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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Squats and Deadlifts

18 October 2014

Squat 135x6, 225x4, 275x3, 315x3, 370x3, 410x3, 440x1 (belt+wraps), 475x3 (B+W), 510x3 (B+W)

Felt more solid than last week.

Deadlift 325 lbs. x 15 singles, 30 seconds or less between reps

I've decided to try one of those singles-only deadlift routines and pull every week for a cycle (11-12 weeks). Even tho the weight is very light at first, the short breaks between reps quickly catch up with you.

Front squat 2s x 5, 1s x 3 - was just destroyed at this point.

Later I moved some furniture around the house and my back wasn't too happy.

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