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Sunday, July 30, 2017

Cycle Restart

24 July 2017

Deadlift 410x5, 425x4, 440x3, 455x2, 475x1, 495 x fail

Sumo deadlift, light 2s x 4

Bent-over row 3s x 5

Squat, light 3s x 5

Standing BTN press 135x5, 145 3s x 5 - to make up for yesterday

26 July 2017

SlingShot bench press 380x3, 365x3, 355x3, 340 2s x 3

T-bar rows 4s x 8

Barbell extensions 2s x 8

Incline bench press 4s x 5

Strict curl 4s x 5

Overhead cable extensions 3s x 12

28 July 2017

Squat 415x3, 435x3, 465x3, 435x3

Paused squat 365x3, 385x3

Stiff-legged deadlift 3s x 5

Leg press x 20, x 12

Leg extensions 2s x 12-15

30 July 2017

Bench press 325 2s x 5, 305x5, 300x5

Paused bench press 275x5, 255x5

Pulldowns 10-8-6-5

Barbell extension 3s x 6-8

Seated BTN press 135x5, 155x5, 165x5, 175x5

Barbell curl 4s x 5

Preacher curl superset (DB+BB) x 3

Pushdowns 3s x 12-15

Monday, July 24, 2017

Lifting Interrupted

10 July 2017

Deadlift 410x5, 425x4, 440x3, 455x2, 485x1

Stiff-legged deadlift 2s x 5

Bent-over row 2s x 5

Paused shrugs 3s x 15

Squat, light 3s x 5

Rear delt fly 3s x 10-12

12 July 2017

SlingShot bench press 365x3, 355 2s x 3, 345 2s x 3

Picked the weights well and hit all the reps.

Barbell extensions 2s x 6

T-bar rows 4s x 8-10

Incline bench press 4s x 4-5

Strict curl 4s x 5

Preacher curl machine x 3 drop sets

13 July 2017

Squat 415x3, 435x3, 455x3, 465x3, 445x3

Stiff-legged deadlift 3s x 5

Maybe something else, but I forgot. On vacation for a week.

20 July 2017

SlingShot bench press 385x2, 375x2, 365x2, 345 2s x 2

Barbell extensions 3s x 8

T-bar rows 5s x 8

Incline bench press 4s x 5

Barbell curl 4s x 5, cheat curl x 3

Preacher curl superset (DB + BB) x 3 sets

21 July 2017

Squat 405x2, 425x2, 455x2, 475x2, 455x2, 435x2

Stiff-legged deadlift 3s x 5

Leg extensions 2s x 12-15

23 July 2017

Bench press 355x2, 335 2s x 2, 315x2, 295x2

Pulldowns 10-8-6-5

Barbell extensions 3s x 8

Strict curl 4s x 5

Preacher curl (BB) x 3 sets

Overhead extensions (cable) 3s x 12-15

Monday, July 10, 2017

Some Improvement

5 July 2017

Overdid it slightly over the holiday, so results were disappointing.

SlingShot bench press 330x6, 345x4, 330x4, 315x5 - all these were supposed to be sets of six.

T-bar row 1s x 10, 4s x 8-10

Barbell extensions 2s x 6-8

Smith machine incline bench press 4s x 5

Everyone always says pressing and squatting in the Smith machine is "easier". This has not been my experience, especially with squats and incline presses. Every time I press it feels like my shoulders are going to explode.

Preacher curl machine drop sets x 3

Overhead cable extensions 3s x 8-10

7 July 2017

Squat 385x3, 405x2, 410x4, 430x4, 450x4, 460x3, 430x4

Used knee wraps with 460 to get four reps. Didn't get four reps. But I didn't die crushed under the bar either, so I guess it's a draw.

Stiff-legged deadlift 3s x 5

Getting better at these. I use a light weight and try to get a good hamstring contraction. Worked this time as my hamstrings were cramping up toward the end.

Leg press x 20, x 15, x 10

Leg extensions 2s x 12-15

9 July 2017

Bench press 350x2, 330 2x2, 320 2x2

Paused bench press 295x3

Pretty happy with these.

Pulldowns 10-8-6-5

Barbell extensions 1s x 8, 2s x 5

Seated BTN press 135x5, 155x5, 175x5, 185x3

DB curl 1s x 8, 4s x 5-6

Preacher DB curl 3s x 5-6

Pushdowns 3s x 15

Monday, July 3, 2017

Abnormal Is the New Normal

28 June 2017

SlingShot bench press 305x4, 320x8, 305x8, 285x8

Once again I was completely crushed by Sunday's raw bench workout, but this time I hit all goal weights. I think the seated behind-the-neck press is the main culprit for the extreme soreness. It's the only thing I've changed in my pressing routine, I'm using slightly heavier weight and pressing off pins (bottom up).

Smith machine bent over row 1s x 10, 2s x 8

Barbell extensions 2s x 8

Strict curl 1s x 10, 1s x 5

Incline bench press 3s x 5

Preacher curl machine drop sets x 3

30 June 2017

Squat 365x5, 405x5, 425x4, 445x4, 425x4, 405x5

Stiff-legged deadlift 3s x 5

Light deadlift after squats, light squats after deadlifts. Will see how long this lasts.

Leg press 2s x 20

Leg extension 2s x 15-20

2 July 2017

Bench press 340x3, 320x3, 320x2, 310x3

Paused bench press 275 x 2s x 5

Pulldowns 10-8-6-5, reverse grip 1s x 6

Barbell extensions 3s x 6-7

Barbell curl 4s x 5, cheat curl 2s x 4

Seated BTN press 135x5, 155x5, 175x5, 185x5

DB preacher curl 3s x 6

Pushdowns 3s x 12-15

3 July 2017

Deadlift 410x5, 425x4, 440x3, 455x2, 480x1

Stiff-legged deadlift 2s x 5

Bent-over row 2s x 5

Squat 3s x 5