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Monday, December 19, 2022

Home Gym Extravaganza

Piece by piece, the home gym is coming together. I have the rack set up and it comes with a pullup bar and a removable dip attachment. Have been cranking out dips and pullups twice per week.

I ordered a bar and bunch of weight plates, but they are arriving slowly. Right now I have enough for overhead presses and stuff like curls and rows.

The idea is to get up to 400+ lbs. of weights so I can train most of my lifts at home. I'd still hit the globo gym once per week for heavy squats, shrugs, and pulls. Something about 500+ squats done at home scares the shit out of me, and heavy pulls are likely to cause floor damage, so I'd rather beat up someone else's equipment/facility if I have the option.

Dumbbells of the selectable sort were also purchased. I only ordered up to 50 lbs. as I don't anticipate ever going heavier than that on DB exercises.

I'm not following any particular program right now. Squats and pulls are strong, but my bench press strength has been all over the place. I've been experimenting a bit with setup, grip, and tempo. But it may be time to start another official training cycle and get back into the groove of things.

Squat - 485 lbs. x 3, followed by 505 lbs. x 3, which went smoothly.

Deadlift - pulled a massive 535 lbs. x 3 with a slightly messed-up back.

Bench press - usually a few sets of 315 lbs. x 5, have not gone over that number in a while.

Seated shoulder press -190 lbs. x 4. Weak.