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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Some Training Updates

Getting lazy posting my training sessions, here’s a brief recap of last couple weeks (from memory, no details):
12 June 2012
Squat – sets of 5, worked up to 455 x 4 and 465 x 3
Leg press 3 sets of 20
13 June 2012
OH Press - worked up to 185 x 3, 195 x 2, 210 lbs. x 1
Close-grip bench press with chains – 3-4 sets
16 June 2012
Bench press, back and arms:
Bench press regular 310 lbs. x 2 x 2
Pullups/chin-ups 5 or 6 sets of 5
17 June 2012
Deadlift from mid-shin (weak point): pulled 405 x 1, 415 x 1, 435 x fail
T-bar rows x 3 sets
Weighted abs
18 June 2012
OH press – 185 x 4, 205 x 3, 215 lbs. x 1
Paused bench press (5-second hold at chest) up to 265 lbs. x 1
Barbell curls 5 sets (up to a heavy weight x 5), then thick-bar curls x 3 sets
Pullups / chin-ups 5x5
Don’t know what kind of thick bar this is, but I can’t wrap my hands around it fully and it weighs 85 lbs. Quite a little beast.
Tricep extensions lying on bench with dumbbells – like skullcrushers with a neutral grip – 3 sets
20 June 2012
High-rep squat training with safety squat bar: did parallel box squats with SSB, alternating with a training partner (no rest between sets except to wait until the other guy is finished). Light weight, but it absolutely killed my legs and abdominals. Weights and reps below:
Then leg press: 3 plates x 20, 4 plates x 20, 5 plates x 2 sets x 12
Then some single-leg extensions and curls (3 sets x 7-8 reps)
Had trouble walking for a few days.
21 June 2012
Bench press – worked up to 315 lbs. x 2, 325 lbs. x 2
Close-grip BP 255 lbs. x 3 sets x 3, then 275 lbs. x 2, 295 lbs. x 1
Back work – pull-ups, rows, etc., fairly high reps except on pull-ups
Arms – barbell and thick bar bicep curls (a bunch of sets, probably 8-9 in total), tricep extension with dumbbells for sets of 8
24 June 2012
Deadlift from sticking point – 425 lbs. x 1, 435 lbs. x 1 (PR)
Shrugs 405 lbs. x 2 sets x 8, 425 lbs. x 1 set x 5
T-bar rows 3 sets x 10
Good mornings, light, 2 sets x 10
Weighted abs 2 sets x 8
Single-leg curls 1 set x 8

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