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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Overhead Pressing and Bench Lockouts

31 January 2012

Seated BTN pressing sucked, did okay on standing overheads and managed some heavy bench press lockouts.

Seated BTN press 135 lbs. x 5, 155 lbs. x 3, 175 lbs. x 3, 185 lbs. x 2, 195 lbs. x fail (WTF)

Standing press 185 lbs. x 1, 205 lbs. x 1, 215 lbs. x 1, 225 lbs. x 1 - all flew up explosively, even the 225.

Pullups 5x5

Bench press lockouts - did these with different grips, managed 365x2 and 385x1 using a normal grip and something like 335 with a narrow grip.

Machine preacher curls 4 sets

Tricep pushdowns 2 sets

Squat Training - The Five-Week Cycle

30 January 2012

Second week of the 5-week cycle - the four sets of five after hitting a weekly max still suck, and they will only get heavier.

Back squat:

Warmup x a bunch of sets
340 lbs. x 1 (B+W)
385 lbs. x 1 (B+W)
410 lbs. x 1 (B+W) - the singles still feel fast and explosive, which is good. Shouldn't be any grinders at this point.
330 lbs. x 5 x 4 sets (sheer murder on the legs)

Paused squats to pins 310 lbs. x 3 reps (couldn't do the required five)

Glute-ham raise 3 sets x 5-8 reps - getting pretty good at these

Calf raise x 1 set, fairly high reps

Leg extension x 1 set

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bench Press Training

28 January 2012

Bench press: warmup, then 285 x 1, 310 x 1 (both flew up with good speed)
Back-off sets 280 lbs. x 4 sets x 3, 1 set x 1 (could not get the 5x3)

Incline press 135x5, 185x3, 225x2, 245x1

Pullups 5x5

Smith machine bent-over rows 5 sets

Barbell curl x 4 sets

Tricep pushdowns x 3 sets

Squat Training

I haven't been good about logging my workouts this week - missed this one from sequence.

23 January 2012

Back squat:

Warmup x a few sets
275 lbs. x 4
330 lbs. x 1 (B+W)
375 lbs. x 1 (B+W)
400 lbs. x 1 (B+W)
320 lbs. x 5 x 5

Paused squats 300 lbs. x 5 (good pause on each rep)

Glute-ham raise 3 sets x 5 (getting okay at these)

Miscellaneous ab work x a few sets

Friday, January 27, 2012

Squats and Deadlifts

26 January 2012
Back squat:
Warmup x a few sets
330 lbs. x 1
375 lbs. x 1
400 lbs. x 1
Paused squat 300 lbs. x 5
Warmup x a few sets
265 lbs. x 1
305 lbs. x 1
330 lbs. x 1 (all double OH)
Sumo deadlift 230 lbs. x 5
Deficit deadlift 230 lbs. x 5
Shrugs in power rack 135x10, 225x10, 315x100, 405x10

Overhead Press and Bench Press Lockouts

24 January 2012
Shoulder warmup: two-DB press 50sx5, 60sx3, 70sx3, 80sx3
BTN press 135x5, 155x3, 185x3, 200xfail, 185x3
Standing press 185x1, 205x1, 215x1
Close-grip bench press lockouts (starting from bottom position) – worked up to 300 lbs. x 2, then 320 lbs. x 2. Should do these more as they absolutely kill the triceps.
Pullups 5x5
Barbell curl x 3 sets

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Bench Press Training

21 January 2012

Bench press:

Warmup x a few sets, 280 lbs. x 1, 305 lbs. x 1
275 lbs. 5 sets x 3

Close-grip bench press 235 lbs. + medium chains x 3 reps

Pullups 5x5

Smith machine rows x 4 sets

DB flyes x 1 set x as many as possible

Lateral raise, cheating, x 1 set x AMAP

Barbell curl 3 sets

Behind-the-head skullcrushers 2 sets

Two-DB incline bench curls 1 set

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Squat and Pull Training

19 January 2011

Back squat:

Warmup x several sets
275 lbs. x 3
320 lbs. x 1
365 lbs. x 1
390 lbs. x 1

Paused squat 290 lbs. x 5


Warmup 135x10, 225x5, 250x1
295 lbs. x 1
320 lbs. x 1
275 lbs. x 5

Sumo DL 225 lbs. x 5
Deficit DL 175 lbs. x 5

Rack shrugs 135x10, 225x10, 315x10, 405x8

Overhead Press and Accessory Training

17 January 2011

Warmup - two-DB press for sets of 5-2 from 50 to 75 lb'ers

Seated BTN press 135x6, 155x3, 185x2, 200x1

Standing OH press - worked up to 205 lbs. x 4

Pullups 3 sets x 5

Light bench press 190 lbs. x 2 sets x 8

Smith machine bent-over row 4 sets (great exercise)

Lateral side raise, cheating, 1 set

Barbell curl 4 sets

Concentration curl x 1 set

Monday, January 16, 2012

Squat Training

16 January 2012

I've been on a caffeine fast the last couple of days. Never thought it'd be this tough. Dragged ass in the gym today, but managed to get through the session.


Warmup x a bunch of sets
275 lbs. x 4
320 lbs. x 1 (wraps + belt)
365 lbs. x 1 (W+B)
390 lbs. x 1 (W+B)
315 lbs. x 8 reps, x 6, x 6, x 5 (this was hard)

Paused squats 290 lbs. x 5

Light stiff-legged deadlifts x 2 sets

Leg press 4 plates x 8, 5 plates x 8

Various abdominal work - incline ab board situps x 2 sets, machine crunches x 3 sets

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Bench Press Training

14 January 2012

Bench presses felt strong today, the bar went up explosively, almost like a speed bench.

Warmup x a few sets, 280 lbs. x 1, 300 lbs. x 1
Working sets 265 lbs. x 5 sets x 3 (felt good for 5 more sets)

Close-grip bench press 225 lbs. + medium chains x 2 sets x 3

Pullups 5x5

DB flyes x 1 set x AMAP

Rear delt flyes face down on incline bench x 1 set AMAP

Seated chest-supported rows 3 sets

Barbell curls 3 sets

Seated incline bench DB curls 1 set

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Deadlift and More Squats

11 January 2012

Deadlift - all done double OH:

135 lbs. x 10
225 lbs. x 5
245 lbs. x 1
285 lbs. x 1
315 lbs. x 1 (was supposed to do 310 according to the program but that would've taken too much messing around with plates)
265 lbs. x 5

Sumo DL 225 lbs. x 5

Deficit DL 155 lbs. x 10

Squat: worked up to 315 - 365 - 385 lbs. x 1 (B+W), then paused squats 285 lbs. x 5

Machine shrugs 2 plates per side x 10, 3 pps x 10, 4 pps x 10

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Overhead Press & Accessory Bench Press

10 January 2012

Seated behind-the-neck press:

No real program here, just playing it by ear and trying to inch the weight upward.

135 lbs. x 8
155 lbs. x 5
175 lbs. x 3
185 lbs. x 2
195 lbs. x 1
205 lbs. x fail

Standing overhead press - 205 lbs. x 2, x 3, x 2

Pullups 4 sets x 5

Light bench press 210 lbs. x 2 sets x 8 (very heavy after the OH pressing)

Skullcrushers (lowering beihnd head) x 3 sets

Machine preacher curls x 3 sets

Monday, January 9, 2012

Squat Training

9 January 2012

Back squat - starting new 14-week plan to get the big 500.

Warmup x a bunch of sets
255 lbs. x 3
315 lbs. x 1
355 lbs. x 1 (belt + wraps - felt kind of ridiculous putting them on but this is what the program calls for)
380 lbs. x 1 (B+W)
305 lbs. x 3 sets x 8, x 1 set x 6 (supposed to do 8x4, could not get 8 reps on set no. 3)

Paused squats 280 lbs. x 5 (good pause)

Incline ab board situps x 3 sets

Leg extensions and leg curls - 2 sets each around 8-10 reps, moderate intensity

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Bench Press Training

7 January 2012

Bench press:

Warmup x several sets
290 lbs. x 1
255 lbs. x 3 x 5 sets (all with one- to two-second pause)

Incline press: 135x5, 185x3, 205x3, 225x2

Pullups 3 sets x 5 (hands were beat up from yesterday)

Skullcrushers x 3 sets

Machine preacher curl x 3 sets

Light DB flyes x 1 set x 12

Lateral raises, cheating x 1 set x 8

Deadlift Training

6 January 2012


Warmup 135x10, 225x5, 315x2 (all double OH)
335 lbs. x 1
365 lbs. x 1
385 lbs. x 1
415 lbs. x 1
435 lbs. x 1

Sumo deadlift 275 lbs. x 5

Deficit deadlift (3-inch platform) 185 lbs. x 10

Rack shrugs 135x10, 225x10, 315x10, 405x7 (straps)

Incline ab board situps, 1 set weighted, 2 sets unweighted

Glute-ham raise 2 sets x 5

Hip thrusts with barbell 2 sets

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Overhead Press and Extras

5 January 2011

I've gotten weak on the overhead press, long time since I've trained it regularly. Today I did a medley of OH pressing movements, some upper back work and a few sets for the arms.

Standing behind-the-neck press 135 lbs. x 5, 155 lbs. x 5

Standing regular (front) press - worked up in triples and doubles up to 185x3, 195x2, 205x1, 215x1 (even this felt heavy)

Seated BTN press - 135 lbs. x 5, 185 lbs. x 3

Seated chest-supported rows 2 sets x 6-8 reps w. 3 plates per side

DB flyes x 1 set x 12 reps

Pullups 6 sets x 5

Machine preacher curls 3 sets

Tricep skullcrushers 3 sets (extending arms behind the head until bar touches bench)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

First Day Back - Squats and Light(ish) Bench Press

4 January 2012

First day back from holiday trip, which was productive (bodyweight at 204 lbs., had a ton of fun). I did some random lifting to prepare for next week, when I'll start running a Juggernaut Method cycle.


Warmup x multiple sets, 5-3 reps
315 lbs. x 2
335 lbs. x 2
365 lbs. x 2
405 lbs. x 2
440 lbs. x 2 x 3 sets (not bad)

Bench press:

Warmup x a few sets
255 lbs. x 3
275 lbs. x 5
280 lbs. x 3

Then did a few sets of weighted hip thrusts (which are fun and will hopefully improve my leg drive if I remember to do them regularly) and cable pushdowns and called it a day.