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Monday, August 1, 2022


 Another squat/deadlift cycle down, another (significant) deadlift PR. I did not expect to improve much on 550, but 5 weeks later I've added another 15 lbs. After years of zero pulling progress, it feels almost too good to be true, but I'll take it.

I'm still working on the 12-week progression for the bench press. It's going mostly according to plan, I've started missing reps here and there as the weights get heavier, but that tracks with my previous experience with the program. Moving into two low-rep weeks, working up to a max single day on 13 August. If I had to predict a 1RM, it would be 380-385 lbs. We'll see how close I get.

Squats went okay, but I just couldn't hit the groove with front squats, so those were a bit disappointing. An abominably ugly 325 lb. single was my best effort.

Squat: 475 lbs. x 3, 495 lbs. x 2, 500 lbs. x 1, 510 lbs. x 1

Front squat: 325 lbs. x 1

Bench press: 350 lbs. x 2s x 3 (plus a double), 355 lbs. x 3, 365 lbs. x 2

Incline bench press: 270 lbs. x 2s x 5

Standing overhead press: 190 lbs. 3s x 5,  200 lbs. x 3

Deadlift: 505 lbs. x 2, 545 lbs. x 1, 565 lbs. x 1 (all-time PR)

Bodyweight was at 216 lbs. this week, lowest it's been in a while.

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