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Monday, August 28, 2017

In Search of Lost Gainz

23 August 2017

SlingShot bench press 365x4, 340 2s x 4, 320x4

Top set was pretty rough. Still, about what I'd expect after some heavy raw pressing last Sunday, and in keeping with my SlingShot experience so far, i.e. 25-35 extra lbs. on low-rep sets (1-3 reps) and 15-25 on higher-rep ones. Some people have reported boosts of over 40 lbs., but I've yet to see those materialize.

T-bar rows 12-10-8-6

Barbell extensions 2s x 6-8

Standing front press 155x7, 135x7

Need to bring a belt for these, I've forgotten how much they strain the lower back.

Barbell curl 4s x 8

Incline bench press x5, x3, x4 - ran out of steam here.

Cable curls 4s x 10-12

Overhead cable extensions 4s x 10-12

25 August 2017

Squat 465x3 (wraps), 445 2s x 3, 425 2s x 3

Paused squat 335x4, 355x4, 375x4

Stiff-legged DL 3s x 5

Hack squat 4s x 10

27 August 2017

Bench press 350 2s x 3, 330 2s x 3

Paused BP 300x2, 275x4

Pulldowns 10-10-8-6-5

Barbell extensions 2s x 6

Standing BTN press 135x5, 155x5, 175x5, 135x5

Top set felt pretty heavy.

Barbell curl 4s x 8-10

Preacher DB curl 3s x 6

I'm making solid progress on the bench press, and the other lifts are also increasing nicely. Been training consistently this summer and realizing good gainz. Unfortunately this will all end in early September when I'm scheduled for work travel and another 3-week layoff. Still pretty happy with the results.

Monday, August 21, 2017


14 August 2017

Deadlift 440 2s x 3, 420 2s x 3

Sumo deadlift 2s x 5

Bent-over row 2s x 5

Squat, light 3s x 5

One-arm DB row x 25 reps per arm

16 August 2017

SlingShot bench press 325x8, 315 2s x 8

T-bar row 12-10-8-6

Barbell extension 2s x 6-8

Incline bench press 3s x 5 - all with increased weight

Superset cheat curl + concentration curl x 4

Pushdowns 3s x 12

18 August 2017

Squat 445x5, 425 2s x 5, 405x5

Wraps and belt on the 445 set. Only belt on other three.

Paused squat 345x3, 375x3, 395x3

Stiff-legged deadlift 3s x 5

Hack squat 4s x 10-12

20 August 2017

Bench press 340 2s x 4, 320x4, 320x3

I had a strange dull ache in my forearms after these sets.

Paused bench press 295x3, 275x3

Pulldowns 10-8-6-5

Barbell extensions 2s x 6-8

Standing BTN press 135x5, 155x5, 165x5

Barbell curl 3s x 10

Preacher curl 3s x 6

21 August 2017

Deadlift 435x4, 415 2s x 4

Sumo DL 2s x 5

Bent-over row 2s x 5

Squat 3s x 5

One-arm DB row x 15 per arm

Monday, August 14, 2017

Press More

9 August 2017

SlingShot bench press 350x5, 340x4, 335x5

T-bar rows 4s x 6-8

Barbell extensions 2s x 8

Seated two DB press 3s x 10

Decided to give my elbows a break and will do DB presses as my assistance exercise for a few weeks.

Hammer curls 4s x 10

Concentration curl 4s x 6-8

11 August 2017

Squat 435x4, 425x5, 405 2sx5

Paused squat 325x5, 370x5

Went too heavy and didn't get all the reps with 435.

Stiff-legged deadlift 3s x 5

Hack squat 4 sets x 10-12

13 August 2017

Bench press 345x3, 355x3, 325x3, 320x3, 305x3

This might be the heaviest triple I've ever done. Bench press has been going smoothly lately.

Pulldowns 10-6-6-5

Barbell extensions 3s x 8

Seated BTN press 135x5, 155x5, 175 2sx5

Barbell curl 4s x 6-8

Preacher curl 4s x 6

Overhead extensions 3s x 12

Monday, August 7, 2017


31 July 2017

My hands felt like raw meat this morning and I couldn't grip the bar properly with my left. All I did yesterday was press, so not sure what happened there. To avoid dropped weights and back injury, I worked up to a lightish single and called it a day.

Deadlift 410x5, 425x4, 440x2, 455x1

Sumo deadlift 3s x 5

Bent over row 3s x 5

Squat, light 2s x 5

2 August 2017

SlingShot bench press 340 x 2s x 6, 320x6

Barbell extensions 3s x 6-8

T-bar row 2s x 8, 3s x 6

Standing front press 155x6, 135x6

Hammer curl 3s x 10-12

Reverse curl 4s x 6

Overhead cable extension 3s x 10-12

4 August 2017

Squat 430 2s x 5, 425x5, 405 2s x 5

Second set with 430 was awful, 2-3 of the 5 reps were not to depth. Not sure why I tried to repeat the weight instead of going with the planned load drop. Probably because I've been reading old John McCallum articles on the Tight Slacks site and bought into the propaganda.

Stiff-legged DL 3s x 5

Leg press x 20, x 15

Leg extension 2s x 12

6 August 2017

Bench press 335 2s x 4, 315 2s x 4

Paused bench press 285x4

Pulldowns 10-8-6-5

Barbell extensions 2s x 8

A bunch of barbell and DB curls.

Overhead cable extension 3s x 10-12

7 August 2017

Deadlift 420 2s x 5, 405x5

Sumo DL 2s x 5

Bent-over row 2s x 5

Squat, light 3s x 5

Standing BTN press 135x5, 145 2s x 5