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Monday, January 9, 2023

New Year

Not much to report on the lifting front. I'm training at home 4 days per week and at the gym one day per week (heavy squats or deadlifts). Finally have enough plates for heavy bench presses and moderate squats, 490 lbs. total. It's taking me some time to adjust to the new equipment and I've taken a step back on all upper body lifts to work on improving my form.

My bodyweight has dropped by a significant amount (6-8 lbs.) without me really noticing it. Probably one of the reasons driving my bench press numbers down. My other lifts don't seem to be seriously affected, although I feel that the constant lower back fatigue is holding back my deadlift a little. Might be a good time to reassess my assistance exercises and lower overall volume.

There are a few niggling pains now and then, but nothing serious.

Maxed out on squats and deadlifts this week, as I'm back on my usual training cycle. Threw in some front squats in my home gym because I can. Back squat and deadlift singles were done at the globo gym on the same day. I barely hit the squat single, but feel like I could have gone a little heavier on the deadlift. Still, great numbers (if no PRs) overall.

Added some incline bench presses and I'm embarrassingly weak on these. In the first week I pushed more weight overhead than I did on the incline. It's hard to think that I was five pounds shy of incline pressing three plates a mere three months ago.

Seated overhead press: 190 lbs. 3sets x 6

Squat: 505 lbs. x 3, 525 lbs. x 1

Front squat: 355 lbs. x 1

Bench press: 290 lbs. 3 sets x 6 (second week of 12-week cycle)

Deadlift: 505 lbs. x 2, 545 lbs. x 1

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