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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Volume Day - Upper

30 April 2013

Bench press warmup to 280x3 (3-second pause each), 300 lbs. x 3 sets x 5 - very easy

Bench press with SlingShot 315x8

Seated long pulley row with extra-ROM bar 4 sets x 6

Standing military press 165 lbs. x 3 sets x 5 (later realized I was supposed to do 170, oh well)

Neutral-grip pullups 5 x 5

Dips 3 x 12

Skullcrushers 3 x 6-8

EZ bar curls, 'heavy' 3 x 6

After foam rolling my IT band the horrible hip pain is gone, did some BW squats today and didn't feel a thing. Bodyweight as of today - 210 lbs., pretty much even.

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