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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Upper Body Volume

16 July 2013

Went light and easy today, partially to spare energy for the "big" pressing session on Saturday, partially because I was tired. I will probably re-design my bench pressing sessions, back off the weight on 'intensity' days and do more volume (sets of six) with medium weights, then work back up to triples and doubles. Spend more time base building, so to speak. The volume day will then become a real volume day, light bench presses done for sets of 5, followed by some seated behind-the-neck pressing, which has given me good results in the past.

Bench press 275 lbs. x 5, x 5, x 6

Standing overhead press 135 x 5, 155 x 5 - all racks and platforms were busy at this point

Lat pulldowns 140 x 5, x 10, 160 x 10

Tricep extensions to nose 95 x 8, 115 x 8, 120 x 8

DB hammer curls 3s x 10-12

EZ bar curls against wall 3s x 8

Rope pushdowns 2s x 10

Pec deck 3s x 10

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