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Monday, July 16, 2012

Misc Training - With Cardio

Highlights only.

10 July 2012

Bench press, light, 245 lbs. x 4 sets x 6 (shoulders and arms felt beat up, like I was lifting 285 or more)

Barbell bent-over rows – can’t remember the poundage, but it was low and reps were high. 4 sets.

Snatch-grip standing BTN press 3 low-rep sets up to 135 lbs. x 2

DB preacher curls 3 sets x 6

DB skullcrushers 3 sets x 6-7

11 July 2012

Cardio (hurrah!) – Concept2 rower 2 sets x 5-8 minutes, some sort of elliptical machine 10 minutes, some crunches

12 July 2012

5-rep-max stiff-leg deadlifts. Discovered a piriformis injury, i.e. my ass and lower back cramp up severely on the left side when I lift. Still managed to complete the deads.

115x10 – 225 x 5 – 255 x 5 – 275 x 5 – 295 x 5 – 305 x 5, hamstrings sore like hell today

Shrugs 405 x 3 sets x 8

Low pulley rows 3 sets

Face pulls 2 sets

Lots of light ab sets (crunches), rehab for piriformis (tough to get at) – foam rolling and stretching

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