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Friday, August 26, 2016

Paused Presses

21 August 2016

Bench press 310 lbs. x 6, 315 lbs. x 5, 295 lbs. x 5

Went a bit overboard with bench presses and did not have any energy left for paused presses. I'll tack those on to the SlingShot bench press day later this week.

Pulldowns 4s x 8

Close-grip bench press 2s x 5

Standing BTN press 125x5, 145 x 3s x 5

EZ bar curl 5s x 6-7

Overhead rope extensions 4s x AMAP

22 August 2016

Pull 430 lbs. x 5, 405 lbs. 2s x 5

Good, strong pull day. Deadlifting has been going well lately.

Stiff-legged pull 315 lbs. 2s x 5

Bent-over row 3s x 5

Pullups 3s x 8, 1s x 6

Seated leg curl 4s x 8

24 August 2016

Paused bench press 285 lbs. x 5, 265 lbs. x 5

SlingShot (Reactive) bench press 345 lbs. x 4, 315 lbs. x 5, 325 lbs. x 5

Was supposed to do 345x5, but I didn't have a spotter and I decided to cut the set short because the weight felt very heavy.

Close-grip bench press 2s x 6-8

Seated cable row 4s x 8

Incline bench press 4s x 8

EZ bar curl 4s x 8-10

Incline bench DB curl 4s x AMAP

26 August 2016

Squat 415 lbs. x 5, 395 lbs. 2s x 5

High-bar close stance squat 295 lbs. 2s x 5

Leg extensions 2s x 15-20

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