 325 lbs. x 1, 335 lbs. x 1, 350 lbs. x 1
Deadlift: 465 lbs. x 3, 495 lbs. x 2, 505 lbs. x 1, 515 lbs. x 1, 525 lbs. x 1
Standing press: 180 lbs. x 8, 200 lbs. x 2, 205 lbs. x 1, 215 lbs. x 1, 220 lbs. x 1
EZ bar curl: 105 lbs. x 5, 110 lbs. x 3
I felt very strong on the bench press and gave 400 lbs. a shot. Twice. And got pinned. Twice. Wasn't even close.
Another training cycle or two and I should have it. Fingers crossed.
Also tried out full-range front squats for the first time in probably 3-4 years, and got a single with 300 lbs. Which is probably an all-time PR, because I've never maxed out on the front squat. Another testament to the power of isometrics.