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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Squattings With Haltings and Without

29 January 2014

Still sore from the last leg session, the leg press took more out of me than it used to. Especially the hamstrings.

Paused high bar close stance squat 275x3, 315x2, 335x2 (with Manta Ray), 355x3, 375x3, 390x3

Full disclosure - I didn't pause the last rep with 390 and the pause on the one before that was questionable.

Low-bar squat 435 lbs. x 3

Just wanted to check form, used belt and wraps to make sure it was pretty easy. I noticed that I kept my torso way more upright than usual and felt it more in the quads.

Speed deadlift 315 x 6 singles on the minute - should have used less weight

Weighted Roman chair situp 3s x 8

Leg extension 3s x 30 seconds

Leg curl 3s x 30 seconds

Calf raise 3s x 45 secs

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

More Pressing

27 January 2014

Incline press 245 lbs. 3s x 5

Seated cable row 1x12, 1x8, 2sx6

Weighted Roman chair situps 2s x 8

Some kind of chest supported row, but from overhead 2s x 15 - done while waiting for equipment to free up.

Standing BTN press 135x10, 165x5, then seated 185x5, 205x5

Tricep pushdowns 3s x 35 secs

DB hammer curls 3s x 8

EZ bar brocep curls, a.k.a. 21s - 3 sets. Made me feel like (even more of) a douchebag, but the pump was painful.

Concentration curls 2s x AMAP

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Squattings With Haltings

26 January 2014

Paused high bar squat 290 lbs. 3s x 5

Regular HB squat 365x5, 405x5

Leg press (haven't done this in months):

Close stance 4 plates x 15, 5p x 12, 6p x 12

Wide stance 6 plates 2s x 10

Leg extension 2s x 30 seconds

Leg curl 2s x 30 secs

Ab machine 2s x AMAP

Saturday, January 25, 2014

More Press On Back

24 January 2014

Moved some boxes around before lifting, so didn't have much energy today.

Paused close grip bench press 295 lbs. x 3, x 3, x 4

Wanted to get a 5, which turned out to be too ambitious. Still this is pretty good. I can't guarantee all reps were paused for a 2-count, but definitely longer than 1 second.

Paused CG BP with SlingShot 325 lbs. x 5 - good pauses on these

Tricep extension 3s x 12

EZ bar strict curl 3s x 8

Incline bench DB curls 3s x AMAP

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Draft and Inclinations On the Goat

23 January 2014

Deadlift 135x8 or 10, 225x5, 315x3, 365x1, 415x1, 465x2

First three sets were done with two pauses for each rep, one right off the floor, the other above the knee.

Last set was the mother of all grinders, and a "rep PR".

Back-off 415x3 - don't usually do backoffs, but felt like it today.

Weighted Roman chair situps 3s x 8

Weighted back raise 3s x 8

Pulldowns 2s x 30 seconds, 1s x 35 secs

Face pulls 2s x 35 secs

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Inclines Week Two

21 January 2014

Incline bench press 235 lbs. 3s x 5

Seated cable row 1x12, 1x8, 2s x 6

Seated BTN press 135x8, 185x5, 195x5

Pec deck 2s x 30 seconds

DB hammer curl 3s x 10

EZ bar curl 3s x 8

Rear delt fly machine 3s x 30 seconds

Rope pushdown 2s x 35 secs, 1s x AMAP

Incline bench DB curls 2s x 35 seconds, 1s x 20 secs

Concentration curl 2s x AMAP

Monday, January 20, 2014

Moving the Exercise For Squattings

19 January 2014

Speed squats 315 lbs. 8 sets x 2

Warmup and first four sets done with Manta Ray, which was hard.

Stiff-legged deficit deadlift 225x5, 275x5, 300x5 - felt okay.

Weighted Roman chair situp 3s x 8

Leg extension 4 sets x 35 seconds

Leg curl 4 sets x 35 seconds

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Gallant is Narrow

18 January 2014

Paused close-grip bench press 285 x 5, 290 x 5, 287.5 x 5

Weird weight for the last set because I forgot to take off one of the 2.5 plates. At least I don't crunch numbers for a living.

Paused CG BP with SlingShot 315 x 5

Good two-second-count pauses on all 4 sets. Found a spotter today.

Standing BTN military press 135x10, 145x8 - triceps were fried at this point

DB hammer curls 3s x 10

Tricep extensions 3s x 10-12 - elbow still holding up

Incline bench seated DB curls 3s x 30 seconds

Tricep pushdowns 2s x 30 seconds

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Squatting With the Rod On the Spin In the Inferior Regime

16 January 2014

Paused high bar squat 225x3, 275x3, 315x3, 335x3

First three sets were done with a manta ray. This piece of equipment forces you into an extreme HB squat with the body completely upright. Hard and uncomfortable = good.

High bar squat 365x3, 410x3

Speed deadlift 305 lbs. 7 singles on the minute, 4 sumo and 3 conventional - pretty fast

Weighted Roman chair situps 3s x 8

Weighted back raises 3s x 8

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Press Of Rod Lying On the [Naklonoy] Bench Into the Top By Head.

14 January 2014

Incline bench press 225 lbs. x 3s x 5 - this was surprisingly hard.

Seated pulley row 1s x 10, 2s x 8

Seated BTN press 135x6, 185x5, 205x4

DB hammer curl 3s x 8

Tricep pushdown 3s x 10

Pec deck 2s x 30 seconds

Preacher machine curls, 3s x 30 seconds

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Straightening Thigh Sitting In the Trainer

13 January 2014

Right knee started hurting today while I was at work. Got up from my desk and started having sharp shooting pains. Must have been typing/clicking more strenuously than usual. Foam rolled the leg later and it turns out to be my right IT band, so at least my knee isn't broken.

Paused high bar close stance squat 270 lbs. 3s x 5

Regular high bar close stance squat 350 lbs. 2s x 5

Knee only hurt a little while squatting, a lot while walking.

Leg extensions 4s x 30 seconds

Leg curl 4s x 30 seconds

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Press Lying, Gallant is Average

12 January 2014

Bench press 275x2, 305x2, 325x2 (paused), then 350 x 2

Second rep was very hard. The weight is starting to grind. Luckily I'm done with the 12-week bench press cycle; I'm supposed to work up to a heavy single next week, but I'm going to skip that because it's already beginning to stall.

Also did a bunch of light DB curl sets between pressing, like 5-6 sets of 6-8 reps.

Bench press w. SlingShot 370 x 3 - these were pretty OK.

Seated BTN press 135 x 8, 185 x 2s x 5

Pullups 3s x 5

DB hammer curls 3s x 8

DB tricep extension 3s x 10-12 - did these light and with limited range of motion, the version when you touch the dumbbell to your chest instead of going all the way behind your head. Elbows seem to have taken it OK. I'll try working them in once a week or something, very cautiously.

EZ bar curls, strict (back and head against wall) 3s x 10

Cable pushdowns 3s x 10

I've decided to work on incline pressing, at which I suck, before starting my next flat bench press cycle. This has worked for me well in the past. So what I'll do is one day of inclines (3 sets of 6) and one day of close-grip paused bench presses (3 of 5) per week, for about 4-6 weeks. The goal is to move up the incline press weight, last time I tried this I worked up to sixes and fives with 250.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Draft From Plinths

9 January 2013

Deadlift: 135x7-8, 225x5, 315x4, 385x1, 415x2, 460x2

460 is a 2-rep PR. The first three sets were done with two pauses - one after breaking the bar off the floor, the second just below lockout. These were surprisingly hard with 315.

Weighted back raise 3s x 8

Chest-supported row 3s x 10

Ab machine 2s x 10

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Squatting With The Rod On the Spin

7 January 2014

Fourth day lifting in a row.

Started with a leg machine circuit: leg extension - leg curl - adductors - abductors, 10 reps each

Paused high-bar squat 255 lbs. 3s x 5

Regular HB squat 325 lbs. 2s x 5 - blew up my quads nicely.

Weighted Roman chair situps 2s x 8

Leg extension 2s x 30 seconds

Leg curl 2s x 30 seconds

Monday, January 6, 2014

Bench Press Volume

6 January 2014

Paused bench, closer-grip (about shoulder width) 285 lbs. x 3s x 5

Strained my left pec on the first set. Good thing close grip bench presses are safer for the pecs than wide grip.

Seated cable row 1s x 8, 3s x 6

Seated BTN press 135x5, 185 x 2s x 5

DB hammer curl 2s x 10, 1s x 8

Tricep pushdown 3s x 12-15

Preacher curl machine 3s x AMAP

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Intensity Squat Day

5 January 2013

Paused HB squat 275x3, 315x3, 340x3

Regular HB squat 365x3, 405x3

Speed deadlifts 305 lbs. 6 singles on the minute

Leg extension 3 sets x 30 seconds (as many reps as possible within 30 secs)

Leg curl 3 x 30 seconds

Pulldowns x10, x8, x6

Weighted Roman chair situps 3s x 8

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Heavy Bench Press

4 January 2014

Not a great day today, but managed to get all the sets in. I've been missing the bench press volume days lately and it seems to be affecting my heavy days. Booze and food aren't helping things either.

Bench press warmup to 315x2 paused, then 345 x 2, 325 x 3, 315 x 3

Wanted 345x3, but wasn't even close to getting a third.

Bench press w. SlingShot 365 lbs. x 3

Seated cable row 1s x 8, 3s x 6

Standing BTN press 135x10, 155 x 2s x 8

DB hammer curl 1s x 10, 2s x 8

Tricep pushdown 3s x 12-15

Preacher curl with EZ bar 3s x 10

Concentration curl 2s x AMAP

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Squatting in 2014

2 January 2013

High bar speed squats 315 lbs. 8 sets x 2 on the minute - will be doing these every 4 weeks or so on my pseudo-Gillingham program.

Hack squats 3s x 10 - still pitiful weight

Weighted Roman chair situps 2s x 8, 1s x 6, ab machine 1s x 12

Leg extension 3s x 10

Leg curl 3s x 10