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Friday, April 1, 2011

Deadlift Training - Week 3, Cycle 4

1 April 2011


Warmup 2 sets
305 lbs. x 5 (double OH)
345 lbs. x 3 (first 2 DOH)
385 lbs. x 8 reps (not too shabby)

Stiff-leg deadlifts (subbed these for rack pulls): 135x5, 185x5, 225x5

Shrug machine 4-5 sets, relatively heavy

Weighted back raises 3 sets x 10

Leg curl 3 sets x 10

Weighted situps on incline ab board 3 sets x 8

Hanging leg raise 1 set x 10

Bodyweight as of this morning - 202.6 lbs. Hovering around the 200 mark, but will be trying to get back to a leaner 210 - this is the optimal weight for me as far as heavy lifting is concerned. I've lost too much ground on the bench press and squat to make the weight loss worth it.

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