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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Bench Press Training

9 June 2012

Low on energy today, plus I'm plagued by weird sinus issues. I've felt tired and crappy for several days now and haven't hit the gym since Tuesday.

Bench press, regular - 300 lbs. x 4, x 3 (not too bad all things considered)

Bench press, close grip - 245 lbs. x 4, 235 lbs. x 5

Bent-over rows 5 sets x 10 reps w. barbell

Ultra-wide-grip standing BTN press 3 sets, light, low reps

Pullups 3 sets x 5

Dips, BW x 12, weighted x 3 sets x 5

Face pulls x 3 sets

Barbell bicep curls + tricep pushdowns 6 sets x 8 (curls) and 5 (pushdowns)


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