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Monday, December 31, 2012

Thoughts On 2012

Toward the end of every year I like to go over the things that happened in the past 12 months of training, analyze what I did and didn't do, what went well and what sucked and see where I’m at in my lifting in terms of weight lifted and bodyweight. It generally ends up being a mixture of good and bad; however, lifting-wise 2012 saw more good things than bad.

I also feel like I've found good training templates for all three lifts. Seeing as the world didn't end this year (although there's still a few hours left), 2013 should be even better.

Most important indicator – weight lifted
In made steady progress in all three powerlifts and finally broke through a 2-year deadlift plateau. To be honest, the deadlift has always been my weakest lift and had nowhere to go but up, but it’s good to see the numbers finally move. Hopefully this means I’ll be moving it from “pathetic” to “average” in 2013.

2011 Max – 480 lbs. @ ca. 198 lbs. BW
2012 Max – 515 lbs. @ ca. 210 lbs. BW

Increase: 25 lbs. Very happy about this, although it did come with an increase in BW. Last time I was in this BW range I squatted 475, so this is definitely good improvement.

Bench Press:
2011 Max – 360 lbs. @ ca. 198 lbs. BW
2012 Max – 370 lbs. @ ca. 210 lbs. BW

Increase: 10 lbs. Not terrific, but not bad either. As long as I get to the big 405 eventually I’ll take this. I hit this max on two separate occasions, the second time thinking I’d increased the weight enough to hit a personal best… oh well L I also increased the weight I use for repetition work by quite a bit.

2011 Max – 445 lbs. @ ca. 200 lbs. BW (all-time PR 455 lbs.)
2012 Max – 495 lbs. @ ca. 210 lbs.

Increase: 50 lbs. over my 2011 best, 40 lbs. over my all-time best. Blasted through a two-year plateau, so I’m even happier about that than about the actual increase in weight. Will break the 500-mark in the first half of 2013.

Overhead Press:
2011 Max – 235 lbs. (standing) @ ca. 198 lbs.
2012 Max – 245 lbs. (seated) @ ca. 205 lbs.

This years I switched to seated overhead pressing to spare the low back, which was getting beat up from the weekly squats and deadlifts. No standing press PR, but I established new PRs in the seated military front press of 245 lbs. and behind-the-neck press of 225 lbs. I might do a cycle of standing presses at the beginning of 2013, but the seated presses will probably remain my staple overhead pressing movement.

Things that I think worked in 2012:

- Ran through a few good programs and found out the ones that give me the biggest bang for my buck
- Consistent about doing shrugs, heavy ab work and arm work, which I have often neglected in the past
- Glute-ham raises
- Bench pressing twice a week and doing heavier repetition sets
- Getting serious about deadlift rack work – not just “ego pulls” from above the knee, which did nothing for my deadlift, but working the uncomfortable mid-shin and below-knee ranges
-  Started some light running towards the end of the year at no cost to overall strength levels. I’m more and more convinced that the concept of ‘cardio’ making one weak is a myth propagated by fat people.
- Super 100s – hundred-rep sets, where I go for a total of 100 reps with a very light weight. Did these for curls, front shoulder raises and leg extensions, bench press a few times (just the bar)
- Incline pressing – a great alternative to flat bench presses. I’m running these through January 2013 to alleviate the right pec issue, then will go back to regular bench presses
- Creatine – first time I’ve ever used this and it seems to be working well, but I don’t like the bloat and water weight

Things that didn’t go that well in 2012:

- Slacking on cable training – the poundages that I used to pull for reps I now can’t even get singles with. My cable training has shifted more toward high-rep pulls (sets of 20), which is good, as I do little bodybuilding work. Still, it’s disappointing to get weak on the big pulls.
- At the end of 2011 I decided to do more overhead pressing, instead it totally took a back seat to bench pressing
- Persistent discomfort in right pec/delt area. I healed this by avoiding heavy bench presses and doing inclines instead, but I had to cut my last bench press cycle short because of it.
- Pain in right knee and left piriformis muscle

Here's to a happy and productive 2013!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Training - Deadlift

29 December 2012

Back to rack pulls and stiff-legs for 12 weeks.

Below-the-knee pull 135x10, 225x5, 315x2, 365x1, 395x1, 415x1, 435x1, 455x1, 475xfail

Barbell shrug 460 lbs. x 8, x 6, x 6

One-arm DB row 100 lbs. x 15

Glute-ham raise x 3 sets x 6

Weighted incline board situps 3 sets x 8

Leg raises 2 sets x 10

Training - Incline Press

28 December 2012

Incline press 240 lbs. x 5, x 4, x 5, x 5 - weak on these

Bench press 245 lbs. x 10 - nice to get back into bench pressing, didn't push the weight or the reps and the set felt nice and comfortable. I'll add a 10-rep set of flat bench presses after each incline pressing session.

Bradford press 4 sets x 5

Seated pulley row with scap shrug 4 sets x 10, 1 set x 8, 1 x 6, 1 x 5 - progressively heavier

DB skullcrushers (60s) x 3 sets x 12

Barbell curl, strict 4 sets x 10-12

Incline bench DB curl 3 sets x AMAP

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Training - Legs

27 December 2012

This session I did light squats for lots of reps and with little rest between sets again. Also decided to do some pre-exhausting of the quad and hip area. It went something like this:

Leg extensions 2 sets x 12, light
Leg abductor machine 1 x 20, light

Paused back squat:

135x8 - 155x8 - 165x8 - 175x8 - 185x8 - 195x8 - 205x8 - 220x8 - 225x5 - 275x5

(Weights in pounds)

The 220x8 almost killed my lower back and hips. I've squatted almost 300 lbs. more than that for a single, but that didn't feel anywhere as tough as this. Funny thing is, my legs (quads and hams) felt fine, but my hips and lower back were screaming for mercy. This either means a) that I have a hidden muscle weakness that the light paused squats will fix, or b) that I have a hidden injury that the light paused squats will aggravate. I'm going with a) until proven otherwise.

I'll keep doing the multiple sets of light squats for a few more sessions, then get back to serious squatting in February or so. I'll also be working on some perceived weak areas, e.g. abduction and adduction, quads, etc.

Leg press 5 plates x 10, 6 plates x 10, 7 plates x 10

Glute-ham raise 3 x 8

Weighted incline board situps 3 x 8

Leg extension, heavy, 1 set x 20

Leg abductor machine 1 x 20

Leg adductor machine 1 x 20

Monday, December 24, 2012

Mixed Session - Pressing and Squatting

23 December 2012

Today I did a press/squat session and got a lot of work in before the three-day layoff from training I'll be taking next week.

Incline press 3 sets x 6, 1 set x 7

Squat, very light, 8 sets of 8, weight from 135 to 210 lbs. Got a nice pump from this and took very short breaks between sets to get the heart rate up. I need to unload my spine a bit after all the heavy squatting this year and this seems to be a good way to do it (working way below 50% of my 1RM).

Standing Bradford press 4 sets x 5 - this exercise is tougher than it seems

DB skullcrushers (60s) 3 x 12

Barbell curls with heels and back against post 3 x 12

Training - Deadlift Triples

22 December 2012

Hit a few heavy triples in the DL today, lower back was feeling beat up for some reason so I didn't push the weight:


135x10 - 225x5 - 315x2 - 365x3 - 385x3 - 405x3 - 315x3 from deficit

One-arm DB rows (100 lbs.) 1 x 20 reps (rest-pause), 1 x 10 reps

Weighted abs x 3 sets

Glute-ham raise x 2 sets

Leg curl x 2 sets x 10

Friday, December 21, 2012

Training - Incline Press

20 December 2012

Incline press 235 lbs. x 4 sets x 6

Then (couldn't resist) bench press 285x1, 300x1 No pain in right pec = win, but I'll still stay with the inclines until February to get a bit less pathetic. 255 x 4 x 6 is the goal.

Pullups 5x5

Seated front military press 155 x 2 sets x 5

Rope pushdowns (very light) 2 sets x 50

One big set of light cable stack curls (maybe 50-60 reps)

Didn't have much time to train tonight.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Sums up my feelings about Five Guys food and fast food in general... only I'm not artistic enough to come up with something like this:

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Training - Squat For Reps

18 December 2012

Went light on the squat but did more reps than usual. High bar (almost on neck) and close stance again to hit the quads. Can barely walk today.

135x8 - 185x3 - 240x5 - 270x3 - 300x3 - 340x8 - 410 x 8, x 8, x 6

Leg press, close stance 5 plates x 10, 6 plates x 10, 7 plates x 10

Glute-ham raise 3 sets x 8

Weighted incline board situps 3 sets

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Training - Incline Press

17 December 2012

Had a tough weekend, so poor first session of the week.

Incline press 235 lbs. x 6, x 6, x 4, x 3 - just gassed after the second set

Low pulley rows with shrug 3 sets x 10

Standing BTN press 125 lbs. x 12, x 12, x 10

Chest-supported HammerStrength rows 3 sets x 10

Bench press x 100 reps (bar)

DB skullcrushers (60s) x 15, x 12, x 8

Barbell curls w. back/heels/head against post 4 sets

DB incline bench curls 3 sets x AMAP

Friday, December 14, 2012

Deadlift - Big PR

13 December 2012


135x10 - 225x5 - 315x2 - 385x2 - 405x1 - 425x1 - 450x1 - 495x1

Back-off 385x3

Shrugs 460 x 8, x 8, x 6

That was it.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Training - Incline Press

12 December 2012

Incline press 225 lbs. x 3 sets x 6, 1 set x 8

Really easy, on the first set I even paused each rep on the chest.

Seated low pulley rows with scap shrug 3 sets x 10

Seated front military press 135x6, 185x3, 165x8

Chest-supported row 3 sets x 10

DB skullcrushers (60 lbs.) x 14, x 10, x 10

Barbell curl, back and feet against post, 3 sets x 5

Incline bench DB curl 3 sets x AMAP

Training - Skwat

11 December 2012

Back squat:

135x5 - 225x3 - 255x3 - 280x5 - 315x5 - 385x5 - 435x5 (all high-bar, close-stance)

Then 465x5, 485x5, 485x4 all regular stance with belt

Leg press: 10 reps with 5 - 6 - 7 plates +10 lbs.

Glute-ham raise 3 sets x 8

Weighted incline board situps 5 sets

Tried some front squats in the Smith machine (very light). They felt pretty good and I was able to maintain a straight posture and squat completely ATG, but my knees feel a bit off today.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Training - Incline Press

9 December 2012

Incline bench press 225 lbs. x 4 sets x 6

Seated low pulley rows 3 sets x 10

Did these as follows: grab cable handles - perform a scapular shrug - hold the shrugged position - row. Used less than half my usual weight and totally smoked my mid-back.

Standing BTN overhead press 125 lbs. x 12, 120 lbs. x 12, x 10

Chest-supported seated rows - same here, went light for 3 x 10-12, going for the squeeze in the mid-back area

DB skullcrushers 3 x 10 (60 lbs.)

Barbell curls 4 x AMAP with strict form and light weight

Incline bench seated DB curls 3 x AMAP, as above

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Training - Pull

8 December 2012

Missed with 490 today (twice), but otherwise the session went well.


135x10 - 225x5 - 315x2 - 385x1 - 405x1 - 425x1 - 455x1 - 490 x fail x 2

Pulldowns, heavy-ish, 180 lbs. x 4 sets x 6

Back hyperextensions 2 x 12

Glute-ham raise 3 x 8

Incline ab board weighted situps 3 x 8

Some stretching, wall walking, plus a couple sets of rope climb.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Training - Incline Press

6 December 2012

Incline press 235 lbs. x 2 sets x 6, 220 x 1 x 6, 1 x 7

Loaded the bar wrong - was supposed to only do 220 for the usual 4x6. The 235 felt weirdly heavy (because I thought it was 220, obviously), but I still squeezed out two okay sets with it, which makes me happy. I feel like I could have done more reps on the last set if I hadn't done the two sets with 235. Next weight - 225 x 4 x 6.

One-armed DB row (100 lbs.) 5 sets x 6

Smith machine front military press (rack was occupied) - 4 sets x 5, 1 set x 3, progressively heavier. Focused on squeezing the weight up with the shoulders.

DB skullcrushers (60 lbs.) 3 sets x 10

Incline bench DB curls 3 sets x 10

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Squat Training

4 December 2012

High-bar close-stance squat:

135x8 - 205x5 - 235x5 - 265x7 - 335x5 - 385x5 - 415x5 - 465x3x3

Used belt on all sets above 235 lbs., wraps on the triples with 465. Felt weak and tired.

Leg press:

5 plates x 10
6 plates x 10
7 plates + 10s x 10
7 plates + 35s x 8

Leg extension 1 set x 10 - too tired to go on, so I called it quits.

Update on December 6: Worst. Soreness. Ever. Don't know why, but I can't recall my quads ever being this sore.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Training - Incline Press

3 December 2012

Incline press 210 lbs. x 3 sets x 6, 1 set x 8 - move up to 220 lbs. next session.

Still weak on these, but progressing nicely.

Pullups 5x5

Standing BTN military press 120 lbs. x 12, 125 lbs. x 12, 125 lbs. x 8

Rubber band tricep pushdowns x20, x15, x15

EZ bar curl, elbows against wall 4 sets

Concentration curl 3 sets x 6

Monday, December 3, 2012

Training - Pull (PR)

1 December 2012


135x10 - 225x5 - 315x2 - 385x1 - 405x1 - 425x1 - 445x1 - 485x1 (PR)

ROws from floor 135x10, 225x3

Shrugs 455 lbs. x 3 sets x 8

Glute-ham raise 3 sets x 8

Weighted abs 3 sets

Super 100s: face pulls

Friday, November 30, 2012

Training - Incline Press

29 November 2012

Incline bench press 205 lbs. x 3 sets x 6, 1 set x 7 - next time bump up to 210.

T-bar rows 2 plates x 15, 3 plates x 15, 3 plates + 25 x 12, 4 plates x 8

Standing OH press 135x5, 155x5, 185x2, 205x1

Lat pulldown, light, 1 set x 20 reps, 1 set x 15 reps

Rubber band pushdowns x 20, x 15, x 15

EZ bar curl, elbows/back/had against wall 4 sets

Concentration curl 3 sets x 6

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Training - Squat

27 November 2012

High-bar close-stance back squat:

bar x a bunch - 135x8 - 185x3 - 235x5 - 255x3 - 290x3 - 335x5 - 385x5 - 455 x 3 sets x 4

Leg press:

5 plates x 10
6 plates x 10
7 plates + 10s x 10
7 plates + 10s + 25s x 6

Glute-ham raise 3 sets x 8

Weighted incline ab board situps x 4 sets

Leg extensions 2 sets x 10, 1 set x 8, heavy

Back extensions 2 sets x 10

Adductor machine 1 set x 20

Standing calf raise 1 set x 20 w. stack

Training - Incline Press

26 November 2012

Incline press 135x5, 190 lbs. x 3 sets x 6, 1 set x 9

Seated chest-supported row, 3 sets x 12-15 reps

Standing BTN military press 115 lbs. x 12, 125 lbs. x 12, 125 x 10

Pullups 3 sets x 5

Rubber band tricep pushdowns 3 sets x 15-20 (huge loop, not sure about exact resistance but it was tough)

This might be my tricep exercise of choice for a while, superb pump and zero joint pain.

EZ bar curl with elbows against wall 3 sets x 10

 Concentration curl 3 sets x 6

Inclines felt strong, will be upping the weight to 205 lbs. next time. I'm hoping to hit something like 250 lbs. for sets of 6 over the next couple of months, we'll see how it goes. Right pec/shoulder felt better, not sure if it's placebo effect or not.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Training - Deadlift

24 November 2012


135x10 - 225x5 - 315x2 - 365x1 - 415x1 - 435x1 - 485xfail - 345x5

Shrugs 455 lbs. x 8, x 8, x 5

Glute-ham raise 3 sets

Weighted incline ab board situps 3 sets

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Training - Press (Flat and Incline Bench)

23 November 2012

Tried to bench press again and the pain is still there. I've decided to drop the flat bench press for two months and concentrate on getting my pathetic incline press numbers up, using the same twice-per-week, sets of six approach which has worked well on the bench press. This will provide the necessary break for my injured pec muscle and increase shoulder strength - or at least that's the idea.

I can still bench press with this pain as it's not too bad, but I'd rather not take chances. I feel like I gained a lot of strength in this second cycle: last time my max for the sets of 6 was 280 lbs., this time I ended the cycle at 295, with a corresponding increase in my triples and doubles. However, seeing as I didn't max out after this cycle, I'll never know.

Bench press: 135x8 - 185x3 - 225x3 - 275x2 - 315x1 - 335xfail (a weight I was doing doubles with last time - definitely time to try something else).

Incline press 135x6 - 185 x 3 sets x 6, x 1 set x 7

Seated low pulley rows 4 sets x 10

Standing front press - worked up to 185 lbs. x 1, but was very tired at this point

Pullups 3 sets x 5

Flat bench flyes 1 set x 15, light

EZ bar curls w. elbows against wall 4 sets

DB skullcrushers - 55x10, 60x10, 65x10

Incline bench seated curls 3 sets x AMAP

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sample Non-Weight-Training Day

20 November 2012

Today I did some running and cable pulls. I normally don't log this stuff, but this is what a non-weight-training day looks like:

Front chest pull 2 sets x 12 (enough resistance to barely finish each set)
Overhead downward pull 2 sets x 12
Behind-the-neck tricep extension 2 sets x 10
Bicep curl 2 sets x 12
Front lateral raise 1 set x 10

Then run ca. 2.5 miles, stretching and foam rolling. Lots of painful areas to work on.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Training - Light Press

19 November 2012

Did a light upper body workout to prime the (still painful) pec/shoulder for maxing out over the weekend.

Incline press - 3 sets of 6 with 155, a few sets of 5-3 reps with 185. And even that was painful. However, I feel lime some progress is being made.

Standing BTN press 120 lbs. x 2 sets x 12, 1 set x 10

Pullups 4 sets x 5

Lateral raise / bent-over raise supersets - 2 sets x 20 (1 set = 20 lat raises + 20 bent raises)

EZ bar curls with elbows against wall 5 sets x 10

Cable pushdowns 3 sets x 10

Training - Legs

18 November 2012

High-bar close-stance squat:

135x8 - 185x3 - 225x3 - 255x3 - 275x4 - 315x5 - 365x5 - 445x3sx5

Took forever to get in the groove.

Leg press: 10 reps with 5, 6, 7 plates

Hack squat x a bunch of reps with 1 plate on each side

Glute-ham raise 3 sets x 8

Leg extension 3 sets x 10

Random hamstring curl 1 set x 10-20

Weighted incline board situps 5 sets

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Training - Bench Press

15 November 2012

Weak and painful session, managed to hit a few doubles with 335 but the right pec still hurts.

Bench press 315x2, 332x2x2, 335x1, 315x2, 275x4

Incline press 135x8, 185x3x3

Cable pushdowns, 3 sets x 6, heavy

A 50% session.

Back and Biceps Session

14 November 2012

Decided to rest my pec strain one more day, so I did a quick back and biceps session instead. Will bench press tomorrow.

T-bar row 2 plates x 20, 3 plates x 3 sets x 15

Pullups 5x5

Seated low pulley rows 1 set

EZ bar curl with elbows against wall 4 sets (80 lbs. is quite enough for this exercise, did sets of 10)

Face pulls 2 sets x 20

DB concentration curls 3-4 sets, light

Monday, November 12, 2012

Training - Deadlift

12 November 2012

Felt shitty tonight, went for another PR and missed.

135x10 - 225x5 - 315x2 - 385x1 - 415x1 - 435x1 - 485xfail

Back-off 355x2sx3

Bent-over row from floor 135x10 - 225x3 - 235x2sx3

Shrug 365x6 - 415x6 - 455 lbs. x 8, x 6, x 6

Glute-ham raise 3 sets

Weighted incline board situps 2 sets

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Training - Bench Press

11 November 2012

Bench press 330 lbs. x 4 sets x 2, 1 set x 1, back-off 245 lbs. x 6

One-arm DB row (100 lbs.) 3 sets x 6

Seated Smith machine BTN press 4 sets

Straight-arm pulldown 3 sets x 6

Tricep pushdowns 3 sets, heavy

DB concentration curls 4 sets x 6

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Training - Squat

8 November 2012

High-bar close-stance back squat:


Good morning to power rack pins 135 lbs. x 2s x 5r

Leg press: 5 plates x 10 - 6 plates x 10 - 7 plates x 10

Glute-ham raise, weighted, 2 sets

Weighted incline board situps 4 sets

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Training - Bench Press

7 November 2012

Bench press 320 lbs. x 5 sets x 3

Close-grip BP 245 lbs. x 5

Straight-arm pulldown 4 sets x 6

One-arm DB row 105 lbs. x 2 sets x 6

DB skullcrushers (75) 3 sets x 8

Barbell curl 65 lbs. x 6 sets x 8, concentration curl 1 set x 6

Monday, November 5, 2012

Training - Pull (PR)

5 November 2012


135x10 - 225x5 - 315x2 - 385x1 - 415x1 - 440x1 (almost fail) - 480x1 (PR) - 345x2x3

The single with 440 lbs. almost stalled around knees, so the 480 lb. pull makes me very happy.

Bent-over rows, each rep from floor: 135x5, 225x5, 235x2x3

Seated DB shrugs (115s) 3 sets x 15

Leg curl 2 sets x 10, heavy

Weighted incline board situps 3 sets

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Training - Bench Press

4 November 2012

Bench press: 320 lbs. x 2 sets x 3, 3 sets x 2

I'm just not recovering on time, was still sore from the last bench press session. Not a bad effort overall, but definitely not the 5x3 I was looking for. Next week I'm switching to sets of 3 - will start at 325 and take it from there.

Smith machine seated BTN press x 4 sets (last set was sort of heavy, didn't count the weight as I don't know how much the bar weighs)

Straight-arm pulldown 3 sets x 6

Low pulley row 2 sets x 10, 1 set x 8

DB skullcrushers (75s) 3 sets x 8

Seated alternating curls 3 sets

Training - Squat

2 November 2012

High-bar close-stance squat:

Warmup x a few sets - 315x5 - 365x5 - 435x3x5

Belt on last 4 sets. Burned the quads nicely, but I'm not sure if I can keep cranking up the weight on these or revert to my regular low-bar stance.

Leg press 10 reps with: 5 plates - 6 plates - 7 plates (done)]

Glute-ham raise 3 sets x 6-8

Weighted incline board situps 4 sets, heavy

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Training - Bench Press

31 October 2012

Bench press 295 lbs. x 3 sets x 6, 1 set x 7 (finally)

T-bar row 2 plates x 20, 3 plates x 15, 4 plates x 10

Seated front military press 135x5, 155x3, 185x3, 205x1

Straight-arm pulldowns 3 sets x 6

DB skullcrushers (75s) x8, x8, x6

Concentration curl 4 sets x 6

Training - Deadlift (PR)

30 October 2012


135x10 - 225x5 - 315x2 - 365x1 - 405x1 - 425x1 - 440x1 - 475x1 (PR)

Back-off 315 lbs. x 5

Bent-over row from floor 225 lbs. x 2 x 5

Barbell shrug 455 lbs. x 6, x 6, x 4

Glute-ham raise 2 sets x 8

Weighted situps on incline board 4 sets

Monday, October 29, 2012

Training - Bench Press

28 October 2012

Weak bench pressing session today, I was still very sore from pressing on Wednesday and the weight felt a good 15 lbs. heavier than it actually was. I think I'm hitting a sticking point in the program but I'll run the remaining 4 weeks and see where it gets me.

I also think eliminating the seated front military press from the second round of the program was a mistake. Will definitely do more of those.

Bench press 320 lbs. x 4 sets x 2

Close-grip BP 235 lbs. x 10

Low pulley row 3 sets x 10, progressively heavier

Seated front military press:

135x5 - 155x5 - 175x5 - 195x2 (got weak on these, that's for sure)

Straight-arm lat pulldown 4 sets x 6

Concentration curl 4 sets x 6, heavy

Tricep pushdowns with rope attachment, 3 progressively heavier sets x 8-10 reps

Training - Squat

27 October 2012

High-bar close stance squat:

Warmup x a few sets - 315x5 - 365x5 - 425x3x5

I usually wear a belt on at least 2 of the heavy sets, as the high-bar position tends to place extra stress on the lumbars.

Close-stance leg press: 10 reps with 5 plates - 6 plates - 7 plates - 7 plates +25s

Glute-ham raise 1 set unweighted, 2 sets weighted

Leg extension 3 sets x 10, heavy

Weighted situps 4 sets

Friday, October 26, 2012

Training - Bench Press

25 October 2012

Bench press 295 lbs. x 4 sets x 6 (just can't get that 7th rep on the last one)

Pullups 5x5

Standing BTN military press 125 lbs. x 12, x 10, x 6

Straight-arm pulldown 5 sets of 6 (new exercise, tried it and liked it, allows for a nice lat squeeze, low weight)

Concentration curl 5 sets of 6 (I never do these, worked up to a set w. 45 lbs.)

DB skullcrushers (75s) 3 sets x 8

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Training - Pull (PR)

23 October 2012

Back on track with slow but steady progress.


135x10 - 225x5 - 315x2 - 365x1 - 405x1 - 435x1 - 470x1

Back-off 300 lbs. x 2 sets x 5

Shrugs: 455 lbs. x 8, x 6, x 6

Glute-ham raise 2 sets

Weighted incline board situps 3 sets

Leg curl, single-leg, 1 set AMAP

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Training - Squat

21 October 2012

Short session today, not much time.

Back squat - high bar, close-stance:

Warmup x a few sets - 315x5 - 365x5 - 415 x 3 sets x 5

Leg press 10 reps 4 plates - 5 plates - 6 plates - 7 plates

Training - Bench Press

20 October 2012

Bench press 320 lbs. x 5 sets x 3

Close-grip BP 235 lbs. x 1 set x 9

Pulldowns 3 sets x 20

T-bar rows 2 plates x 20, 3 plates x 15, 3 plates + 25 x 12

DB skullcrushers (75s) 2 sets x 8, 1 set x 6

Low incline bench DB curls 3 sets x 10

Friday, October 19, 2012

Training - Pull (No PR)

18 October 2012

Trained with a bad cold today but lifts went well. Got too greedy and tried a hit a third consecutive PR, 10 lbs. over last week's no less. Needless to say, it didn't work.


135x10 - 225x5 - 315x2 - 385x1 - 420x1 - 440x1 - 475 x fail (welded to floor) - 295 x 2 x 5

Cut the rest of the workout short as energy levels were low.

Glute-ham raise 3 sets

Weighted abs 3 sets

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Training - Squat

17 October 2012

Squat training - dialed the weights back a bit to focus on the deadlift more. The 3x5 cycle I ran worked perfectly, hit a 15-lb. PR without strain. I'll continue with the same training format, but I won't be pursuing a squat PR for a while until my DL improves.

Back squat - high bar and close stance: warmup, 315x5, 365x5, 405x3x5 (hit the quads nicely)

Leg press: sets of 10 reps with 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 plates per side

Glute-ham raise 3 sets

Weighted situps 4 sets

Super 100s: leg extensions (only got 60 reps)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Training - Bench Press

15 October 2012

Weak session after a binge eating/drinking weekend. I'm going into the part of the program where I do heavy triples on the second bench press day - we'll see how that goes.

Bench press 295 lbs. x 3 sets x 6, 1 set x 4

T-bar rows 2 plates x 20, 3 plates x 15, 3 plates + 25 x 12, x 11

Standing BTN press 120 lbs. x 3 sets x 12

Pulldowns x 20, x 12

DB skullcrushers (75s) 2 sets x 8, 1 x 6

Super 100s: barbell curls

Training - Pull (PR)

11 October 2012

Another deadlift session, another small personal record. The 500 mark will fall 5 lbs. at a  time.


135x10 - 225x5 - 315x2 - 365x1 - 415x1 - 430x1 - 465x1 (PR)

Not bad, considering I failed to lift 365 with a double overhand grip and felt shitty in general.

Shrug (straps) 445 lbs. x 3 sets x 8

Glute-ham raise 3 sets

Weighted abs 3 sets

Leg adduction 1 set x 20

Super 100s: leg extension

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Training - Bench Press

10 October 2012

Bench press 295 lbs. x 3 sets x 6, 1 set x 5

There was definite pain in the right pectoral, like a bad strain. Will have to work on this before the next bench pressing session. Another low energy session - will take 3 days off this weekend.

T-bar rows 2 plates x 20, 3 plates x 15, 3 plates + 25 x 12, x 10

Super 100s:

Front raise
Barbell curl (110 reps)
Tricep pressdown

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Training - Legs (Light)

7 October 2012

I felt completely beat up after last week's big pulling and squatting PRs, so a light session was in order.

Bar x 10 - 135x8 - 225x3 - 265x5 - 275x5 - 315x5 - 345x5

345 lbs. x 5 felt ridiculously hard, my entire body seemed to rebel against the bar on my back.

Leg press 4 plates x10, 5 plates x 10, 6 plates x 10, 7 plates x 10, 8 plates x 8

Glute-ham raise 3 sets x 8

Weighted abs 4 sets

Super 100s: leg extension, 10 lbs. heavier than last super 100 set.

Training - Bench Press

6 October 2012

Bench press 295 lbs. x 6, x 5, x 6, x 6 - 2-rep improvement over last time, but still no rep 7 on that last set.

T-bar rows 2 plates x 20, 3 plates x 15, 3 plates + 25 x 12, x 10

Seated BTN press - worked up to a single with 205 lbs.

Pulldowns 2 sets x 20 (added 10 lbs. to last week's weights)

DB skullcrushers (70s) 3 sets x 10

Barbell curls, 95 lbs. x 30 reps total

Incline bench DB curls 3 sets

Friday, October 5, 2012

Training - Deadlift (PR)

4 October 2012

Today I broke a two-year-old deadlift personal record to finish a strong week in which I also set a PR in the squat (and probably a rep record in the bench press - never done a set of 6 with 295 lbs. before, let alone two sets in the same session). Feels good to break out of what seemed like an eternal rut with the pull.


135x10 - 225x5 - 320x2 - 370x1 (all double overhand) - 415x1 - 430x1 - 460x1 (PR)

Of course I got greedy and went after 475 lbs., which stalled halfway up.

Back-off 285 lbs. x 2 sets x 5

HammerStrength shrugs 5 sets

Glute-ham raises 2 sets x 8

Weighted abs x 5 sets

Face pulls 3 sets x 20

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Training - Bench Press

2 October 2012

Bench press 295 lbs. x 6, x 5, x 6, x 4

Should have gotten 6 on that second set, but was too beat up after yesterday.

Pullups 5x5

Standing BTN press 3 x 12 (115 lbs.)

Super 100s: tricep pushdowns, cable bicep curls

Training - Squat (PR)

1 October 2012

Back squat:

135x5 - 215x5 - 265x5x2 - 365x3 - 405x3 - 455x3 (belt) - 505x2 (belt, wraps) - 515x1

Both 505 and 515 are personal bests, felt pretty solid.

Leg press:

4 plates + 25 x 10, 5 plates +25 x 10, 7 plates x 10

Weighted abs x 5 sets

Leg extensions: went for 100 reps, but only got 70.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Training - Bench Press

29 September 2012

Bench press 290 lbs. x 3 sets x 6, 1 set x 7

T-bar rows 2 plates x 20, 3 plates x 15, 3 plates + 25 x 10

DB flyes 2 sets AMAP, very light

Barbell clean and press 135x5, 155x3, 175x3, 185x2

V-bar pulldowns 3 progressively heavier sets, 8-12 reps

DB skullcrushers (70s) 3 sets x 8

Super 100s: barbell curls (bar)

Training - Deadlift

27 September 2012

Deadlift - back to regular pulls for singles, then some back-off:

135x10 - 225x5 - 315x2 - 365x1 - 385x1 - 405x1 - 425x1 - 445x1 (nice and easy)

Back-off 275 lbs. x 2 sets x 5

Shrugs on HammerStrength machine 3 sets x 12-15

Glute-ham raise 2 sets

Weighted abs 4 sets

Super 100s: face pulls

Training - Bench Press

26 September 2012

Bench press 290 lbs. x 3 sets x 6, 1 set x 4 (just felt too heavy on the last one)

Pulldowns 3 sets x 20

Standing BTN press 115 lbs. x 3 sets x 12

DB skullcrushers 3 sets x 8 (70s)

Super 100s:

Front raise
Barbell curl

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Training - Squat

24 September 2012

Back squat:

Warmup x a bunch - 365x5 - 415x5 - 455x5 - 485x2sx5r

Leg press - used a different machine because the other one was occupied and did 5 sets of 10, ending with full stack on the last set.

Super 100s - leg extensions.

Training - Bench Press

23 September 2012

Bench press 285 lbs. x 3 sets x 6, 1 set x 7 (finally)

Pulldowns 3 sets x 20

DB skullcrushers (70s) 3 sets x 8

Super 100s workout (100 reps in multiple sets to flush the old joints):

DB front raise (went from 15 to 10 to 5 lbs. to finish it off)

Curls (Oly bar)

Pushdowns (fat rubber cable suspended from bar)

Already the weird pain in my right shoulder feels a lot better. Will keep doing this for both upper and lower body and see how it goes.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Training - Deadlift

20 September 2012

Stiff-legged deadlift:

135x8 - 225x5 - 315x5 - 355x5

Glute-ham raise 3 sets x 6-8

Shrugs 445 lbs. x 6, x 5, x 5

Bent-over rows 3 sets x 15

Adductor/abductor machine 1 set x 20 each

Weighted abs 3 sets x 15

Thursday, September 20, 2012

More Pressing

19 September 2012

Bench press 285 lbs. x 4 sets x 6

Pulldowns 3 sets x 20

Seated front military press up to 205 lbs. x 2

DB skullcrushers (65s) 3 sets x 8

Seated incline bench curls 2 sets x 10

DB hammer curls 2 sets x 10

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Training - Squat

18 September 2012

Back squat:

Warmup x a few sets - 300x2 - 365x5 - 425x5 - 485 x 3, x 4, x 3 (belt and knee wraps)

Leg press 4 plates x 10, 5 plates x 10, 6 plates x 10, 7 plates x 10

Glute-ham raise 3 sets x 6-8 reps, extended negatives

Weighted abs 4 sets (3 heavy)

Standing calf raise 2 sets x AMAP w. full stack

Training - Bench Press

16 September 2012

Recovery workout after maxing out last week, back to sets of 6.

Bench press 285 x 4 sets x 6

Standing BTN overhead press 3 sets x 12 w. 95 lbs. - pumped a lot of blood into the shoulders

Pulldowns 4 sets x 20

Barbell curls 95 lbs. x 30 reps (rest-pause over several sets)

Tricep pushdowns, light 2 sets x 15

Training - Pull

15 September 2012

Deficit deadlift (standing on rubber 45 plate):

225 x 5 - 315 x 2 - 335 x 1 - 365 x 1 (all double OH) - 385 x 1 - 405 x 1 - 415lbs.  x 1

Big PR, last time I tried this I barely got 375x1. Some of the increase is probably due to getting used to the movement, but I think the stiff-legged pulls for sets of 5 have something to do with it too.

Glute-ham raise 3 sets 6-8 with extended negative

HammerStrength shrugs 4 sets x 10 (rack was occupied)

Weighted abs 3 sets

Friday, September 14, 2012

Training - Squat

13 September 2012

Back squat:

Warmup x a few sets - 365x5 - 405x5 - 475x3x5 (very hard)

Leg press:

4 plates x 10 - 5 plates x 10 - 6 plates x 10

Glute-ham raise 3 sets x 6-8

Abduction machine 1 set x 20

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Bench Press Training - Moderate PR

12 September 2012

Went for a bench press PR today, 370 lbs. x 1, which matches my previous PR. That's a 10 lb. total increase in 2012 (from 360 last year) - not fabulous, but steady on track for the big 405 in a few years' time.

Bench press (regular):

bar x 10 - 135 x 8 - 185 x 3 - 225 x 3 - 275 x 2 - 315 x 1 - 335 x 1 - 355 x 1 - 370 x 1

Close-grip BP 245 lbs. x 10

Pulldowns 3 sets x 20, 1 set x 15

T-bar rows 2 plates x 2 sets x 15, 3 plates x 15, x 10

Incline BP 135x5, 185x5, 225x3

DB skullcrushers (65s) 65 lbs. x 3 sets x 8

Barbell curls (65 lbs) x 15, x 15, x 12

Weighted incline board situps 4 sets (low reps)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Training - Bench Press

7 September 2012

Bench press 345 x 1 - 335 x 3 sets x 1 - 315 x 1 set x 2

Wanted to hit 345 for five singles but I was too worn out by the previous singles session (Tuesday). Soreness in the wrong areas (shoulders, traps) and just tired overall. To add to the list of bad news, I think I strained my right shoulder. The plan is to take a rest, then try to max out on Wednesday.

Pullups 5x5 (these felt tough too)

Triceps pushdowns 3 sets x 10-12

Barbell curls (empty bar) 1 set x 30, 2 sets x 15-25.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Training - Deadlift

6 September 2012

Stiff-legged DL 135x10 - 225x5 - 315x5 - 345x5

Shrug 435 lbs. x 10, x 2 sets x 8

Light shrug/row combo (135 lbs.) - around 70-80 reps over a few sets of 20-30

Glute-ham raise 3 sets x 8

Weighted abs 3 sets

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Training - Bench and Overhead Press

4 September 2012

Bench press 335 lbs. x 5 sets x 1 (nice and crisp, but I was hoping for at least one double)

Seated military press:

135 lbs. x 5 BTN / 3 front - 155 lbs. x 3 BTN / 3 front - 185 lbs. x 2 BTN / 2 front - 205 x 1 front - 230 lbs. x 1 front

Pulldowns 5 sets x 20, light (obviously)

DB skullcrushers (65s) 2 sets x 8, 1 set x 6

Barbell curls - bar x 4-5 sets of 25-30 reps (brutal pump)

Training - Squat

3 September 2012

Back squat:

Warmup - 365 ls. x 5 - 415 lbs. x 5 - 435 lbs. x 5 - 475 lbs. x 3 sets x 4

I'm starting to hit a wall with the linear 3x5 progression here, will try to get 5 reps on all 3 sets next time.

Leg press:

4 plates x 10 - 5 plates x 10 - 6 plates x 10 - 7 plates x 10

Last set was sort of difficult, otherwise not bad.

Glute-ham raise 3 sets 8-10 reps

Single-leg extension 2 sets

Single-leg curl 2 sets

Standing calf raise 1 set

Weighted abs 5 sets

Leg raises 2 sets x 10

Abductor machine 1 set x 20

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Training - Bench Press

1 September 2012

Bench press, regular 325 lbs. x 5 sets x 2 (most of them grinders)

Close-grip BP 235 lbs. x 8 (arms just gave out)

Pulldowns 3 sets x 15, 1 set x 12, 1 set x 10 (increasing weight)

DB skullcrushers (60s) x 10, x 8, x 6

DB hammer curls (45s) x 12, x 10, x 8

Face pulls x 20, x 15, x 12

Friday, August 31, 2012

Training - Pull

30 August 2012

Warmup - pause squat up to 285x3, 300x2

Mid-shin deadlift:

135x10 - 225x5 - 315x2 - 375x1 - 405x1 - 425x1 - 445x1 - 465x1

Shrugs 435 lbs. x 3 sets x 8

Glute-ham raise 3 sets

T-bar rows 3 sets, light

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Bench Press Training

28 August 2012

Bench press 315 lbs. x 5 sets x 2

Seated OH press: did a mix of BTN and front press

135 lbs. x 6 front - 155 lbs. x 5 BTN - 185 lbs. x 2 F, x2 BTN (as one set) - 205 lbs. x 1F, 1B - 225 lbs. x 1F

Pullups BW x 5 x 5

DB skullcrushers (60s) 3 sets x 8

Barbell curls 95 lbs. x 30 reps total (over several sets with minimal rest in between)

Weighted ab work 2 sets x 20

Incline bench DB curl (light) 2 sets

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Another Update... Getting Lazy About Posting

22 August 2012

Stiff-leg deadlift:

135x10 - 225x5 - 285x5 - 335x5

Shrugs 435 lbs. x 7, x 8, x 6

Single-leg curl 2 sets AMAP

Weighted ab work 3 sets

24 August 2012

Bench press 310 lbs. x 5 sets x 3

T-bar rows 5 sets x 10-15 reps (light to moderately heavy)

DB skullcrushers (60s) 3 sets x 8

DB hammer curls (40s) 3 sets x 12

27 August 2012

Back squat warmup, 315x5, 405x5, 465 x 3 sets x 5 (belt and knee wraps on last 3 sets)

Leg press 4 plates x 10, 5 plates x 10, 6 plates x 10, 6 plates + 35s x 10

Split squat 1 set BW, 2 sets weighted

Single-leg extension 2 sets AMAP

Single-leg curl 2 sets AMAP

Standing calf raise 2 sets AMAP w. stack

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Recent Training

18 August 2012

Bench press, regular 308 lbs. x 5 sets x 3

Close-grip BP 225 lbs x 10

Wide-grip BP 235 lbs. x 10

Pullups 7 sets x 5

Snatchgrip BTN press, standing 3 x 3 with 35 lbs.

Hammer curls (40s) 3 sets x 12

DB skullcrushers (55s) 3 sets x 8

Seated incline bench curls (light) 2 sets AMAP

19 August 2012

Back squat: warmup, 315x3, 365x5, 405x5, 455 lbs. x 3 sets x 5 (belt&wraps)

I haven't trained with knee wraps in a long while, squats felt strong and explosive. Easier than 435x3x5 2 weeks ago.

Leg press 4 plates x 10, 5 plates x 10, 6 plates x 10, 6 plates + 25 x 10

Single-leg squats, weighted 2 sets

Single-leg extension 2 sets AMAP

Single-leg curl 2 sets AMAP

Standing calf raise 2 sets AMAP

Abduction/adduction machine 1 set x 20 each

Weighted ab work 3 sets

Face pulls 2 sets x 15

21 August 2012

Bench press 280 lbs. x 3 sets x 6, 1 set x 7

Seated military press 185x3, 205x2, 225x1, 185x3

Pulldowns 4 sets x 15, light

DB skullcrushers (60s) x8, x 6 x 2 sets

Barbell curls 4 sets (12, 12, 10, 5)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Training - Pull

16 August 2012

Below-knee pull

135x10 - 225x5 - 315x2 - 385x1 - 415x1 - 435x1 - 455x1

This is the toughest deadlift variation for me as my deads usually stall right about knee level. Hit 455 lbs., which beats my previous best of 435, which is not bad.

Shrugs 435 lbs x 6, x 8, x 7 - didn't quite get the 3x8, but this was pretty good.

Weighted hyperextension 2 sets x 8-10

Weighted ab work 4 sets x 12-15

Single-leg curl - 20 total reps per leg

Low pulley row 4 sets x 12-15 reps (light)

Shrugs in standing calf raise machine (new favorite) 2 sets - just playing around with these, but they hit the traps quite hard.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Training - Bench Press

14 August 2012

Bench press 280 lbs. x 4 sets x 6

Pulldowns 4 sets x 15 (light), 1 set x 6 (heavy)

Seated military front press 135x6, 185x3, 205x2, 225x1

Face pulls 2 sets x 15

DB skullcrushers 55s x 3 sets x 8

Barbell bicep curl 95 lbs. x 30 reps as a giant rest-pause set

Incline seated DB curl 2 sets x 15, light

Monday, August 13, 2012

Training - Legs

12 August 2012

Back squat warmup, then 335x5, 405x5, 445 lbs. x 3 sets x 5

Leg press 4 plates x 10, 5 plates x 10, 6 plates x 10, 7 plates x 8

Single-leg extensions 2 sets AMAP

Single-leg curls 2 sets AMAP

Standing calf raise (full stack) 2 sets AMAP

Abductor/adductor machines 1 set x 20 each

Bench Press Training

11 August 2012

Bench press 308 lbs. x 5 sets x 3 (supposed to do 305 but used heavy collars)

Close-grip BP 215 lbs. x 10

Wide-grip BP 225 lbs. x 10

Pulldowns 5 sets

DB skullcrushers 55s 3 sets x 8

DB hammer curls 45s 3 sets x 12

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Deadlift Training

8 August 2012

Stiff-leg deadlift 135x10, 225x5, 275x5, 325x5, then 225x5 as back-off

Weighted abs x 3 sets x 12-15

Seated DB shrugs 85xx10, 95sx12, 105sx12, 115sx15x2 sets

T-bar row 2 plates x 15 x 2 sets, 2 plates + 25 x 10 x 2 sets

Single-leg curls 2 sets x 8 per leg

Training - Bench Press & Shoulders

7 August 2012

Bench press 280 lbs. 2 sets x 6, 2 sets x 5

Starting to slow down on the BP, couldn't complete all four sets at 280. But it was a 75% kind of day, so I'm pretty sure I'll get the 4x6 next time.

Pulldowns 3 sets x 15, light

Snatch-grip standing BTN press 135 lbs. x 3x3

Seated military press 205x2, 225x1, 245xfail

DB skullcrushers 3 sets x 8 w. 55s

DB hammer curls 3 sets x 12, light

EZ bar drag curls 2 x 10

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Squat Training

5 August 2012

Back squat 315x5, 385x5, 435 x 3 sets x 5 reps

Leg press 4 plates x 10, 5 plates x 10, 6 plates x 10, 7 plates x 10

Split squats 1 set BW, 2 sets w. 20-lb. DBs

Abductor / adductor machine 1 set each

Standing calf raise 1 set AMAP w. stack

Bench Press - Heavy Day

4 August 2012

Bench press 300 lbs. x 5 sets x 3 (easy)

Close-grip BP 205 lbs. x 10

Wide-grip BP 215 lbs. x 10

Pulldowns 3 sets x 15

T-bar rows 3 sets x 15

DB skullcrushers, 55s x 3 sets x 8

Barbell curls 4 sets x 15

Weighted abs 3 sets x 12

Deadlift Training

1 August 2012

Deficit deadlift - 135x5, 225x5, 315x2, 335x1, 365x1, 375 lbs. x 1

Shrugs 405x8, 425x7, 425x7

Low pulley rows 3 sets x 10

Bench / Overhead Press Training

31 July 2012

Bench press 275 lbs. x 3 sets x 6, 1 set x 7

Bent-over rows, light 4 sets

Seated front military press warmup, 185x3, 205 x 2, 220 x 1

DB skullcrushers, 55s x 3 sets x 8

Incline bench DB curls 3 sets x 10

Weighted abdominals 3 sets x 10-12

Monday, July 30, 2012

Squat Training

29 July 2012

Back squat:

Warmup - 315x5 - 385x5 - 425 x 3 sets x 5

Leg press (all for 10 reps) - 4 plates - 5 plates - 6 plates - 7 plates

Split squat 1 set unweighted, 1 set +25 lb. DBs

Single-leg extension 2 sets AMAP

Abductor / adductor machine 1 set each

Light KB swings x 2 x 20 reps (w. 35-lb. KB)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Bench Press Training

28 July 2012

Bench press, regular 270 lbs. 3 sets x 6, 1 set x 7

Pullups bodyweight x 5, +10 lbs x 4 sets x 5, 1 set x 4

Seated front military press 135x3, 185x3, 205x2, 215x1, 225x1

DB skullcrushers 50s x 3 sets x 8

DB hammer curls 50s 3 sets x 6-8

DB incline bench curls 3 sets x 10

Chest-supported rear delt flys 2 sets x 12-15

Face pulls 2 sets x 12

Ab work 3 sets, weighted

Friday, July 27, 2012

Deadlift Training - Stiff Legged Pulls

26 July 2012

Warmup - light squats up to 275 lbs. x 2

Stiff-leg deadlift:

135 x 8 - 225 x 5 - 275 x 5 - 315 x 5

All double overhand. Took fewer sets to hit the top weight for the day than last time and it worked well.

Barbell shrugs 405 x 8, 425 x 2 sets x 8

Split squats 1 set unweighted, 1 set with 20-lb. dumbbells

Single-leg curls 2 sets as many as possible

Abductor machine 1 set

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Bench Press Training

23 July 2012 - Cardio (rowing and cycling), then 3 sets x 12 reps T-Bar rows

24 July 2012

Bench press 260 lbs. x 3 sets x 6, 1 set x 8 (smoked it this time)

Then did some cleans&presses with a strongman log, 3 sets + 2 sets bent-over row

DB seated incline curls 4 sets x 10

DB skullcrushers (50 lbs.) 3 sets x 6

Monday, July 23, 2012

Squat Training Plus PM Workout

22 July 2012

Back squat - warmup, 315x5, 375x5, 415x 3 sets x 5

Leg press 10 reps with 5, 6, then 7 plates

Split squats x 3 sets

Catching Up

21 July 2012

Bench press 260 lbs. x 2 sets x 6, 2 sets x 5 - was supposed to hit 260x4x6, but triceps gave out. My endurance is really shitty, on the first 2 sets I felt like I could do 10 reps with the weight and then crapped out by set 3.

Seated front military press - worked up to 205x2, then 215 x 1, 225 x 1 and 235 x 1, the latter 2 being PRs. 245 lbs. didn't come up, but I'm still pretty stoked (especially after all the bench pressing).

Ultra-wide-grip standing BTN press 135 lbs. 3x3

Thick bar curls x 5 sets

DB skullcrushers x 3 sets x 8 w. 45s (will move up to 50s next time)

Deadlift Training

19 July 2012

Pull from mid-shin:

135x10 - 225x5 - 315x2 - 365x1 - 405x1 - 425x1 - 455x1

Shrugs 405 x 8 - 425 x 2 sets x 8

T-bar rows 3 sets x 8-12 (last set was 3 plates + 25 for 8)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bench Press Training Plus Pushups

Yesterday (16 July) - cardio training + biceps

Cardio - 2 x 5 minutes on rower, 2 x 5 minutes on static bike, medium effort

Biceps - DB preacher curls, 3 sets x 6-8 reps with 40 lbs. Arms were pretty tired after the rowing.

Today (17 July)

Bench press 255 lbs. x 3 sets x 6, 1 set x 7 reps

Bent-over barbell row, light, 4 sets x 10-12 reps (heaviest was with 205 lbs., I think)

Dips bodyweight x 10, weighted (50 lbs.) 3 sets x 5

DB skullcrushers 3 sets x 8 with 45s

Band-resisted close-grip pushups 3 sets x 10 (killer)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Squat Training

15 July 2012

Back squat warmup, then 315x5, 365x5, 405x3 sets x 5

Leg press 4 plates x10, 5 plates x 10, 6 plates x 10

Split squats (BW) x 5 sets

Standing calf raise x 1 set AMAP with stack

Light ab work x a lot

Bench Press Training

14 July 2012

Bench press 245 lbs. x 6 x 3 sets, x 8 x 1 set

Bench row x 4 sets

Snatch-grip standing BTN press - worked up to 155 lbs. x 1, which I believe is a new PR

Seated front military press - worked up to 205 x 2, 215 lbs. x 1

Misc Training - With Cardio

Highlights only.

10 July 2012

Bench press, light, 245 lbs. x 4 sets x 6 (shoulders and arms felt beat up, like I was lifting 285 or more)

Barbell bent-over rows – can’t remember the poundage, but it was low and reps were high. 4 sets.

Snatch-grip standing BTN press 3 low-rep sets up to 135 lbs. x 2

DB preacher curls 3 sets x 6

DB skullcrushers 3 sets x 6-7

11 July 2012

Cardio (hurrah!) – Concept2 rower 2 sets x 5-8 minutes, some sort of elliptical machine 10 minutes, some crunches

12 July 2012

5-rep-max stiff-leg deadlifts. Discovered a piriformis injury, i.e. my ass and lower back cramp up severely on the left side when I lift. Still managed to complete the deads.

115x10 – 225 x 5 – 255 x 5 – 275 x 5 – 295 x 5 – 305 x 5, hamstrings sore like hell today

Shrugs 405 x 3 sets x 8

Low pulley rows 3 sets

Face pulls 2 sets

Lots of light ab sets (crunches), rehab for piriformis (tough to get at) – foam rolling and stretching

Leg Training

8 July 2012

Weak effort today, going back to low-rep training next week. Also my legs felt tired and lower back got uncomfortably pumped (to the point it felt like it was going to burst), no idea why.
Safety bar box squats:
175x12 – 200 x 12 – 225 x 12 – 245 x 10 – 265 x 8 – 285 x 6

Leg press: 3 plates x 20, 4 plates x 20, 5 plates x 10
Single-leg extensions 1 set AMAP
Single-leg curls 1 set x AMAP
Weighted abs x 2 sets, unweighted x 1 set

Then did some hanging off a bar to stretch my back and some Bulgarian split squats with no weight. I’m surprisingly weak at this movement and need to do it more. I also need to stretch and rest my lower back this week: I did some foam rolling over the weekend and found all sorts of horrible knots in it.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Going for a Max in the Bench Press

6 July 2012

Great day today. As planned, I went for a new BP max and got it. Here's how it went:

Warmup - sets of 2-5 reps with weights up to 225 lbs.
255 x 1 - 285 x 1 - 315 x 1 - 345 x 1 - 370 x 1 (PR by 10 lbs.)

Debated whether I should go for 365 or 370 on the last attempt. 315 felt like 215, so I decided to be ambitious. My form was shitty and I raised my ass off the bench toward the end of the lift, but I'll take it. I'm pretty stoked about hitting 370 this early in the year; this was my target weight for 2012, so I might add a pound or two to it by year-end. Still over 5 months to go.

Bent-over rows, light, 4 sets x 10-12

DB preacher curls 3 sets

DB skullcrushers 3 sets

Chest-supported DB reverse flyes 2 sets, high reps w. 15-lb. DBs

Standing ultra-wide-grip BTN press 3 sets, light

Training - Deadlift

5 July 2012

I'm starting a new deadlift program, a bastardization of Brad Gillingham's pull template that I got from the lift-run-bang. com website. It alternates pulling from different heights in the power rack for max singles with 5-rep sets of stiff-leg deadlifts, then back to the floor building up to a max single. The entire program takes 24 weeks and I'm hoping it'll finally put me over the 500 lbs. mark. My deadlift has sucked long enough - I'm determined to make it at least mediocre this year.

First day - pull from below knee

I thought this would be easier than pulling from mid-shin. Turns out I'm even weaker at this point than from the middle. I've hit 600 from less than two inches higher (above knee), but I can't even pull my full-ROM max from just below the knee. Lots of work ahead...

135x10 - 225x5 - 310x2 - 385x1 - 415x1 - 435x1 - 455 x fail

Shrugs 405x8 - 415x8 - 425x8

Hanging leg raises 3 sets

Single-leg curl 1 set

T-bar rows 3 sets x 10 (2 plates x 1 set, 3 plates x 2 sets)

Training - Overhead Press

4 July 2012
Ultra-wide-grip standing BTN press: worked up to 135 lbs. x 2 in sets of 3 and 2
Seated front military press: warmup, 185x3, 205x2, 215x1, 225xfail
Pullups: bodyweight 2 sets x 5, +10 lbs. 5x5
Close-grip bench press 185x5, 225x5, 255x3, 275x1
Barbell curls 5 sets
Parallel-grip DB skullcrushers 3 sets x 8

Monday, July 2, 2012

Training - Squats

2 July 2012

Safety squat bar squats (little to no rest between sets):


Leg press 3 plates x 20, 4 plates x 20, 5 plates x 2 x 10

Single-leg extension 2 sets x AMAP

Single-leg curl 2 sets x AMAP

Standing calf raise 2 sets x AMAP

Ab work 4 sets x 20-30 reps (crunches)

Training - Bench Press

1 July 2012

Bench press, regular - 275x1, 300x1, 330 x 2 x 2, then 265 x 8

Close-grip BP 225x5, 275x3, 295x2

Then two slow negatives with 335 lbs.

Barbell bent-over row 3 sets x 10-12 reps

Barbell curl 5 sets x 5-12 reps

High pulley bicep curl 3 sets x 8-10

Face pulls x 20, x 12

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Training - Deadlift

30 June 2012

Great session today, hit a PR in the pull from mid-shin. Time to get back to the floor and see if I can finally break 455.

Deadlift from mid-shin: warmup, then 405x1, 425x1, 445x1, 465x1 (PR)

Shrug: 405x8, 415x8, 425x5

T-bar row 2 plates x 12, 3 plates x 10, 3 plates + 10 x 9

Calf raise, standing 1 set x AMAP

Single-leg curl 1 set x AMAP

Ab work x a couple of sets

Training - Bench Press

28 June 2012

Came to the gym very hungover today, just to get some work in. It was a solid 70% session overall, better than expected but definitely not strong. I'll repeat the bench press workout on Sunday, I want to hit 330x2x2 before gunning for a max next weekend.

Bench press, regular: warmup, 275x1, 300x1, 325x2, then 265x5, 275x3

Close-grip bench press 245x4, 255x3

Seated low pulley row 3 sets x 8-10

Overhead pulley bicep curl 4 sets x 8-12

Rope pushdowns 4 sets x 8-12

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Training - Safety Bar Squats

26 June 2012

High-rep squats to box with SSB, pushed until my legs refused to bend anymore:


Leg press 3 plates x 20, 4 plates x 20, 5 plates x 15, x 10

Single-leg extension 2 sets AMAP

Single-leg curl 2 sets AMAP

Standing calf raise 2 sets AMAP

Adductor machine 1 set x 20

Light abs x a lot

Training - Medium-Heavy Press

25 June 2012

Seated BTN press: warmup, then 185 lbs. x 4 sets x 5

Pullups/chinups +10 lbs. 5x5

T-bar rows 3 sets x 10

DB lateral raise 1 set x 10

DBfront raise 1 set x 10

Barbell curls 5 sets, reps from 12 to 5

DB skullcrushers (45s) 3 sets x 8

Some Training Updates

Getting lazy posting my training sessions, here’s a brief recap of last couple weeks (from memory, no details):
12 June 2012
Squat – sets of 5, worked up to 455 x 4 and 465 x 3
Leg press 3 sets of 20
13 June 2012
OH Press - worked up to 185 x 3, 195 x 2, 210 lbs. x 1
Close-grip bench press with chains – 3-4 sets
16 June 2012
Bench press, back and arms:
Bench press regular 310 lbs. x 2 x 2
Pullups/chin-ups 5 or 6 sets of 5
17 June 2012
Deadlift from mid-shin (weak point): pulled 405 x 1, 415 x 1, 435 x fail
T-bar rows x 3 sets
Weighted abs
18 June 2012
OH press – 185 x 4, 205 x 3, 215 lbs. x 1
Paused bench press (5-second hold at chest) up to 265 lbs. x 1
Barbell curls 5 sets (up to a heavy weight x 5), then thick-bar curls x 3 sets
Pullups / chin-ups 5x5
Don’t know what kind of thick bar this is, but I can’t wrap my hands around it fully and it weighs 85 lbs. Quite a little beast.
Tricep extensions lying on bench with dumbbells – like skullcrushers with a neutral grip – 3 sets
20 June 2012
High-rep squat training with safety squat bar: did parallel box squats with SSB, alternating with a training partner (no rest between sets except to wait until the other guy is finished). Light weight, but it absolutely killed my legs and abdominals. Weights and reps below:
Then leg press: 3 plates x 20, 4 plates x 20, 5 plates x 2 sets x 12
Then some single-leg extensions and curls (3 sets x 7-8 reps)
Had trouble walking for a few days.
21 June 2012
Bench press – worked up to 315 lbs. x 2, 325 lbs. x 2
Close-grip BP 255 lbs. x 3 sets x 3, then 275 lbs. x 2, 295 lbs. x 1
Back work – pull-ups, rows, etc., fairly high reps except on pull-ups
Arms – barbell and thick bar bicep curls (a bunch of sets, probably 8-9 in total), tricep extension with dumbbells for sets of 8
24 June 2012
Deadlift from sticking point – 425 lbs. x 1, 435 lbs. x 1 (PR)
Shrugs 405 lbs. x 2 sets x 8, 425 lbs. x 1 set x 5
T-bar rows 3 sets x 10
Good mornings, light, 2 sets x 10
Weighted abs 2 sets x 8
Single-leg curls 1 set x 8

Monday, June 11, 2012

Deadlift Training With a Twist

11 June 2012

Tried deadlifts from mid-shin today for the first time and will definitely use this as my main deadlift movement going forward.

Deadlift from mid-shin:

135 lbs. x 10, 225 lbs. x 5, 315 lbs. x 2
365 lbs. x 1
405 lbs. x 1 (easy - felt almost like a pull above the knee)
435 lbs. x fail. The bar was stapled to the pins, no matter how I tried. Seeing as I can lift this weight anytime, this tells me I've found a weak point.

Wanted to do some more but I let some tools work in and they just wouldn't leave for about an hour.

Smith machine shrugs 3 sets x 10 reps warmup, then 4 plates + 10 lbs. x 8, 4 plates + 25 lbs. x 7

Glute-ham raise 1 set x 8

Short workout, will try to hit more below-the-knee pulls next time.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Bench Press Training

9 June 2012

Low on energy today, plus I'm plagued by weird sinus issues. I've felt tired and crappy for several days now and haven't hit the gym since Tuesday.

Bench press, regular - 300 lbs. x 4, x 3 (not too bad all things considered)

Bench press, close grip - 245 lbs. x 4, 235 lbs. x 5

Bent-over rows 5 sets x 10 reps w. barbell

Ultra-wide-grip standing BTN press 3 sets, light, low reps

Pullups 3 sets x 5

Dips, BW x 12, weighted x 3 sets x 5

Face pulls x 3 sets

Barbell bicep curls + tricep pushdowns 6 sets x 8 (curls) and 5 (pushdowns)


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Training - Squat and Press

4 June 2012

Back squat:

Warmup x a few sets
315 lbs. x 5
365 lbs. x 5
415 lbs. x 5
435 lbs. x 5 (with belt)
455 lbs. x 4

Leg press 3 sets x 20 (progressively heavier), 1 set x 12

One-leg extension x 4 sets

One-leg curl x 4 sets

Abductor and adductor machines - 1 set x 20 each

5 June 2012

Seated behind-the-neck press:

135 lbs. x 5
155 lbs. x 5
175 lbs. x 5
185 lbs. x 5
195 lbs. x 3
200 lbs. x 3

Pullups 6 sets x 5

Close-grip bench press with medium chains: 3 sets of 5, then 245 x 3, 265 x 1

T-bar rows 3 sets x 10

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Recent Training

28 May 2012
Back squat:
Warmup x a few sets and reps
315 lbs. x 5
365 lbs. x 3
405 lbs. x 5
415 lbs. x 5
425 lbs. x 5 (added belt)
435 lbs. x 5
Glute-ham raise 4 sets x 6-8 reps
Leg press 3 sets x 20 reps

29 May 2012
Seated behind-the-neck press – worked up to 185 lbs. x 2
Seated military front press – hit 185 lbs. x 3, then 205 lbs. x 1
Pullups 6 sets x 5
T-bar rows 3 sets x 8-10 reps
Long-pause bench press (5 seconds at chest) – worked up to 275 lbs. x 1

31 May 2012
135 lbs. x 10
225 lbs. x 5
315 lbs. x 2
365 lbs. x 2
405 lbs. x 1
455 lbs. x 1 (matched previous PR after three weeks of no deadlifting... might be on to something here)
Good-mornings, 3 sets x 6-8 (bent knees slightly and went as deep as possible, light weight)
Weighted situps, heavy, 4-5 sets
Smith machine shrugs 4 sets x 8-10
Low pulley rows, 6 sets x 6-10 reps (went really heavy on these on last 3 sets, felt good)
2 June 2012
Bench press:
Regular - worked up to 290 lbs. x 2 sets x 5
Close-grip - 245 lbs. x 5, 255 lbs. x 4
DB flyes 40 lbs. x AMAP
Pulldowns 5 sets
Smith machine bent-over rows 4 sets
Dips 1 set unweighted, 2 sets weighted
DB preacher curls + DB skullcrushers 3 sets

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Bench Press Training - First Day Back

27 May 2012

First day back, went to the gym to do some pressing. I've gained around 7 lbs. on my vacation (up to 210), mostly fat and bloat. Not great, not bad. It definitely made the pressing feel easier.

Bench press, regular: warmup, then 285 lbs. x 2 sets x 5

Bench press, close grip: 235 lbs. x 6, felt light so I added weight and did 245 lbs. x 5

Incline bench press: 205 lbs. x 2 sets x 5

Pullups 5x5

Smith machine bent-over rows x 4-5 sets, 5-10 reps (went heavy on the last 2)

Ultra-wide-grip standing behind-the-neck press 3 sets, light

Face pulls x 4 sets x 15-20 reps

DB preacher curls x 4 sets

Light ab work x a lot

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Quick Update On Work / Vacation Training

I've hit the gym about 4 times in two weeks or so and have been doing some random shit with cables almost every day. Worked up to a medium-heavy weight on some lifts - bench press 145 kgs x 1, 130 x 3 x 2, squat 200 kgs x 3, bent-over rows up to 110 kgs x 5. No deadlifts. Eating and drinking too much, but hopefully won't lose too much strength (or gain too much fat). Back to regular training on Monday.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Training - Press

7 May 2012

Bench press:

Regular 265 lbs. x 2 sets x 8

Close-grip 225 lbs. x 6

DB flyes 40 lbs. x AMAP

Pullups 5x5

Dips, weighted 3 sets x 5

Smith machine bent-over rows 4 sets x 5-10

Wide-grip standing BTN presses x 5, x 3 (light)

EZ bar skullcrushers 2 sets

Machine preacher curls x 4 sets

Curl with elbows against wall 3 sets

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Training - Squats, Sets of 5

5 May 2012

Back squat:

Warmup x a few sets
315 lbs. x 5
365 lbs. x 5
405 lbs. x 5
415 lbs. x 5
425 lbs. x 5
435 lbs x 5 (with belt)

Single-leg press 2 sets x 10

Single-leg curl 3 sets x 6-8

Single-leg extension 3 sets x 6-8

Deadlift 2 sets x 5, light

Ab work x a lot

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Training - Bench Press

3 May 2012

Turns out I'm going out of town next week and won't be back before the end of May. Hopefully I'll be able to do some lifting on the road; if not, I'll make sure I get plenty of cable work in. I haven't been logging it, but I am slowly getting back into cables, mostly high-rep stuff with light resistance on off days.

So the plan is to overtrain slightly, then use the time away to recover.

Bench press 255 lbs. x 2 sets x 8

Close-grip BP 215 lbs. x 7

Wide-grip BP 195 lbs. x 8

Pulldowns - did a 5-4-3-2-1 scheme ending with 240 lbs. x 1

Low cable rows 3 sets x 10 w/ moderate weight

Dips: bodyweight x 10, +25 lbs. x 2 sets x 5

Dead-stop standing BTN press, very wide grip - worked up to a double with light weight, 3 sets overall

Barbell skullcrushers x 2 sets

Bicep supersets: One-arm DB preacher curl + barbell preacher curl x 3 sets

Training - Deadlift

2 May 2012


135x10, 225x5, 315x2
380 lbs. x 1
425 lbs. x 1
450 lbs. x 1
365 lbs. x 2

Not bad, the 450x1 is close to my all-time best (455x1) and it felt solid. If I hadn't taken that attempt I would've gone for 465 or something. Maybe next week.

Light squat 2 sets x 5 with about 205 lbs. ('cause I felt like it)

Seated chest-supported rows 2 sets x 10

Smith machine shrugs 3 sets x 8-10

Glute-ham raise 3 sets x 5

Weighted back hyperextensions 2 sets x 5

Weighted situps 2 sets x 5

Light ab work x a lot of sets and reps

Monday, April 30, 2012

Training - Overhead Press

30 April 2012

I'm still struggling to find some sort of consistent form on overhead presses, behind-the-neck military still sucks but I made up for it with heavy volume.

Warmup: standing press 135 lbs. x 5, 155 lbs. x 3, 175 lbs. x 2, 185 lbs. x 2

Behind-the-neck seated press 185 lbs. x 2, 195 lbs. x 2, 165 lbs. x 3 (shoulder felt strained)

Seated front military press 165 lbs. x 3, 185 lbs. x 2, 205 lbs. x 1, 215 lbs. x 1 (not too hard)

Pullups (able to do these again) 5x5

Long-pause bench press (5 seconds) - worked up to 275 lbs. x 1, smoked it

Seated low cable rows 3 sets x 10

Dips bodyweight x 10, x 10, x 12

Seated HammerStrength rows 2 sets x 10

One-arm machine preacher curls 4 sets x failure

Training - Squat, Light

29 April 2012

Nice and easy session, ditched the belt and wraps and squatted 100% RAWDAWG.

Back squat:

Warmup x a few singles and doubles
315 lbs. x 5
365 lbs. x 5
405 lbs. x 5 x 3 sets

Single-leg press 3 sets x 6-10 reps, varying resistance

Glute-ham raise 3 sets x 5

Single-leg curl 2 sets x 8

Single-leg extension 3 sets x 5-8

Ab work x a lot

Training - Bench Press

28 April 2012

Bench press: 245 lbs. x 2 sets x 10

Close-grip BP 205 lbs. x 1 set x 10

Wide-grip BP 185 lbs. x 1 set x 10

DB flyes 40 lbs. x as many reps as possible

Pulldowns 5 sets x 5-10 reps

Face pulls x 4 sets x many

Dips: bodyweight x 10, +25 lbs. x 5, +35 lbs. x 5

Bicep supersets: DB preacher curl + barbell preacher curl x 3 sets

Barbell skullcrushers to behind head 2 sets x 8
Ab work x a lot

Training - Pulls

26 April 2012


135x10, 225x5, 315x2

370 lbs. x 1

415 lbs. x 1

440 lbs. x 1 (harder than I thought, but it went up)

Smith machine shrugs:

1 plate x 12, 2 plates x 10, 3 plates x 6 x 2 sets

Glute-ham raise 3 sets x 5
Smith machine bent-over row with shrug x 2 sets
Leg raises 2 sets x 10

Training - Misc Press

24 April 2012

Didn’t feel too strong today, did a bunch of stuff I felt like doing rather than stick to a plan.

Standing OH press:

135 lbs. x 8

155 lbs. x 3

185 lbs. x 3

205 lbs. x 1

Long-pause bench press (5-second pause) – worked up to 275 lbs. x 1, didn’t go that well today (almost got stapled by the 275)

 T-bar rows x 4 sets x 8-10 reps (ended last couple of sets with scapular shrugs)
Pullups 3 sets x 5
Seated HammerStrength rows 2 sets x 10 plus scapular shrugs
Dips: bodyweight x 12, x 10, + big chain x 5, + big chain and little chain x 5 x 3 sets

Squat Training - PR - The Big 500

23 April 2012

Back squat:

Warmup x a bunch of sets

315 lbs. x 2, 365 lbs. x 2, 405 lbs. x 1 (added belt + wraps on the last one)

430 lbs. x 1

470 lbs. x 1

500 lbs. x 1 (personal best)

Very happy about this. I've been working toward this for a long time. I took some footage of the lift which I will post as soon as it is edited. The video revealed a lot of surprising things about me doing heavy squats - it's a whole different story once the weights get over 400-450.

Single-leg work:

Leg press x 3 sets x 6-10 reps per leg

Leg curl x 3 sets x 6-8 reps per leg

Leg extension x 2 sets x 10 reps per leg

Glute-ham raise x 1 set

Ab work – light x a lot

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Training - Bench Press

22 April 2012

I decided to run another cycle of the Ed Coan bench program. It has worked well for me in the past, pushing my stalled bench press to 345, then 360 lbs. In preparation for it I did a high-rep session today, which was painful and embarrassing (reps over 5 are very hard for me with anything over 200 lbs. and I tend to fail utterly even with light weights). Rep work is something I need to get better at and it should build some extra muscle for the heavier phases.

I’ll be doing a modified “light bench press” day in addition to the regular bench press session, which will be either heavy shoulders + chest flyes or incline bench press + moderate shoulder work (haven’t decided yet).

I’m attempting a 500-lb. squat tomorrow. Regardless of how that goes, I’ve decided to cycle back on the squats (either do light sets of 8-10 or triples with a moderate weight for a few months) as the heavy squat program is beating me up severely and my deadlift is not moving as well as I’d like it to. So I’ll have more energy to dedicate to pulling and pressing.

Bench press 245 lbs. x 9 x 2 sets (failed to get the 10th rep twice - pathetic)

Close-grip bench press 205 lbs. x 8, x 10

Incline bench press 155 lbs. x 8, 185 lbs. x 4 (my arms had given up by this point)

Pulldowns 4 sets x 8-10 reps

Seated HammerStrength rows 3 sets x 10-12 reps

Dips – bodyweight x 12, x 10, x 8

One-arm machine preacher curls 4 sets to failure

Tricep pushdowns x 12 reps
Light ab work x a lot

Training - Deadlifts

19 April 2012

I pulled a muscle in my left buttock or something, hurt quite a bit while deadlifting.


135 lbs. x 10, 225 lbs. x 5, 315 lbs. x 2

365 lbs. x 1

405 lbs. x 1

430 lbs. x 1 (nice and easy, except for the pulled muscle pain)

Was tired after this, did a bunch of light stuff and went home:

Glute-ham raise x 2 sets

Weighted ab machine x 10 x 2 sets

Back hyperextensions x 10

Light ab work x a ton

Training - Shoulders

18 April 2012

 Another weak OH pressing session, but got a lot of volume in. A 75%.

Seated BTN press:

Bar x a bunch, 95 lbs. x 5, 135 lbs. x 3

160 lbs. x 5

170 lbs. x 4

180 lbs. x 3

190 lbs. x 2

200 lbs. x 1, x 1

190 lbs. x 1

165 lbs. x 5 

Pulldowns 5 sets x 5-8 reps

Seated HammerStrength rows 4 sets x 10

Paused bench press (5-second pause on chest) – worked up to 280 lbs. x 1. Getting better at this.

Dips bodyweight x 10 x 2 sets, + big chain x 5

Seated cable rows x 2 sets x 10

Bicep superset: DB preacher curl + barbell preacher curl x 3 sets