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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Legs - Intensity Day

3 October 2013

Paused squat 325x3, 365x3, 385x3

Regular squat 415 x 3, 475 x 3 (belt and wraps) - took the intensity down a notch, will ramp back up.

Used a weird bendy bar for squats, it whipped around with a mere 415 on and actually bent on the 475 set, so groove was a bit off.

Speed deads 8 singles with 300 lbs. on the minute (5 sumo, 3 regular) - these were actually fast.

Weighted back raise (hips supported) 3s x 8-10

Roman chair situps 3s x 12

Leg curls 3s x 10-12

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