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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Training - Upper Body Volume Day

2 April 2013

Bench press - warmup to 275x3 paused, then 300 lbs. x 5, x 4, x 5 - gassed out really early on this. 295 is a joke, but the 300 felt like a bear.

Seated pulley row 1 x 10 light, then 3 x 6-8 heavy

Standing military press 150 lbs. x 3 x 5 reps (felt very light)

Pullups 2 x 5 - had to stop there, felt really weak and my lats were cramping up for some reason

Dips 3 x 10

EZ bar curl 4 sets x 10-12

Overall a weak session, but still got almost all the prescribed work in.

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