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Wednesday, August 19, 2015


18 August 2015

Bench press 135x8, 185x5, 225x3, 245x3, 285x5, SlingShot 315x3, 355 (1+) x 3

Not sure how the weight got so heavy all of a sudden. Maybe I messed up my Excel calculations, but it doesn't look like it. Also I should not have overhead pressed on Sunday, or I should have taken an extra day off.

Or maybe this makes sense. I got a raw single with 355 earlier this week and tripled the same weight wearing a SlingShot, which sounds about right? Either way, I'm supposed to repeat the same weight for my next 1+ week, so as long as I get more than 3 reps then I'll be fine.

Joker set - did an extra double with 355 and called it a day.

Pulldowns 30 total reps, heavy

Standing front press 135x3, 165x2, 185 x 2 singles, 195 x 2 singles, 200 x 2 singles

No pain in either shoulder, but right side seemed weaker than the left.

Machine preacher curl 30 reps per arm

Rope pushdowns 3s x 10-12


SomeCowBoyGuy said...

This post needs a tl:dr.

Fatman said...

TL;DR slam bars, don't kill PRs, lose strength.