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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New 5/3/1 Program - Week 5, Day 2

8 February 2011

Today's squat workout was weak, like the benching yesterday. Last week both went pretty well, so this was pretty surprising.


Warmup 3 sets
285 lbs. x 3 (felt great)
325 lbs. x 3 (surprisingly heavy)
365 lbs. x 5 reps

Each rep of that last set felt like a maximum effort and no. 5 almost buried me. Considering that I squatted 380 for an easy six reps only two weeks ago this is pretty disheartening. That said, I have been running a caloric deficit for about two weeks now, perhaps the lack of food is finally starting to catch up with me.

Super-deep narrow-stance squats 225 lbs. x 4, x 3, x 3

Leg press:

4 plates x 6
5 plates x 5
6 plates x 5
5 plates x 5

Bent-legged good-morning: 135 lbs. x 5, 185 lbs. x 3 sets x 5

Weighted abdominal work on incline board 3 sets

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